Age 52, Moscow, Russia. My mother, Galina Vasilyevna Kononova, was born into a simple family on February 5th, 1950, in the city of Kostkova, Novgorod district. She finished 11th grade, then attended technical school and the Novgorod State Teaching Institute. After the institute mother was certified as a middle school mathematics teacher. She married, moved to Moscow, and I was born in 1985. For some time mother worked in her specialty, then moved to the Krasniy Bogatyr factory until it closed. After this she got work at the municipal housing department. In the late 1990s she was offered a job at the Bogorod regional directorate, where she worked until the end of her life. Mother was always a highly skilled, responsible colleague, and was valued and respected for her attentiveness and kindness to her work associates, neighbors, and friends. She was ready at any time to give valuable advice or assistance. Whatever mother set her hands to she accomplished spectacularly, whether it was needlework or cooking. She was my closest and most dependable friend, someone I could tell anything to, and who understood me. It has been almost six years that she has been gone, but I still cannot believe it, since she was always there… By Vladimir Kononov, her son. Views: 12380 | E-mail
1. Written by Мария, on 24-11-2012 01:27 Я помню Галину Васильевну. Всегда поминаю в дни особого поминовения. Она была чиноыницей, не такой как все. В ту среду, я хотела прийти к ней на прием. Как оказалось, разминулись мы с ней буквально на 5 минут. Еще в тот день возмущалась, почему она не на месте, даже вывели меня из управы, как буйную… А вечером узнала… Сначала по телевизору…. Потом мне позвонили… Встретились мы уже в Храме Николая Чудотворца, на отпевании… Очень меня это потрясло… Очень переживала, считала себя виноватой. Думала- если бы я раньше пришла, она занялась бы моим вопросом, и они с Володей-опоздали бы… Всегда пишу в церковных записках- « убиенная Галина и иже с нею».
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