Age — 40, from Moscow, Russia. Lenochka was born in Moscow in 1962. She was a talkative, merry, and inquisitive little girl. During childhood they called her ‘Alenka the little flower'. With the years she bloomed into a beautiful rose. She took part in all school festivals and knew how to attract both parents and teachers, whether in the audience or as participants with the children. She had an absorbing nature and was always surrounded by a crowd of classmates, and later boyfriends, who were attracted by her charm and a fascinating smile that was both a bit ironic and somewhat mysterious, as well as her unyielding character and merry disposition. Lena successfully finished the G. B. Plekhanov Institute of Economics in Moscow. The institute did not wish to part with this capable and industrious student, and so after graduation Lena was offered work in the department. Her responsible and conscientious attitude towards work, and sense of purpose, allowed her in a short time to achieve her goals while still managing to be a good mother for her son and tender daughter to her parents. During the 1990s and ‘Perestroika', being a leader by nature, Lena decided to try out a new quality in herself — to start a business together with her husband. The first results of this new field of endeavor were successful, and everything seemed to be just beginning. Everything was still yet to come… The events at Dubrovka put an end to all these plans and destroyed the future. The tragedy did not spare our family. After three-day captivity and the ensuing ‘gas chamber', Lena was brought to a Moscow hospital. Unfortunately, the physicians proved to be powerless and were unable to save her. Thus died a beautiful woman, never having enough time to realize her full potential, unable to finish what she began. Her son was orphaned, and we lost a daughter. Bright memory, dear Lenochka. We will remember you. Written by her relatives.
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1. Written by Анастасия, on 11-12-2015 12:15 Очень красивая..Царство небесное и вечная память,Леночка..Хотя мы с тобой никогда не были знакомы (я общалась со Светой Куновой которая тоже погибла в «Норд осте»).Светлая память всем 130 погибшим.
2. Борисова Елена Written by Елена, on 30-10-2022 20:02 Мы с Леной жили в одном подьезде, учились в одной школе — 512. Она было старше меня на два года, но мы дружили. Ходили друг к другу в гости. Потом, когда каждая из нас вышла замуж, стали общаться меньше, но связь поддерживали. У Лены был брат Дима, младше неё 12 лет. Он и взял потом её сына в свою семью. Дорогие мои Борисовы, я помню и люблю вас. Я хорошо помню вашего отца Валентина. Дай бог вам счастья.
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