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«I wished to attract attention to the tragedy»
Written by Марина Фунтикова/Marina Funtikova   
Среда, 20 Декабрь 2006
Article Index
«I wished to attract attention to the tragedy»
Page 2


The book 'Nord-Ost' contains the articles of journalists who, in the opinion of the former hostages and relatives of deceased hostages, were very effective in bringing the case to light. Not just the nightmare in the theatrical center, but the courtroom drama as well. During this court cases relatives who had lost their loved ones were looking for answers to many questions. Among these, why did their loved ones die?
Svetlana Gubareva also dined on judicial pie. Some of the events in court were observed and reported by Novaya Gazeta reporter Anna Politkovskaya. We provide here an portion of one of her articles, published in NG in April of 2004.
On April 15th, in the Zamoskvoreche regional court of Moscow, a few dozen people waited in Hall 203 for the miracle of Detective Kalchuk's appearance. Vladimir Ilych Kalchuk is Lord and God to the former 'Nord-Ost' hostages and the family members of those who perished during the terror attack. For 30 months, ever since the terrorists seized the Moscow theater, Kalchuk has been chief of the investigative brigade for the Moscow district attorney's office. He holds in his hands the true facts about the tragedy, and the victims awaited and still await any information he can provide concerning the deaths of their loved ones.

But Kalchuk is closed fellow, and hard to get to. There are hundreds of stories about him, about how he insulted a few of the 'Nord-Ost' people and would not share any facts with them. At long last, Judge Irina Vasina of the Zamoskvoreche court examined a complaint of 'investigative inaction', which was brought by former hostage Svetlana Gubareva, who lost her 13-year-old daughter Sasha and American fiance Sandy Booker at Dubrovka. Detective Kalchuk was officially summoned for questioning in the course of the lawsuit.

Participants: Svetlana Gubareva — plaintiff. Karina Moskalenko and Olga Mihailova — her lawyers. Representative of the Moscow District Attorney's Office — Yelena Levshina. Judge — Irina Vasina.

Moskalenko: “Did you or other members of the investigative group receive Gubareva's petition?”
Kalchuk: “I don’t remember. There were so many papers. I remember the plaintiff. (He reads the petition handed to him by Moskalenko.) Yes, I saw something like this.“
Moskalenko: “Gubareva states that you are displaying inaction in the case, that there were concrete questions in the petition, to which she received no answers.”
Kalchuk: “That’s her problem. I believe that my answers resolved everything.”
Moskalenko: “But from your answers it's still unknown how and where Gubareva’s two loved ones died.”
Kalchuk: “One. Booker was nobody to her, so far as I know.”
Gubareva: “Two!”
Kalchuk (laughing): “Plaintiffs always have these questions. It’s always 'invite in anyone you can’.”
Moskalenko: “I’m simply repeating those questions that Gubareva asked you in her petition. These are very important to her. When and where did death come to Letyago Alexandra? In the hospital? In the concert hall?"
Kalchuk (irritated, changing to 'blatnoi' criminal intonation): “Okay, we won’t screw around. I get a lot of these. Well, where did death come to Letyago? Ah… I don’t remember.”
Moskalenko: “But Gubareva states that you didn’t even find out the place of her daughter's death. Agree that this question, like the others, should not remain unanswered for her. Another question: did the investigative group find any substance, which was used by the special forces during the storming (of the theater)?”
Kalchuk: “I won't answer you anymore. I'm getting up and will be silent.”
Moskalenko: “The seventh question in Gubareva’s petition to you was: why were doctors called to Sandy Booker at 8:30, that is, two and a half hours afterwards?”
Kalchuk (interrupting): “I won’t answer.”
Moskalenko: “But you determined the circumstances of the victims’ deaths?”
Kalchuk: “I don't want to talk about this anymore.”
Moskalenko: “But you’re in court. You won't answer the judge?”
Kalchuk (openly rude): “No, I won’t answer.”
Moskalenko, turning to the judge: “I ask that you provide an answer to the question, which is especially important to Gubareva. How did Sandy Booker die?”
Judge: “And how may I ‘provide’?”
Kalchuk (smiling and muttering to the judge): “That means force me to talk.”
Judge to the lawyer: “I don't understand the point of irritating the investigator here. Why are you irritating him?”
Moskalenko: “People require concrete answers to questions as to why their loved ones perished.”
Kalchuk (though the judge did not address him): “I won’t speak anymore — you won’t get a thing out of me.”
The judge gives Gubareva permission to ask a question. Gubareva: “You have no doubts about the experts’ findings on the gas?”
Kalchuk: “You’re trying to draw me into discussion so that the media can write: ‘they’re just sitting on their butts’. I was called in so that they could make fun of me.”
Gubareva: “Don’t even think that I get satisfaction by returning over and over again to the circumstances of my loved ones’ deaths.”
Kalchuk: “I won’t come back. And I won’t answer. And don’t bother sending me your questions.”
This was a typical Russian judicial action, and as always merciless to its victims. Even though, like the investigation, it was supposed to have been of some use to the victims.

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  Comments (6)
1. Тираж
Written by Fender, on 29-01-2007 00:14
А где и за сколько можно приобрести сборник? Я искал и найти нигде не смог. И [B]какой был тираж?[/B] Или я че пропустил?
2. Тираж
Written by Светлана Губарева, on 01-02-2007 07:35
Тираж был небольшим — всего 1000 экземпляров. Если хотите приобрести — сообщите, как с вами связаться
3. Written by Екатерина, on 28-10-2010 17:15
Я не знаю смогу ли я быть услышанной, но мне очень бы этого хотелось. Я пытаюсь искать/собирать все сведения об этом теракте начиная с 23 октября 2002. Я хочу, чтобы и в нашей стране об этом знали и помнили (хотя бы мои знакомые и родственники), поэтому я хочу спросить как и где я могла бы купить эту книгу учитывая, что я не из России?
Примите мои искренние соболезнования и извините, если что-то не так
4. Екатерине
Written by Светлана Губарева website, on 28-10-2010 18:25
Эта книга не продается, а распространяется среди желающих. Если Вы живете в Казахстане, свяжитесь со мной, я постараюсь помочь
5. Written by Екатерина, on 29-10-2010 11:26
Я из Белоруссии, если есть возможность помочь, буду очень благодарна. Огромное Вам спасибо за ответ
6. Written by Александра Харькова, on 30-10-2010 00:42
Светлана, пожалуйста, если это ещё возможно, я хотела бы прочитать эту книгу, как с вами связаться?

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