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Deveen, Andre
Written by родственники, друзья   
Понедельник, 20 Октябрь 2008
Age — 21; Russia, Moscow.

Дивин АндрейAndré died at a time when life seemed to be the best.  He had success in college (he was in his fourth year at the Moscow physics institute), and studied Aikido where he met many friends and fellow enthusiasts.


André read a lot, studying psychology so that he could freely converse with all types of people and prepared himself for a good family life.  He once told me: “Mom, I need to learn a lot so that I can answer whatever question my child might have.”

While he was still in elementary school the other boys picked on him, though he was no weakling.  One day I told him to fight back, but he replied: “Mom, what if I break his arm?”


In childhood he was very sad that he could not make friends in school, and so, while growing up, he began to read a lot about cooperation between people.  Whenever he was asked to help, he always hurried to give assistance.


After school he entered the Moscow institute’s prep school, and his relationships with his classmates got better.  He organized the purchase of flowers for girls on the holidays, and was very attentive to them.  He got good grades, took part in the math and physics Olympiads, and after graduation he was accepted into the Moscow institute without having to take the entrance exams.


Gradually everything began to come together satisfactorily.  André was especially happy when he was practicing Aikido.  He was in a marvelous group, and it was like his second home.  His teacher David said that he had never before seen such boys who could accomplish so much in only two years.  This fighting technique requires not so much strength as it does power of the mind.  André met many remarkable people in this group.  Vladimir Solovyev, director of the TV program ‘On to the Barriers’, also worked out with them.


André began teaching Aikido to 10–12 year olds, and he would return home happily, saying: “They are so wonderful.”   All his thoughts and plans revolved around Aikido, and he treated his teachers David and Oksana with great respect.


He wanted to get to know everything in life: from interpersonal relationships to cooking.  He loved the tea ritual and tried many different kinds of tea, from green to black, explaining how best to prepare and pour them.


But he never reached to peak of happiness.

One hundred and fifty people came to Andryukha’s funeral.  I looked at him and said: “You lived but 21 years, but so many came to see you off on your last journey.”  Friends even came from Germany.


I found out a lot about him after his death.  It is true that parents do not really know everything about their children.  Because of everyday worries and work we spend so little time together, rarely opening our hearts to each other, and so later we regret it when it can never be returned.


Our family was faced with the worst of tortures – the loss of a child and a brother.


No one really knows what awaits us in the afterlife, but one wishes to believe that there will be life after death.

Written by his mother, father, and sister.



André and I met at the weekend house when we were both five years old.  The following eleven years we spent every summer together. 

Many funny events are connected with this time.  One day, for example, after a period of heavy rains when the drainage ditches were overflowing with water, we decided to sail some boats.  For “boats” we used our boots!  We sent our boots through a pipe that went under the road.  We were able to catch mine, but André’s sank, and he had to return home barefoot, but a month later we found the missing boot about a kilometer away.


Another time, while riding bikes, we decided to cross a puddle and high speed.  The puddle, it turned out, was very deep.  I was a bit quicker than André and managed to jump off my bike in time, but André did not make it…  There were a lot of adventures like this, but time already erases much from memory.


‘Andryukha’ was a great fellow!  Happy and industrious, he was always ready to help you at a difficult time.  In later years, it is true, we rarely saw each other, and talked mostly on the phone.  Perhaps it was because we lived rather far from each other, and of course as you grow up your interests change.  I regret it now.


It really is true that you begin to realize how dear a person is to you only after you lose him.  You start to regret all the things you never managed to do together, and how rare you saw each other…


I unexpectedly found out the André was gone when I came home.  My first sensation was shock.  It was difficult to believe that the one who was connected to your happiest years, your childhood, is no more…


André will remain forever in my memory.

Written by Anton Kisin.

Some time ago a young man came to my dojo and said «Sensei I have read many books about Aikido and in particular about Master Gozo Shioda, please may I join your classes» and nearly every day since that time young Andre has trained at my side.

Some months ago Andre said «Sensei I wish to become your Deshi, I realize that I cannot become a deshi in the real sense but I will do the best that I can».

Andre did his best to become a true deshi and Aikidoka of Yoshinkan he watched my every moment to try and sense my needs, I remember each morning as I arrive at the dojo for training Andre would always be there before me waiting for me to arrive so that he could carry my bags from my car to the dojo. And how one day he said to me with such pride "Sensei, I have studied from several books on how to fold the Hakama now I have learnt several ways to beautifully fold your Hakama, at the recent seminar here in Moscow with Kancho Inoue Sensei every coffee and lunch break would find Andre standing outside the room where Kancho rested between training, one lunch time I said Andre please go and eat lunch he I can't sensei maybe you or Kancho will need something, and I must study Nakano Sensei to learn how to be a true deshi.

Sadly Andre, his Mother and Father went to see the musical 'North East' and as the world knows the theater was subjected to an act of terrorism as result of this Andre died, and his funeral took place on Saturday 2nd November 2002. All of Misogikan students came to say good bye to this young Aikidoka who was an inspiration to all.

Andre's dream was to earn the black belt of Yoshinkan, technically he was already at this standard and was to take his examination in the new year. Prior to his coffin being sealed and in the time when every one could say their last farewells to him I posthumously awarded him his Shodan and with his Mothers permission placed my black belt in his coffin from all of us who love Aikido.

David Eayrs
Moscow Russia


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  Comments (6)
1. норд-ост
Written by коля, on 02-12-2009 17:19
Дивин Андрей Николаевич 21 год,похоронен на Покровском кладбище.
2. Written by Анатолий, on 25-10-2012 20:34
Андрей, прости ради Бога, если что было не так… Царствие Небесное, вечная память.
3. Андрюше
Written by Марина Катькалова website, on 02-11-2012 17:35
Столько лет прошло, а я до сих пор его помню. Когда мы познакомились, папа привёл меня в первый раз на Айкидо. Я очень боялась, так как там было полно здоровых парней и я не знала, что делать. Я помню, как Андрюша подошёл ко мне и сказал: «Не бойся, пойдём я покажу тебе где раздевалка» В последствии мы мало общались, но я никогда не забуду его науку и чай с липой и как он был предан нашему делу. И спасибо ему, что гонял меня со страховками в Айкидо. Пареньки молодые его любили и подражали ему.
В тот день я пришла на Айкидо со своим кавалером по танцам Алексеем Зелениным. На додзё было тихо, как в могиле, на рецепшене клуба, мне сказали, что его больше нет. Мой кавалер даже сопровождал Андрюшу в последний путь, так как, по мои рассказам, он тоже проникся к нему уважением. Я была первой, кто подошёл к гробу из друзей, что бы попрощаться с ним. Команда «Сансей Ни Рэй!» и дружное «Осс!» возвестило о том, что парень получил звание сансея посмертно. Позже я была на поминках и помню как на них Саша Романов упал в обморок. На католическом рождестве, где была его Мама, я поднимала тост в его честь и в его память. Его именем назван «Кубок Андрея»
Андрюша, вечная память тебе, видит Бог, ты был настоящим!
4. Written by Антон Кисин, on 29-03-2013 23:19
Андрей был самым лучшим другом с детства и остался им
5. Спустя годы
Written by Бусарова (Катькалова Марина), on 14-07-2021 03:55
Спустя годы, хочу сказать тебе спасибо, Андрюша. Вот не стало уже давно и сенсея Девида и Оксаны и тебя и Майи. Но я из всех на айкидо всё ещё помню только тебя. Я вышла замуж недавно.
Чего это я. Я хочу сказать тебе спасибо за то, что ты тогда не дал мне опустить руки. Айкидо было моим взрослым шагом стать сильной в 16 лет мне надоело быть слабой и я решилась. И благодаря тебе не сбежала в свой первый день. Храни господи, парень твою душу. Улыбку и твою омытую елеем голову. Всё ещё твой друг, что в церкви указывает твоё имя первым в молитве за упокой душ. Марина.
6. Written by Олег, on 26-10-2022 17:27
Я одноклассник Андрея. Хочу сказать, что это не так, что у Андрея не было друзей в школе. Я был его другом. И хотя наши пути после школы разошлись, но я до сих пор очень хорошо помню наши с ним вылазки на гаражи и катание с ледяной горки после уроков, помню как у метро Домодедовская мы умудрялись раздобыть целые пачки лотерейных билетов, помню как просились с Андреем к машинисту метро в кабину прокатить (и много раз нас пускал машинист, и мы восторженно ехали в его кабине), помню как мы ездили к Андрею домой, жарили картофельные чипсы на сковороде и играли в Донки Конг Кантри на Супер Нинтендо (на тот момент это была мечта всех подростков), и много всего еще было.
О том, что его не стало, я узнал на встрече одноклассников спустя почти год после трагедии. Из эмоций помню шок и непонимание как такое вообще могло случиться.. Память о нем как об исключительно искреннем, добром и отзывчивом человеке навсегда останется в сердцах всех, кто его знал. Вечная память.. И соболезнования родным и близким.

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