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Lavrov, Dmitriy
Written by родители   
Суббота, 28 Апрель 2007

Age — 31, Russia, Zhukovsky.

Dmitriy Nikolaevich Lavrov was born on April 24th, 1971, to a serviceman’s family in the city of Zhukovsky.  His father worked as an engineer at TsAGI, the Central Aerodynamics Institute, while is mother was a radio technician for the LII (test flight institute – ed.)  A city was built was built near these institutes outside of Moscow, which became the center of aviations research in Russia, but during the Soviet days it was kept secret, and little was known about it, even to Muscovites.

Like many Soviet-era boys, Dima went to kindergarten.  He grew up a bright and curious boy, starting sports at age six with figure skating, even before beginning elementary school at 7.  He did not distinguish himself in his classes at first, but he studied well, was a hard worker, and independent for his age.  Dima did what were generally accepted as domestic chores, and he tried to do these well.  Also at this time an interest in technology appeared.  At first there were complex electro-mechanical toys: vehicles, a submarine, a toy train.  Later there were do-it-yourself kits of model airplanes, tanks, and cars. In middle school Dima built his first crystal radio set.  He loved to build things and figure things out on his own, and read a lot of technical magazines.  His favorite subjects in school were physics and math.  In high school Dima decided that after graduation he would attend college, and his self-confidence led to victory in the city school math and physics Olympiads, as well as in studies at the Moscow technical institute preparatory courses.  His love of reading helped him master a mass of information, but Dima was not the classical ‘bookworm’: he still loved to ride around on his motorcycle, listen to music, and train for sports.  At the same time, he continued to pursue figure skating and finish his master’s degree in sports.

On receiving his diploma, Dima took the entrance examinations for Moscow state university and the Moscow physics technical institute (MFTI).  Passing both examinations, he chose MFTI.  A branch of this institute, FALT, was in his hometown, preparing science specialists for aviation research institutes.  Becoming a student at MFTI meant the first step on the path to this science.  During the Soviet days, graduates of FALT were highly regarded for the level of their training, because many young scientists came from the hallowed halls of this institute.  Six years of education passed quickly, but when Dima finally graduated it was a time of change in the nation, which caused a sharp change in his life.  ‘Perestroika’ was moving full-speed ahead in the country, and he had to choose: either he would rely on the government, or use his own resources to create his future.  Dima chose the later and started working for a small construction company that fellow classmates from the institute had founded.

Once again he had work to do, and had to learn a lot.  It was a new profession: he had to communicate with strangers and direct subordinates, all of which required new knowledge.  Little by little Dima became acquainted with this new world, the world of business.  In 1994 Dima got married, and within a year the young family of Dima and Oksana saw the birth of their charming daughter ‘Nastenka’ (Anastasiya).  The young couple’s life entered a new phase, and the next seven years were happy ones with caring for the little daughter, and familial joys and hopes of an even better future.  They dreamed of a new apartment where they would have room for yet another child.  It was not merely a dream, for Dima soon went to work for a company that made plastic windows, called ‘New Attic Windows’ where he worked as the company’s finance officer.  After working here a little longer than three years, he became one of its directors.  Everyone at work called him Dmitry Nikolaevich, but they called him by his patronymic not because of his position, but because of his personal qualities.  Alexander Onoprienko, the general director of the firm, expressed the opinion of Dima’s colleagues:

“Everything in him was balanced, and he never fell into a state of gloom, but charged everyone with his positive energy from the very beginning.  In speaking with friends, Dima always added good mood, animation, interest, and a happy temperament.  Dima was an astonishing person, the kind you always wanted to live next to.  Kind, happy, buoyant, and never, ever mean.  Dima, people always wanted to be with you because you are the pivot, which attracts other people to the orbit of your life.  You knew how to give everyone with you a little bit of happiness.  You were a remarkable colleague, work comrade, and director.  Making an enormous contribution to our general work, giving your all, you helped everyone, and taught us and provided us with an example, and supported us in the difficult times.  You knew how to love and be loved.  It is a terrible pity that the shrapnel of evil struck the best of us.  Dima, a person is still alive while the memory of him yet lives.  You will live a long time, for you are simply impossible to forget.”

These words were pronounced during the solemn minutes of our parting with Dima.  On October 23rd, 2002, Dima and his wife Oksana went to Moscow to see the musical ‘Nord-Ost’, leaving their daughter with his parents.  That evening during intermission, Dima called his mother and told her enthusiastically about what they had seen, and offered to buy his parents tickets to the show.  He also warned them that they might be a bit late in getting home.  A few minutes later, there was an emergency announcement on television, reporting the capture of hostages at Dubrovka.  In those first minutes the elder Lavrovs, on hearing the news, hoped that it had nothing to do with their children, but when Oksana called, the terrible became reality.  Time stopped as the hours of waiting drew out.  Dima and Oksana were in the 14th row, but the terrorists forced them to move to the center of the auditorium, next to a 50 kg bomb.  They held out, with no hysterics, and periodically sent SMS (cell phone text messages – ed.) in which they reported that all would be well, and that their parents need not worry.  Later, communications ceased altogether.  What they went through in the theater remains a secret, since no reliable information has ever been given to relatives by the authorities.  It not known exactly when the gas was sent into the theater before the assault.  According to Oksana, they managed to see the gas, but the next moment first Dima, then she, lost consciousness.  Oksana awoke in City Hospital #13, but no one knew anything about Dima.  For two days, while no lists of the rescued hostages were published, Dima’s parents clung to the hope that Dima was still alive somewhere.  For days Dima’s friends hid the tragic news from Oksana and the parents of Dima.

On October 26th, at 7:20 a.m., an ambulance crew received a young man at the theatrical center.  He showed no signs of life, and, after ascertaining his death, the ambulance crew transferred him to the Lyublin morgue.  From a passport and driver’s license found in the pocket on the deceased’s jacket, it was determined that he was Dmitry Nikolaevich Lavrov.

Dima’s life ended while he was in full bloom – he lived 31 years, 6 months, and 1 day.

He was buried in the city of Zhukovsky, in the churchyard at Ostrovtsy.

Written by his parents.

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  Comments (2)
1. Газета «Известия» от 01.11.2002
Written by Лана, on 17-03-2007 10:42
Толоконный лоб

Священник отказался отпевать жертву теракта в Москве
Семен Новопрудский, Д. Руднев

…Одной из жертв теракт в ДК на Дубровке стал Дмитрий Лавров, житель подмосковного города Жуковского. Родственники, убитые горем, решили хоронить покойного по-православному обряду. Чтобы заказать отпевание, несколько близких Дмитрия отправились в храм иконы Божией Матери Владимирской, который находится в соседнем с Жуковским городке Быково. В этом храме умерший венчался со своей супругой.
Подойдя к священнику, родственники рассказали о своем горе, однако вместо участливого, доброго слова пастыря услышали от него грозную и обличительную проповедь.
— В это время в церкви находилось несколько прихожан,— рассказывает казначей храма Екатерина Струнина, ставшая свидетельницей разговора,— отец Виталий Кустов, молодой священник, всего год в сане. Когда он узнал, что покойный был на концерте, который захватили террористы, сказал, что посещение такого действа как мюзикл — не богоугодное дело. По его словам, именно поэтому смерть Дмитрия не может считаться православной кончиной.
Отец Виталий говорил родственникам: «С каким сердцем, мне, православному священнику, отпевать такого человека?». Сказано это было в резкой форме. Родственники оторопели. Потом молча развернулись и ушли.
Когда на следующий день выяснилось что отпевания действительно не состоялось и Дмитрия Лаврова похоронили без церковного обряда, казначей храма Екатерина Струнина позвонила настоятелю церкви отцу Валентину, опытному, зрелому священнику, и рассказала ему об инциденте.
— Настоятель серезно поговорил с отцом Виталием,— рассказывает Екатерина,— я не слышала их диалога. Но видела, что после этого молодой батюшка долгое время ходил в глубокой задумчивости.
В пятницу задумчивость отца Виталия прошла.
— Вся проблема высосана из пальца,— заявил он «Известиям»,— я не могу отпевать неправославного человека, это бессмысленное действие. Я спросил у родственников, верил ли усопший в Бога. Они задумались. Это же простой вопрос, он не требует раздумий. И тогда я сделал вывод, что покойный человек- не верующий. Что же касается формы общения с людьми, то в писании сказано, что привлекать людей в церковь нужно кого любовью, а кого страхом.
«Привлеченные» родственники покойного Дмитрия Лаврова наотрез отказались разговаривать о случившимся. По их словам разговоры в подобной ситуации просто не уместны.
— Настоятель нашего храма, отец Валентин крайне удручен случившимся,— заявила «Известиям» его секретарь Галина Головачева,— он сказал, что нельзя людей в горе осуждать. Вообще в тот момент настоятель был в трапезной при церкви, и только по случайности не он общался с родственниками Дмитрия. А отец Виталий вообще не имел права общаться с ними в таком тоне. Тем более, что все решения в храме принимает настоятель, а отец Виталий всего лишь второй священник. В итоге, что бы как-то разрешить эту неприятную ситуацию настоятель решил собрать всех работников храма и прихожан после воскресной службы. И при всех осудить действия отца Виталия.
В пятницу отец Виталий служил всенощное бдение в храме Владимирской иконы Божьей Матери. На службе молилось несколько десятков прихожан. Первым песнопением вечерней службы является пслом, который начинается словами: «Блажен муж, который не ходит на собрания нечестивых». Казалось, что отец Виталий адресовал эти слова и к жертве террористического акта Дмитрию Лаврову…
2. Written by Данила, on 24-10-2012 17:03
Я учился с Димой в одной школе в параллельных классах, он в А, а потом в Б. Не скажу, что я его хорошо знал. Общались, да,действительно номальный приветливый и трудолюбивый парень. Был на его могиле в Островцах……. Очень жаль, что его жизнь оборвалась так внезапно.Собболезнования его родным — жене дочке,и родителям….. Случай, просто случай… А живым хочется сказать — цените жизнь.
ПС — Я не верующий, меня отец Виталий, этот чертов сын, не коснется, но про храм Владимирской иконы расскажу пожалуй кому смогу….

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