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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
В День памяти
Уже 22 года подряд в этот день я включаю песню rammstein Nebel, она ассоциируется с тобой. А 10 лет назад я прочитал пер...
12/12/24 23:18 more...
author Аноним

Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
Уже 22 года...
24/10/24 13:38 more...
author Аноним

Kurbatova, Christina
Милые, хорошие наши детки!!! Так просто не должно быть, это больно, это нечестно, это ужасно.
30/06/24 01:30 more...
author Ольга

Grishin, Alexey
Памяти Алексея Дмитриевича Гришина
Светлая память прекрасному человеку! Мы работали в ГМПС, тогда он был молодым начальником отдела металлов, подающим боль...
14/11/23 18:27 more...
author Бондарева Юлия

Panteleev, Denis
Вот уже и 21 год , а будто как вчера !!!!
26/10/23 12:11 more...
author Ирина

Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Written by Дмитрий Гордон   
Вторник, 23 Август 2011

Фото PHL«Our nation, and our destiny, are all blown to bits, as is the Russian secret. Perhaps all of us are but shreds of ourselves, blasted to pieces?»

… I also believe that we don’t harshly condemn these all too frequent cases of xenophobia — which I group under to common term: “anti-internationalism”.

By the way, even though it is right there on the surface, until I started using this word, oddly enough, no one else would. The concept of anti-internationalism includes both antisemitism as well as racism…

This is going on, of course, not just over here, but still we cannot keep on completely forgetting that the ideals of socialism included a lot of good that was borrowed from Christianity, including the brotherhood of nations. If we give up on these ideals, if we let them get trampled before our very eyes, if we are passive about it all, well then we will have major problems. We cannot allow what is going on to get hushed up, because no matter how unpleasant it may be to acknowledge, over here, in the very same country that defeated Hitler, we are dealing with fascism.

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Strasbourg is not a reason for sentence review
Written by Екатерина Винокурова   
Пятница, 17 Июнь 2011
ImageActing Speaker of the Federation Council, Alexander Torshin, proposes that sentences already handed down not be revised, even if, according to the verdict of Strasbourg (European Court of Human Rights), human rights were violated during the course of the investigation and trial. If the law is not consistent with the Constitution, then reconsideration of sentencing is unnecessary. If there was no decision made by the Constitutional Court of Russia, however, then one must appeal first to it, suggested Torshin. According to the expert, under the Constitution, Russian law may not disagree with international obligations.
Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) should not lead to a revision of sentences in individual cases if they were reached according to the law, said Acting Speaker of the Federation Council Alexander Torshin.

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You have no right
Written by Александр Богомолов   
Воскресенье, 17 Апрель 2011
Image“A man must fight for his own rights, if he does not wish to be crushed under a pile of obligations,” said Maxim Gorky from the mouth of Nil, the most progressive of the ‘Philistines’ in his play of the same name 110 years ago. Since then, nothing has really changed, and today’s citizens (these same philistines) sit on their butts expecting that the rights, for which they are so eager, will fall down upon them from heaven. Instead, however, piles of guano, in the form of obligations, fall on their heads.

One of the favorite topics of conversation around today’s kitchen tables — the social networking sites — is when it is time to “get the heck out”. Time to get the heck out of that horrible country where you, such a good person who got an unnecessary degree in college at taxpayer expense and doing paper or computer work or simply “create ideas”, drink in bars every Friday and on the weekends visit the mall and going bowling and curling. So, these evil people will not allow this wonderful you to live in Europe or the States, where you can have clean streets, white snow in the winter, and fish fresh-caught at sea by some sunburned sailor. No more traffic jams for you on the Moscow ring road, no more dirty slush underfoot, and no more summertime smog and perpetual fumes all about.

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МВД Грузии связало изъятую взрывчатку с «российским офицером Валодей»
Written by Лента.ру   
Четверг, 31 Март 2011
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ImageМинистерство внутренних дел Грузии заявило, что несостоявшиеся террористы, планировавшие устроить взрывы в Кутаиси, действовали по заданию российских силовых структур. Соответствующее заявление размещено на сайте ведомства.

МВД, в частности, утверждает, что задержанные по подозрению в подготовке терактов получили взрывчатку в Абхазии у некоего российского офицера. На сайте МВД сообщается, что этого офицера звали «Валодя» (Valodia). В сообщении «Интерфакса», который также ссылается на заявление МВД, этот офицер упомянут под именем Владислав.

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WikiLeaks reveals 9/11 secrets
Written by Артем Зайковский   
Среда, 02 Февраль 2011
ImageThe scandalous Australian website WikiLeaks continues to publish U.S. diplomatic correspondence. In a secret dispatch from Qatar, previously unknown details about the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, were disclosed.
On February 11th, 2010, employees of U.S. embassy in Doha were sent a secret message from U.S. intelligence agencies with information on a citizen of the United Arab Emirates by the name of Mohamed al-Mansouri. The dispatch suggested that the UAE citizen was on a list of persons who posed a threat to air travel of the U.S. and other countries. The letter noted the need to investigate Mansouri for aiding in terrorist activities.

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