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Panteleev, Denis
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Panteleev, Denis
Written by родители, коллеги, друзья   
Суббота, 03 Март 2007
Age — 26; Russia,  Saint Petersburg. 

On October 23rd, 2002, Denis was coming back from his latest business trip to Moscow. He already had his tickets to Saint Petersburg, and had a few hours to kill before leaving. A ticket agent in a box office in the subway suggested a modern musical.

Everything, it seemed, was going well.

Denis called colleagues from work about the seizure of hostages, but he did not worry any of his relatives. He is always that way — protecting his loved ones.

He passed through life so easily, always accompanied by good fortune and everything he tackled turned out for the best.

Denis read a lot, loved to sketch, and in school had been a swimmer in the Olympic reserve. He graduated from a special high school of mathematics and physics and the Admiral Makarov State Academy, and was a pors-graduate student. He had just finished defending his master's of science dissertation and was working as head of the new technologies department.

No one had any doubt about his great prospects.

Denis had bright, radiant eyes, and a kind and friendly smile, which remain in forever in many people's memories.

If you had only known how happy he was at the birth of his daughter and was always telling everyone: «I have one beauty of a daughter!» We all hoped that she would grow up to be clever, just like Denis.

In his short life, Denis was in many lands, working on Russian ships and for foreign companies, and had been on business trips a lot recently.

We still cannot believe that our Denis is no more. He simply left for a long while, and will certainly return.

Written by the parents of Denis.

I remember Denis when he was still a cadet. He never crept forward, but studied and studied extremely well. We had been meeting regularly lately about his dissertation, and it was very interesting work.

You know, he was one of the few young persons I was able to talk with as an equal, and sometimes I felt that he knew much more than I did.

I remember how in September he came running to me, glowing with joy: «Nikolai Ivanovich! I have a daughter!» I asked him then: «You probably wanted a son, an heir?» But he smiled and replied: «Whatever do you mean? A daughter is even better!»

He had everything for a life full of happiness.

Written by N. I. Denisenko, professor, doctor of technical sciences, and Denis's science director.

It is very hard to speak (write) about Denis in the past tense: “he lived, dreamed, knew, rejoiced…” and not so much because he tragically lost his life on that awful day, but more because it had just started!

All the important things were still awaiting him – his work, which was interesting and needed by everyone, the happiness of being a loving father, son, brother, and true friend!

In his 26 years he, perhaps, was able to do a lot – he laid the foundation of work with good prospects in practical ecology, writing and bringing into practice a host of projects to reconstruct areas in various regions of our nation (including in the Chechen Republic).  He actively worked in developing partnerships with colleagues in other countries, such as Finland, Sweden, and England.

His brilliant capabilities, outstanding education, intelligence, and humility, his ability to choose worthy goals in life – all of this distinguished Denis from his peers.  Thanks to this quality he turned out to be a true leader among his companions, and earned the respect of his colleagues at work.

All of this highlighted the horror of the tragedy at Dubrovka!  Denis’s life and many others were torn asunder…

We share the grief of his family and loved ones.  We will remember Denis and those who were with him during those fateful days and left us forever…

P. S. At the request of the friends and colleagues of Denis, a new specialized vessel for cleaning up accidental oil spills in the port city of Saint Petersburg will be named for him.

Written by Evgeny Bugayev, ex-manager of the ecologic safety department of ECO Phoenix Holding, Inc.

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  Comments (9)
1. Written by Люба Бурбан website, on 13-03-2007 18:24
Сайт прекрасный — в основном по неординарности и главное по содержанию – памяти тех, которых мы не уберегли…
С каждым новым лицом в мемориале я все больше начинаю верить, что уходят самые лучшие, красивые и ужасно молодые и в основном мужчины (когда я вижу возраст, просто зверею).
К сожалению,оптимизма ничего не прибавляет.
2. Written by Stuart Paul, on 30-03-2007 19:02
Denis was a friend above all friends. I still cannot believe he is not with us.
My first visit to the beautiful City of St.Petersburg came as a result of his invitation whilst working on ships in the Port of Falmouth, UK. I first met Denis when he wanted to know where he could get a newspaper. On his return he invited me to see his work in the ship. It was as if we had known each other for years…that was the kind of person he was; and it started a friendship which was to last. Denis was a very caring and loving person. He had that rare gift to love everyone he met, which is heaven sent; and everyone loved Denis in return.
The arrival of a baby daughter brought so much happiness to him and I remember his excitement on the telephone. Denis would call from time to time; just to keep in touch and to make sure I was alright. «when are you coming to St.Petersburg again» was at the end of nearly every call. Caring and interested to the very end.

I agree with Denis's parents…that he had bright radiant eyes and a very friendly smile which would remain in the minds of everyone who knew him.

In losing you the world has lost a very special person — but the memories of you will live forever in our hearts. Denis, my special friend in St.Petersburg; I will
remember you always — stay close to us.
May God Bless you and keep you safe — until we meet again.
3. Written by The Mission to Seafarers, Falm, on 30-03-2007 22:17
May you rest in Peace and rise in Glory.

We will always remember the story of when Denis went on board a ship with Stuart and sold telephone cards to the Russians. They said to him «you speak russian well where did you learn» They then asked him does he work for the Mission to Seafarers and how did he get the job. I know the right people said Denis. «how much do they pay you» they asked. Ј300. said Denis, «a week or month» they asked «oh, said Denis, a week of course» And another time when Denis went with Stuart to visit a ship at anchor. The Russian Captain said to Stuart «your friend has a bright future ahead of him» Sadly, in 2002, that came to an end.
The Captain's son, Sergey, is a cadet at Admiral Makarov Academy.
4. Written by Сергей Морозов, друг, однокурс, on 29-12-2007 14:37
Очень не хочется говорить о Денисе, что я его помню, хочется сказать, что я
его знаю, как настоящего друга. Знакомство в начале учебы в ГМА, 5 лет
совместного обучения, дальнейшие отношения — в нашей дружбе было многое:
и приятные события, и курьезные случаи, и смешные ситуации, о которых мы
могли бы еще долго вспоминать с улыбкой. В своей дружбе Денис очень много
отдавал другим, ничего не требуя взамен, поэтому с ним было легко и весело.
У меня, как и у каждого человека, были сокровенные мысли и чувства,
которыми я мог поделиться только с ним. Это очень важно, чтобы у каждого в
жизни был такой друг!
Денис был очень разносторонним человеком: это и «вечный двигатель»-
вечно куда-то спешил, бежал, постоянно находился в водовороте событий, дел,
мыслей, и в то же время непринужденный интеллектуальный собеседник. Было
ощущение, что он торопится жить, боится чего-то не успеть.
В последнюю нашу встречу ничто не предвещало скорой трагедии — мы
отлично проводили время с нашими семьями; Денис делился со мной своими
планами и надеждами, заражая меня оптимизмом, и я не сомневался,что они
вполне осуществимы. Очень жаль, что от нас уходят именно такие молодые,
жизнерадостные, перспективные ребята и классные друзья.
Я узнал о смерти Дениса не сразу; тогда очень трудно было поверить в это, и
до сих пор у меня ощущение, что надо перезвонить ему, т. к. в последний раз он
почему-то не поднял трубку.
5. Written by Sergey Morozov, on 13-03-2008 16:32
It would not be desirable to speak about Denis, that I remember him, it would be desirable to tell, that I know him like a real friend. Acquaintance in the beginning of study in SMA, 5 years of co-education, the further attitudes — many things took place in our friendship: both pleasant events, and funny cases, and ridiculous situations which we could recollect with a smile long time after. Denis had mach to offer for others in friendship, demanding nothing in exchange. I, as well as each person, had secret ideas and feelings which I could share only with him. It is very important, that everyone has such friend in his life!
Denis was very versatile person: he was like «perpetuum mobile» — eternally hastened somewhere, ran, constantly was in whirlpool of events, affairs, ideas,— and at the same time like easy intellectual interlocutor. There was a feeling, that he hurries up to live and afraids not to be in time to do something.
Nothing foretold to fast tragedy in our last meeting — we perfectly spent time with our families; Denis shared his plans and hopes with me, inspiring me with optimism, and I did not doubt, that it quite realizable. It is a very pity, that such young, cheerful, perspective fellows leave us.
I have got to know about Denis's death not right away; it was very difficult to believe in it at that time, and till now I have a feeling that it is necessary to ring up him once again since last time he has not pick up the phone for some reason.
6. Денис Пантелеев
Written by Герман, on 25-01-2019 02:50
Я был 3-м механиком,он 4-м. жили в одной каюте…кроме меня его кто-нибудь еще вспоминает? (без обид)…
7. Димка Пантелеев
Written by Андрей Владимирович Сударев, on 17-07-2019 16:42
Димка Пантелеев был добрым и отзывчивым. Мы вместе учились в ГМА им Макарова. Мы несколько раз встречались после учёбы в 90 стые, потом он пропал. Я случайно узнал что он погиб в Норд Ост. Я так и не узнал где он похоронен. Если кто знает, напишите.
8. Written by Светлана, on 05-08-2019 07:43
Денис Пантелеев похоронен в Санкт-Петербурге на Большеохтинском кладбище
9. Written by Ирина, on 26-10-2023 12:11
Вот уже и 21 год, а будто как вчера!!!!

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