Once, while watching the events in Budennovsk on the television set, I thought, as many in Kazakhstan do now - that this was all far away and it would never touch me. But the three huge acts of terror in the world - the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, the seizure of hostages at the Moscow theater at Dubrovka, and the seizure of hostages at the school in Beslan - each of them brought grief to families in Kazakhstan.
Many in Kazakhstan have relatives, children, friends, and loved ones who travel to Russia and to Moscow. At any moment one of them can find him or herself in the same situation that we, Svetlana Gubareva and Natasha Gutnova, did.
I could not save my family, and I lost that, which I held most dear in life. No amount of money can ever replace this. What I am now doing is an attempt to protect others, so that they might not be poisoned with gas, as was my daughter Alexandra Letyago in that Moscow theater, so that they might not be blasted by tanks, as was Zaur Gutnov in that Beslan school.
Written by Марина Мерсиянцева, библиотекарь гимназии №1
Суббота, 09 Октябрь 2010 |
At High School No. 1 in the city of Karaganda it has become traditional for students and parents to meet with security forces. This time an officer from a department of the KNB (Kazakhstan Security Service) came to visit the upperclassmen. The theme of the open dialogue was issues concerning counter-terrorist operations. Our city may seem to be far from the epicenters of terrorism, but recall the young Karaganda schoolgirl named Alexandra Letyago who was slain in Moscow at ‘Nord-Ost’, and Beslan where they killed a boy who took his first baby steps her in Karaganda. One cannot remain indifferent to the human misery, which the terrorists sow; it is important to remember that any citizen of our nation could face manifestations of this evil. Be first to comment this article | Views: 3872 | E-mail |
Written by Роберт Келлер
Вторник, 31 Август 2010 |
It is the sixth year that the calendar page pauses intolerably long on the terrible date of September 1st, and Galina Sagityanovna's family lights a memorial candle. Her grandson Zaur Vladimirovich Gutnov, who died at the hands of terrorists, was born in Maikuduk, Kazakhstan. These days grandma accompanies Zaur's younger brother, first-grader Valera, to Karaganda School #35. Galina Gutnova will attend the newly rebuilt Beslan School #1. The tragedy has divided this family's life into «before the terror act» and «after». A children's Golgotha One cannot fail to remember. Accomplices of Shamil Basaev did not err in their selection of a date for their monstrous crime, the beginning of the school year. There had been terror acts before Beslan, and after it, but this remains one of most ruthless and grotesque actions in the history of world terrorism. Be first to comment this article | Views: 7256 | E-mail |
Written by Роберт Келлер
Вторник, 20 Октябрь 2009 |
Seven years ago the world was shaken by the terrible terror act in the Dubrovka theatrical center in Moscow. A nightmare called ‘Nord-Ost' lasted from October 23rd to the 26th. Among the hostages were Karaganda residents Svetlana Gubareva and her 13-year-old daughter Alexandra Letyago. During this time, ‘Avitrek Region' has closely monitored the investigation into the terror act. Comments (2) | Views: 4624 | E-mail |
Written by Гульмира Камзиева
Пятница, 11 Сентябрь 2009 |
THE SEPTEMBER 11TH TRAGEDY CAUSED AN IRREPLACEABLE LOSS FOR THE TSOY FAMILY OF KAZAKHSTAN Every year on September 11th there is a remembrance in the home of Almaty resident Valentine Tsoy for Zhannetta, who died during the terrorist attacks in far-away New York. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, but the pain never heals. IT FEELS LIKE IT WAS JUST YESTERDAY Zhannetta Tsoy was the only citizen of Kazakhstan to die in that terrible catastrophe. During the first minutes and first few days following the tragedy in New York City on September 11th, 2001, it was reported that among the victims were no citizens of Kazakhstan, but Zhannetta’s parents know where she worked and were very worried. Be first to comment this article | Views: 3652 | E-mail |
Written by Анастасия Машнина
Среда, 22 Октябрь 2008 |
The city refuses to preserve the name of a terror victim Karaganda city authorities decide that a plaque in memory of a 13-year-old victim of ‘Nord-Ost’ is unneeded. The bureaucrats figure that it would be in excess. Tomorrow it will be six years since terrorists seized the Moscow theatrical center at Dubrovka. On Sunday, it has been six years since the hostage rescue operation, when, on October 26th, 2002, Karaganda girl Sasha Letyago died. Comments (12) | Views: 5236 | E-mail |
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