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Kirichenko, Svetlana
Written by Светлана Губарева   
Вторник, 13 Март 2007

Age — 52; Russia, Moscow.

Svetlana Vitalyevna Kirichenko was born on April 8th, 1950, and was intelligent and energetic in life. At 52 she was still an elegantly beautiful woman.

Accursed fate ordered that her work colleagues talk her into going to the ill-fated musical, 'Nord-Ost'. She had not wanted to, and on the way to Dubrovka she accidentally missed the subway stop for Dubrovka, and suggested just tossing away the tickets and leaving. But they talked her out of that.

She was a strong person. She inspiring other hostages through her confidence in a happy ending, and calmed them. She negotiated with the terrorists and convinced them to take the coat check receipts from the wardrobe and bring some of the freezing hostages their coats. She had some water, and when the gas started entering the hall, as a chemical engineer she knew what was up and what she needed to do. She tore up some handkerchiefs, moistened them, and handed them out to those around her, explaining that they needed to cover their mouth and nose. For five or six minutes, while she was still standing, she was able to make a few dozen of these masks. Because of this extra exertion, she took in more of the toxic gas than those sitting peacefully in their seats. All around her survived, but the doctors could not save her.

They buried her at the Moscow Hovansky cemetery on October 30th.

Svetlana! Wherever you are now, give us your courage!

We will not forget you. We are proud that you were our comrade. Farewell!

Written by colleagues

The management and the union committee of the Russian Ministry of Energy with deep sorrow announce the tragic death of chief business specialist Svetlana Vitalevna Kirichenko, who died as a result of the terrorist attack on the Theatrical center on Dubrovka in Moscow.

After graduating from the I. M. Gubkin institute of petroleum and gas industries, Svetlana Vitalevna Kirichenko worked for more than 20 years for the petroleum products distribution systems, Glavneftesnab and Rosnefteprodukt.

Since 1992 Svetlana Vitalevna has been working for the Russian energy ministry and its directorate branches. Since January of 2001 she has worked tirelessly in the business directorate of the Russian energy ministry (Minehnergo).

The high human qualities and professionalism of Svetlana Vitalevna Kirichenko won her the respect and authority in both the business office and central headquarters of the ministry.

During the last hours of her life, Svetlana Vitalevna showed her best qualities, and courageously overcoming the tragic events, she found within herself the strength to support those strangers around her.

The bright memory of Svetlana Vitalevna Kirichenko will remain with us forever.

Written by the management and the union committee of the Russian Ministry of Energy.

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  Comments (3)
1. Героиня
Written by Юлия, on 07-11-2008 01:19
Только настоящей героиней можно назвать эту женщину! Жаль,что уходят такие люди!
2. светочка
Written by ирина, on 21-08-2010 14:20
Светочка я часто тебя вспоминаю!При жизни ты была прекрасной женщиной…В тебе сочетались такие редкие качества как красота,ум и доброта…Твои красивые глаза всегда в памяти …Ведь в них можно было всегда увидеть твою доброту и красоту…Ты была настоящей красавицей.И лучшей подругой!Царство тебе небесное солнышко!Наша умница и красавица!Светочка ты с нами всегда!
3. Образ Светланы
Written by Владимир website, on 23-10-2012 10:00
После происшешего ужаса от событий в Норд-Осте я был в шоке. Гибель Светланы очень сильно ударила меня. Я со Светланой работал вместе в Минтопэнерго России. Сидели с ней в одном кабинете. вместе решали рабочие вопросы. Вместе радовались ярким событиям. Помню ее, как легкую на подъем, открытую, жизнерадостную. В память о ней у меня остались китайские шарики, которые она мне подарали на день рождения. Желаю ее сыну удачи в жизни. Прошу дать мне информацию, где Светлана похоронена на Хованском кладбище. Я там бываю.

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