Понедельник, 16 Июнь 2008 |
In Dagestan the premiere of ‘In Your Hands’ was held. It is based on real events – the taking of hostages during ‘Nord-Ost’. For a long time, author Natalya Pelevayn had unsuccessfully tried to interest Russian theaters, primarily in Moscow, in her play. According to her, “there were people who were afraid that after this the state would no longer give money to the theater, or that somehow it would affect them personally, but someone came out and said, you know, Natalie, on reflection, I want to say honestly that people just won't come see it.” Only the principal director of the Russian Drama Theatre in Makhachkala, Skanderbek Tulparov, decided to host it. The audience gave it a standing ovation. Representatives of the government, however, did not just make a big show out of storming out of the auditorium — the next day the show was pulled from the stage on orders of the leadership of Dagestan, even though two more premieres were planned and tickets to these had been already been sold.
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Пятница, 30 Май 2008 |
Dear President Medvedev, In three coordinated bombings of apartment buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, 292 people were murdered, including our mother Lyubov Morozova. We are writing this open letter to call on you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, to order an independent, open and full investigation of these attacks. Although these crimes were blamed on Chechen terrorists and used to justify the resumption of a full-scale war against Chechnya later that month, there are numerous indications that Russian security services may have been involved. There is also clear evidence of a cover-up by the authorities. We do not consider this case solved. Let us remind you of some of the facts: Comments (1) | Views: 4019 | E-mail |
Вторник, 20 Май 2008 |
There are no translations available На очередное обращение, направленное пострадавшими от теракта в Волгодонске на имя Председателя Государственной Думы Б. В. Грызлова, с просьбой принять федеральный закон о социальной защите лиц, пострадавших от террористических актов в Российской Федерации, получена очередная отписка со ссылкой на Федеральный закон «О противодействии терроризму». Однако в этом законе нет ничего о людях, получивших инвалидность в результате теракта (пенсия таким людям назначается по общему заболеванию без учета потери трудоспособности), о статусе детей, родившихся у матерей, получивших тяжелые травмы. Возмещение ущерба возложено всецело на осужденных террористов, т. е. это заведомо невыполнимо. К тому же не существует строки расходов в Бюджете РФ на социальную реабилитацию пострадавших от теракта. Спасение утопающих – дело рук самих утопающих, поэтому председатель Координационного Совета РОО СЗППТ «Волга-Дон» Ирина Халай предложила внести на рассмотрение составом ГД РФ проект закона «О социальной защите прав пострадавших от терактов России»:
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Суббота, 12 Апрель 2008 |
MOSCOW, April 11. The play ‘In their hands’ (‘Everything is in your hands’ — Editor, Nord-ost.org), from the screenplay by British playwright Natalya Pelevayn, is about the tragedy in the Dubrovka theater. It has been shown in Dagestan, and may be performed in Beslan as well as in Italian in Italy, said Pelevayn in an interview with ‘RIA Novosti’. The premiere of the play in Russian took place in Makhachkala on April 4th, 2008. The action revolves around conversations between a female journalist taken hostage by terrorists in the theater, and a female suicide bomber. Actors depicting suicide bombers and armed men in camouflage stand at the exits during the performance. Originally the play was performed in English in London, while the show in Dagestan was the first time it had been done in Russian.
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Четверг, 10 Апрель 2008 |
That night at 11:30pm, raiders burst into the office of Lev Ponomarev’s movement, ‘For Human Rights’ (FHR). They entered by removing the emergency exit door from a nearby stairwell, and then occupied the second floor. The raiders blocked the stairs with pieces of tin roofing, sacks of cement, concrete slabs, and iron rails (!). The office's new ‘owners’ showed no ownership documents, but despite this the police did not interfere. Even though it was already late, around 20 activists from various social and political organizations came together to stop the lawlessness. Last night Suren Yedigarov from the United Civil Front heroically distinguished himself. He climbed a drainpipe to the second floor and after overcoming resistance from the raiders he began to take apart the obstruction the bandits had built on the stairs. He explained his actions by saying: “They should know they can’t do this to us!” The hijackers then chose to retire, and the obstruction between the first and second floors was dismantled. We used the remaining rubble to block the emergency exit and prevent a repeat of the assault by the raiders. Comments (1) | Views: 7837 | E-mail |
Воскресенье, 06 Апрель 2008 |
Public outraged by cancellation of Dagestan performance of play about ‘Nord-Ost’ In Makhachkala yesterday, on April 5th, hundreds came to a second showing of a play on the events in the theater on Dubrovka, but it had been canceled. Organizers of the show refer to an unofficial ban by the president of Dagestan.
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