“You cannot let people forget this” Detailed information about the tragedy in the Dubrovka theatrical center can now be found on the Internet by typing just one web address: www.nord-ost.org. A memorial site, dedicated to ‘Nord-Ost’, was set up by a group of single-minded people, one of whom is Karaganda resident Svetlana Gubareva. “You cannot let people forget this,” says Svetlana about the events of four years ago. Then, in the fall of 2002, she lost the two people most dear to her: her 13-year-old daughter, and her fiancé. The idea of creating an electronic page about the theatrical center hostage crisis, according to Svetlana Gubareva, just came out of thin air. At the time, right on the heels of the incident, there were many similar sites on the World Wide Web, but over time most of the sites proved to be ephemeral and disappeared. Last year the compilation, ‘Nord-Ost- the unfinished investigation’ was released (the book includes not only eyewitness accounts, but also many documents that had hitherto been classified ‘secret’). “Our book was actively discussed on the Internet, and on one of the forums someone asked: ‘is there a website where you can read the hostage accounts, and find out everything about the terrorist attack?’ It turned out that there was no such site. So we came up with the idea of opening a web page,” says Svetlana Gubareva. “But translating the idea into practice would have been impossible without the support of my family and friends: Galina and Nikolai Bublik, and Andrei Sergeyev. He provides technical support to the site.” Andrei is known in Karaganda for his projects such as 'Faces of our ancestors' (an exposition of our museum) and the transcription of Kaznovits in the Kazakh language on the Internet. One of Andrei’s latest works is a site dedicated to Mikhail Evdokimov (www.evdokimov.ru) — the winner of the Russian ‘Golden Site’ award. The editor of the English version of the site is an American, Carl Snedden. The site contains the accounts of the surviving hostages, the commandos who ‘took’ the theatrical center, and the doctors who provided first aid. Here you can read a description of the assault, browse photos from the scene, and read the reports published by journalists and eyewitnesses. In the ‘Today’ section there is information on how events unfolded after the tragedy. But most importantly, the site has personal pages dedicated to the slain hostages. Pictures, biographies, and the recollections of their friends and families. “Right now there are web pages dedicated to 85 of the hostages, but there will definitely be 130 — as many as there were victims,” said the Karaganda resident. “The first guests appeared on the site in December of last year, and today there were more than 2000 hits from 37 countries around the world. Most of the visitors are from Russia and Kazakhstan.” In the future, information collected on this site will certainly expand. The developers plan to put documentaries about ‘Nord-Ost’ on the site. Svetlana Gubareva also wants to publish a ‘Book of Memory’. “But the work,” she says, “has been prevented by disunity.” “The slain hostages came from 45 different cities, and not just in Russia, but from all over the world. We had no way of finding their relatives’ addresses, and the authorities are not burning with desire to assist us — quite the opposite… The second problem is funding. We cannot count on any support from the State, so we would be grateful for any sponsors, if such exist.” The addresses of the creators of the future ‘Book of Memory’ can be found on the ‘Nord-Ost’ website. In ‘Noviy Vestnik’ (The New Herald), Karaganda, Kazakhstan Views: 4919 | E-mail
1. норд-ост Written by егор , on 05-05-2009 18:57 у меня живут родственники в москве в районе царицыно возле котляковского кладбища я слышал что там хоронили некоторых погибших на норд-осте а кто именно там похоронен я просто очень хочу посмотреть и положить цветы на их могилы на этом кладбище когда буду там
2. Егору Written by Светлана Губарева, on 08-05-2009 07:04 Я знаю, что на этом кладбище похоронена [URL=http://www.nord-ost.org/kniga-pamyati/belyantseva-inna_ru.html]Инна Белянцева[/URL].
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