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Booker, Sandy Alan
Written by Джин Букер, мама   
Воскресенье, 26 Октябрь 2003
Article Index
Booker, Sandy Alan
Page 2

Age 49; USA, Oklahoma City.

1It was just a few minutes past midnight December 28, 1952, in Albuquerque, New Mexico that Sandy Alan Booker blessed George and Jean with his arrival, and took control of their household. But it didn't take new parents long to realize they were supposed to be in charge, not this little bundle of joy with blue eyes and a demanding manner. Sandy's father was in the Air Force, which enabled Sandy to see some of the world and meet many people. Upon his father's retirement, the family settled in Midwest City, Oklahoma in 1968. Sandy finished growing up there, graduation from Midwest City High School and attending Rose State College.

Sandy developed a variety of talents in the work field. They ranged from Chief-cook & bottle washer with McDonalds, to donut baker with Dunkin Do-Nuts, to installing sound systems for Cox Radio and Sound Systems, and financial advisor with Wadell & Reed. He finally settled down as an electrical engineer with General Motors.

In the 18 years with GM, he made many friends. Sandy also ventured into the real estate market, acquiring rental property, most of which was near a college. Maintaining the rentals added more talents to his list, and led him to meet and have many experiences with the young and old students of different backgrounds.

He loved to ski, but his favorite recreation was Martial Arts, wherein Sandy excelled in Judo. Sandy eventually married, and was blessed with a daughter, Deborah… his pride and joy. He spent every possible free minute with her, teaching her judo, skiing, and how to drive.

His marriage did not work out and he spent many years living alone. After a period of time, he desired to start a new life filled with happiness and love. In 2002 thru a friend, he was put in touch with Svetlana and her 13 years old daughter Sasha. After many e-mails, telephone calls and visits, his dream of new life was becoming a reality. Svetlana accepted his proposal, and plans were made for the three to come to the States and start their new life in Oklahoma City. But Fate had other plans.

Before they were to leave Russia, they went to see the stage play Nord-Ost. However, Chechen rebels stormed the Moscow theater and held the audience hostage. The Russian Special Forces in an effort to free the hostages, pumped a toxic gas into the theater, and approximately 130 people perished, including Sandy and Sasha, his fiancee's daughter.

When news of the Chechen terrorists and the deaths of the hostages were published, the Booker family received many condolences from across the United States, and even from Taiwan. Several newspapers and television stations also expressed their sympathy and concern.

Sandy's death showed that in his 49 years he had touched the lives of many, some only for a few hours, but he made an unforgettable impression on them. The sympathy and concern from the public was over-whelming, and revealed Sandy's character and his personality. One man wrote that it was his pleasure to have met and know Sandy for only a few hours. That he was a very confident and generous man, with a big heart, and a fearlessness and manliness he hoped to reflect in his own personality.

A co-worker told how Sandy helped him rewire his house, and Sandy would not take any pay for helping him. Others wrote of his many personal traits, and they were treasured by all who knew him… Full of energy, intelligent, fun to talk with, enjoyed a good laugh… even at his own expense. Other said he was kind considerate, never knew a stranger, wiling to help and didn't mind volunteering. He was a good co-worker and encouraged others.

Sandy was a Christian. He loved the Lord as well as his family and friends. The Lord took him home October 26, 2002. His father preceded him in death. He is survived by his mother, Jean; his daughter, Deborah; his sister, Bonny; and his brother, Ricky. He was also a half brother, David, as well as nieces, nephews, and cousins. He is missed very much by all who knew him; he touched so many with kindness and generosity.

The Booker family extends their thanks and appreciation to every one for their concern and sympathy in the loss of Sandy.

Jean Booker

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  Comments (14)
11. Written by Алена, on 07-04-2009 13:59
Страшно все это читать, мои соболезнования всем пострадавшим.
Хотела бы ответить Ольге, которая возмущается поведением чеченцев. Если Вы так много прочитали о войне в Чечне, то почему Вы вообще задаете этот вопрос: «Что они после этого хотят, чтобы к этой национальности относились нормально?» У Вас абсолютно четкая позиция барышни, живущей мирной жизнью в нашем государстве, которая исправно смотрит новости, голосует регулярно за спасителя нашего — Путина и его команду. И когда Вам с экранов федеральных каналов говорят, что все в нашей стране хорошо, Вы охотно этому верите. И Вы, уверена, после теракта охотно поверили, что штурм был единственным правильным решением. А я имею знакомых в Чечне, которые НЕ ненавидят русских. Именно от них я узнала о других трагических историях, о так называемых зачистках, когда одни русские солдаты предупреждали мирное население, что придут другие и будет все намного страшнее. И нельзя говорить, что одна трагедия может быть страшнее другой! Это война, а когда человек потерял всё в этой войне, он идет до последнего. И не дай Бог нам испытать то, что испытывают те, кто идет на такое убийство. Я не защищаю террористов, но они лишь следствие действий нашего же правительства, с нашего молчаливого согласия которое и приходит к власти, с нашего равнодушия и принимает решения, которые мы потом ругаем каждый у себя на кухне, но не более.
И не надо говорить о национальности, любому человеку любой национальности есть что терять. И ответьте сами себе, Вы – русская, потеряв все и всех, смогли бы дальше с этим жить, не стали бы искать виноватых? Подставили бы другую щеку?..
12. Written by Галина, on 03-12-2010 23:07
Примите мои соболезнования по поводу случившегося.
13. День Рождения.
Written by Юлия, on 27-12-2011 18:39
С наступающим Днем Рождения, Сэнди! 28 декабря-светлый день. Вы были достойным и мудрым человеком, и оставили теплую память в сердцах многих людей! Пусть прошло почти 10 лет,ПАМЯТЬ О ВАС НЕ УМРЕТ! Царство Небесное!
14. Written by Robert Carver, on 19-04-2013 23:46
Watching the chase of news of the two Chechen terrorists in Boston has brought back memories of the loss of my friend and mentor, Sandy Booker. More than a friend, Sandy was like an older brother. He taught me lessons in Judo, and life in general that have made me a better person. I miss him very much.


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