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Media portal ‘Radio Spot’ presents
Written by ArtInfo.kz   
Пятница, 15 Ноябрь 2013

Media portal ‘Radio Spot’ presents a radio show based on Thorsten Buchsteiner's play 'NORD-OST'

First part of the radio show, 'Beginning': http://www.radiotochka.kz/news/full/1264.html
Second part of the radio show, 'Hostage-taking': http://www.radiotochka.kz/news/full/1317.html
Third part of the radio show, 'Negotiations': http://www.radiotochka.kz/news/full/1358.html
Fourth part of the radio show, 'The End': http://www.radiotochka.kz/news/full/1379.html


Starting December 1st, 2013, you can listen on http://www.radiotochka.kz to a radio show with biting social commentary in the style of investigative journalism. It is a performance of the 2002 tragedy that happened at Moscow's Dubrovka during the musical 'Nord-Ost'.

On the same day — December 1st — the ART&SHOCK Theater will have an off-line showing of the play at 7 pm.

Alexander Gabchenko, director of media portal 'Radio Spot' on this development:

“This production is unique in the here and now. We try to make sense of an urgent and significant problem, that of terrorism. For many of our fellow citizens, Kazakhstan relatively recently encountered this phenomenon. For many, it is something that is still far away, on the other side of the TV screen. But there have been Kazakhstani victims of the terrorist attack that happened back in 2002. They are among the victims of the tragedy at Dubrovka.

“The radio broadcast of 'Nord-Ost' is but the first project, in the future we plan to continue using this format for topical, socially relevant themes.

“These theatrical radio plays are a joint project of media portal 'Radio Spot' and the ART&SHOCK Theater. The creative task was to create and implement a theatrical event on relevant, contemporary themes that cultivate democratic and liberal values, and promote the construction of a full-fledged civil society in Kazakhstan.”

Anastasia Tarasova, actress at ART&SHOCK:

“Initially, this performance seemed not very interesting to us, we thought: ‘well, what can some German (playwright Torsten Buchsteiner) write about this topic?’ We asked our loyal viewers whether they would like to see such a show, and it so turned out that our audiences are very interesting in this issue, especially young people. They say that they do not remember the events surrounding 'Nord-Ost' and would like to learn more about it, so the play ended up in our repertoire and is now firmly entrenched in it.

“The events occurred in a theater, and we are also in a theater. In our setting, at some point the audience becomes participants in the events, and get involved in the play. In the play we use a minimum of scenery and costumes, but try to work with the atmosphere.

“My character is a journalist, and the performance is built on the principles of investigative journalism. We actively use video and audio pieces from the musical 'Nord-Ost'.

“We understand that people would like to go to fun performances, to comedies, but there are true life stories that need telling, and 'Nord-Ost' is just one such performance in this category.”


The terrorist attack on Dubrovka in Moscow, also known as 'Nord-Ost', occurred October 23–26, 2002. An armed group led by Movsar Barayev captured and held 916 hostages from the audience of the musical 'Nord-Ost' in a cultural center theater owned by Moscow Bearings, Inc. All the terrorists were eliminated during the hostage rescue operation, and, according to official figures, 130 hostages were killed (according to the 'Nord-Ost' public organization, 174 hostages were killed). Among these were also citizens of Kazakhstan.

The media portal 'Radio Spot' (www.radiotochka.kz) is Kazakhstan's only informational and analytical project in the genre of talk radio, founded in 2013 as a non-profit and independent online media portal. Broadcasts are audio streams via the Internet. The editorial headquarters and studio complex are located in the city of Almaty.

For more information, please contact:
7 727 248-31-13
7 727 248-31-15
mailto: radiotochka.kz@gmail.com

In: ArtInfo.kz

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  Comments (1)
1. Спектакль «Норд-Ост»
Written by Спутник Казахстан website, on 24-10-2017 21:56
Спектакль «Норд-Ост» покажут в Алматы в годовщину теракта на Дубровке

На Большой сцене алматинского театра ARTиШОК покажут документальный спектакль «Норд-Ост» в пятнадцатую годовщину крупного теракта в Москве.

Постановка рассказывает хронику событий в театре на Дубровке в Москве, где 23 октября 2002 года во время премьеры мюзикла были захвачены заложники.

Показы «Норд-Оста» в Алматы состоятся 23 и 24 октября. 25 октября ARTиШОК отправится во Францию, в город Лион, на один из крупнейших фестивалей документального театра Sens interdit, чтобы представить этот спектакль французскому зрителю.

21 спектакль из 17 стран – 19 октября во французском Лионе стартовал 5-й театральный фестиваль Sens interdit, что можно перевести как «Въезд запрещен».

Независимые коллективы с пяти континентов в течение 10 дней представят зрителям последние достижения современного документального театра, свои размышления на темы терпимости и религиозного фанатизма, свободы и насилия, демократии и тирании.

Поездка ARTиШОКа стала возможной благодаря содействию атташе по культуре посольства Франции в Казахстане Гийома Касперский. Патрик Пено, директор международного театрального фестиваля Sens Interdits, лично приезжал в феврале этого года в Казахстан, чтобы посмотреть спектакль и пригласить его в программу фестиваля.

«Норд-Ост», премьера которого состоялась в ARTиШОКе в 2012 году, будет впервые сыгран на Большой сцене театра.

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