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Journalist Anna Politkovskaya tells
Written by Íàäåæäà Êåâîðêîâà   
Ïîíåäåëüíèê, 28 Îêòÿáðü 2002



Anna Politkovskaya is a commentator of the «New newspaper», author of reporting from Chechnya, where it weekly rides during three years. It was arrested, repeatedly threatened violence for journalistic investigations. Exactly it obtained, that in DK (recreation centre) allowed to bring 700 litres of water and juices which it delivered hostages own hands. In an interview Anna Politkovskaya declared the special correspondent of Newspaper to Nadezhda Kevorkovoy, that, on its opinion, it is possible it was to do without deaths of innocent people.

You talk that all could pass and make off peacefully. How can it was this chance be realized?

Ten of deaths, when a chance to release all was. Failure. Negotiations in general were required by nobody. No negotiations are necessary it was — herein was plus situations. They required only two things in an order to release all of hostages (all of other could be then),— it, strictly speaking, to, that it was allowed me to write (so did not let to write down) down — gave a paper sheet (torn up from an ordinary notebook in a cage page. it is Newspaper). First: word of Putin on a television set, that war is halted. I asked them: «Do you want, that this was a decree?» But a decree signs difficultly… No, simply word of Putin, that war is halted. Second: on next days after the word of Putin concrete step — that out of concrete district of Chechnya troops are shown. I, naturally, was very scared this moment, began to ask, in what district. Because if they began to talk that in Vedenskom — and majority were from there from them,— to it would be very difficult, because Vedenskiy a district napichkan soldiery. And they said me: «No, from any, however us». This requirement can it was be executed, because there are such districts, where very much little troops, and from there it was simple to show out them. It enabled to execute for two days to, that they want. Here already to the evening we «hung» up above it: here and Putin already… here already and Yavlinskiy sits for him, pinned him… and Alexander Voloshin. To 9 hours (evenings on Friday. it is Newspaper) all was normal, because at the observance of these two points the third point of all of hostages would release — without talks and requirements. And fourth is already the not point of plan, not requirement: «we remain inwardly». It was not clear: do they want to fly away, leave? I asked: «Do you want an airplane, money, to Saudovskuyu Arabia?» — «No, we remain to militate, we want to die in a fight, we understand perfectly, that we nothing as compared to „Alpha“ which will begin assault, but we remain, to die in a fight». Religious sense here for them was, it is clear.

 Soldiery did belong with kind regards to you? However water for people it was only let you to bring…

What you talk about… At the best such soft hissing… But when they understood that they can from me know to, that they must were know without me… Present, nobody walks there, nobody knows that takes a place there. They prepare to some operation, and nobody knows that takes a place there! They set me questions which I nemela from. They do not understand that is created in a chechen environment in general, who negotiations are possible with, with whom — no. They must know it, and we must them set questions! It means that, as well as in America, three weeks of catching sniper, we have a proof myth at everything the knowing special services. They are able to threaten, our special services, they are able to do our life heavy, to do mucks and to talk mucks. But they are not able to do the work. Here it is their work!

Who did give an order?

Officially is general of FSB Pronichev, which this mission is laid on. In respect of not official… the few doubts that this was Putin.

Society got a lesson, opened slightly eyes, and by a price to it are ten of lives which can it was be saved without humiliation of dignity of power. you know, I was simply put to death by the conduct of Kadyrov. I am his opponent, but even it shocked me. For him, there was a moment, gave 50 hostages — and he did not go. What are you a fellow, that the citizens of your republic will talk about you? They will say him: you are a not man, you are a coward. He simply was under an obligation it to do, on all of laws. But fear for the hide is so great, that takes in all of other senses.

Is it talked about the found bottles with alcoholic, about syringes, drugs is the face of shakhid? 

I had the first contact by phone, then second — and also there was such impression. They talked by phone, very talking away, whether that. Heroin drug addicts talk so, choking, repeating oneself — cyclic speech turns out. And I thought yet: with whom will it be necessary to talk, with such, who to hear does not hear?.. And when I came there, I had seen absolutely clean eyes, we will say so, for those people which I contacted with, and it, naturally, not all. Cognac both stood and remained to stand an untouched row, and they did not have no narcotic intoxication. 

That did cognac stand?

Cognac stood, because all took a place in an apartment, where buffet and buffet store room in which took off the shown interviews. There they did a negotiation, as an office of their command. There and I sat, where our long negotiations were, hostages over were brought there, when they were passed, these women-widows came there.

Did you speak with women?

Yes, spoke. Answered quite normally. A husband perished, a brother disappeared, an uncle is killed — weigh set of chechen tragedy. That to say? It so. I asked these women: «And at home does know where you? And children?» Tried even to find out, even to press on on tears. «No,— said,— at home know nothing». Chechens trade very often, depart to Vladicaucasus, other cities. «For us all consider that we departed on a market. On a few days left. Nobody worries. And can, does not know and then». We will vanish, and all… I and began to ask men: and these your women are they with children, do they have families, how will they be then? And for me was some revelation, that they began to «float». That they were not the members of detachment, they sneaked up on principle of desire to take revenge. They were not hits. They wanted to take revenge, and their ways met.

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