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Zhabotinskiy, Yuriy
Written by Татьяна Жаботинская, жена   
Четверг, 15 Март 2007
Age 48; Russia, Rybinsk.

‘Yura’ was an intelligent and talented person. He graduated from high school with a gold medallion, and from the Rybinsk Institute of Aviation Technology with the highest award, the Red Diploma. At 25 he easily defended his master’s dissertation in robotics at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. As an instructor back at Rybinsk, he created a student construction bureau, called “Robo-technology”, where students cooperated with industry in preparing projects for their diplomas and further scientific activities. At 35 Yuri defended his doctoral dissertation. He authored 30 inventions, 3 monographs, and many articles.

During the difficult 1990s, when industries were barely hanging on, he went into private enterprise. His breadth of thought and talent as an organizer and director led him to create the ‘Volstar’ holding company, which included several different types of firms. He became the chairman of the board of directors for ‘NPF Start, Inc.’, which was on the verge of bankruptcy. He saved the company and set it on the right track. He not only generated ideas, but also knew how to realize them. Working in Moscow at the Consolidated Irkutsk Aviation Production Company, he was happy that his scientific knowledge and industry experience would finally be of use.

Despite the continuous pressure of work, Yura found time for sports, and never had problems with his health. He played tennis, went kayaking in the summer and skiing in the winter. In the early part of October 2002, he mastered underwater diving, and intended to do more of this. He loved to relax at his dacha, and in his sauna. He had brought a heap of stones from the Rybinsk Sea, bought a book on stone working, and was getting ready to build a wall (the flower borders he had done earlier), but time ran out.

Yura was a bright and benevolent person, and always ready to help. He took an active role in the destinies of people whom he met during his life. He set many of his students and coworkers on their paths through life, and helped organized their affairs.

He treasured friendship and loved his family. He adored his daughter Olya, but when she had a son, ‘Nikolashka’, Yura was at the height of happiness. He glowed all over, and was so very proud to be a grandfather.

It was always nice and easy being with him, and he was always smiling and joking. Even in the auditorium at ‘Nord-Ost’, when I was begging his forgiveness for buying the tickets, he answered jokingly: “Come on now, ‘Tata’. You ought to be happy – when have I ever spent three days underfoot?”

Next to us sat two girls, high school seniors (thank God I did not find them among the dead in this memorial book!) One of them had Gorky’s book “Mother” with her. Yura had read it. Whenever the girls’ nerves were giving out and they were starting to cry, he distracted them with the book. He cleverly related the events in theater with those events that would summon their courage. He joked that he was going to adopt them and make sure no harm ever came to them. The girls would smile, and one said that now they would find it interesting to read the book.

That is what he was like, my dear husband. That is how he will always remain in my heart and my memory.

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  Comments (2)
1. Из статьи «Беда победы» в МК от 29.10.20
Written by Лана, on 15-03-2007 07:35
Трагическую весть узнали вчера родные и близкие Юрия Даниловича Жаботинского. О нем и его супруге Татьяне Николаевне «МК» писал во вчерашнем номере. Татьяна приехала к мужу в столицу на несколько дней из Рыбинска как раз на 23-ю годовщину их свадьбы. Уговорила мужа сходить на «Норд-Ост»…

В воскресенье их дочь Оля отыскала свою маму в Институте Склифосовского. Татьяна Жаботинская до сих пор находится в реанимации в тяжелом состоянии. Отца же Ольга никак не могла найти, хотя объехала все указанные больницы. И только в тот же день вечером в девятом морге судебно-медицинской экспертизы тело Юрия Даниловича было опознано его коллегами.

Юрий Жаботинский был незаурядной личностью. Он доктор технических наук, в прошлом педагог, в Москве работал директором департамента информационных технологий ОАО «Иркутское авиационное производственное объединение». Основная сфера деятельности — электронное оснащение авиации. Его жена и дочь живут в Рыбинске. Юрий Данилович в последнее время жил между Рыбинском и Москвой, часто был в командировках, руководил несколькими предприятиями. По натуре это был умный, интеллигентный, очень энергичный, любивший хорошую шутку человек. Он обожал своего 2-летнего внука, которого звал не иначе как Николай Николаевич (малыша назвали в честь деда). В этом году купил в Москве квартиру, собирался перевезти сюда жену…

Мельман Александр, Седлецкий Владислав
2. From “UNFORTUNATE VICTORY”, in Moscow Ko
Written by CSS, on 15-03-2007 07:40
By Aleksander Melman and Vladislav Sedletskiy

Only yesterday, the friends and loved ones of Yuri Danilovich Zhabotinsky heard the tragic news. We wrote about him and his wife Tatiana in the preceding issue of ‘MK’. Tatiana had come to Moscow for a few days from their home in Rybinsk, so that they could celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary together, and she had talked her husband into buying tickets for ‘Nord-Ost’.

On Sunday their daughter Olga found her mother at the Sklifosovsky Institute. Tatiana Zhabotinskaya is still in grave condition in the intensive care ward. Olga was unable to find her father, despite going to all the hospitals listed as receiving hostages. Only in the evening of that same day was the body of Yuri Danilovich Zhabotinsky identified at Forensic Morgue #9 by his colleagues.

Yuri Zhabotinsky was an outstanding person. He was a doctor of technology, and had once been a teacher. In Moscow he worked as the director of department of information technology for the Consolidated Irkutsk Aviation Production Company. His main area of activity was avionics. His wife and daughter live in Rybinsk. Yuri Danilovich lately had divided his time between Rybinsk and Moscow, and was often away on business, directing several ventures. He was intelligent by nature, intellectual, very energetic, and a fellow who loved a good joke. He adored his two-year-old grandson, who was named Nikolai Nikolaevich in honor of his other grandfather. This year he had purchased an apartment in Moscow, and was getting ready to move his wife to the capital.

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