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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
В День памяти
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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
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author Ирина

The speech of the representative of victims from Volgodonsk at the meeting in the Netherlands
Written by Ирина Халай   
Вторник, 11 Март 2008

Lady and gentleman!

The International standards of the help o the victim of terrorism are quite important. It is very important to use the experience of different people, who became the victims of terrorism to overcome their problems.

I myself am a victim of terrorism in Volgodonsk in 1999.

 I present here public organization of the assistance of the defense of the rights of the suffered from the terror act  “Volga-don”

Terrorism and violence don’t have citizenship and nationality, it is the world’s problem. We all together will be able to overcome the consequences of the terror acts.

8 years ago have passed after the terror act in Volgodonsk took place where 180 000 inhabitants lived and as a result of the explosion of two tons of trotyl and geksogen in September, 1999. More than 15000 people suffered. All inhabitants of 3 parts of the town where terror act happened got a air wave, contusion, barotraumas, psychological injure, the heaviest stress as well as a plenty of injuries, cuts, bruises and now it influences the psychological and physical health (headaches, heart diseases, memory worsening, the worsening of the eyesight, hearing, irritability, aggression, post trauma disorders), “the syndrome of panic attacks” as well they lost their dwellings, property, income in connection with the lose of the ability to work.

The people both grown-ups and children even those born after the terror act whose mothers got injury, suffered from the strongest stress need help too – psychological, medical, professional and legislative.

We think that it is necessary:

  1. To create the international database of the victims of terrorism

  2. To accept the International Convention about the status “of the victim of terrorism”. To include the people whom the harm (moral, material, physical, psychological) was done by the act itself as well as its consequences. To foreseen the action of this Convention on all suffered in the acts. It shouldn’t depend on the time of the act of terror before and after the Convention. This Convention should include the children born from the mother who were the victims of terrorism. To foreseen in the Convention the compensation to the victim of terrorism who became disabled.

  3. To create the International Fond of the help to the victims of terrorism to solve the problem of the suffered from the acts of terror.

  4. To develop the International program of rehabilitation of the victims of terrorism to foreseen in the standards- the procedure, sizes, times of the help to the victims of terrorism. To foreseen the mechanism of the help to the people suffered on the territory of another state.

  5. To affract the  international medical centers having the experience in contusion, barotraumas, psychological injure to the investigation of the dynamism of the health state of the suffered from terrorism of different age group and different levels of health injury restore (cure) their health more completely.

  6. To develop grant projects of the European fund to NGO which defense the rights of the suffered from terrorism, to social (medical, psychological, professional, legislative) of rehabilitation of the victims of terrorism

The Chairman of the Coordination Council

 of RPO ADRST “Volga-Don” Khalay Irina

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