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Predova-Uzunova, Emilia
Written by друзья   
Воскресенье, 28 Декабрь 2008

Age — 43, Austria, Vienna.

1Emilia Predova-Uzunova, an Austrian citizen of Bulgarian ancestry, came to Moscow for the 9th International Perfumes and Cosmetics Exhibition, “Intercharm 2002”.  She went to the musical with a former teacher.  She leaves behind two daughters, ages 12 and 16.

A person who departs from life still lives in the memories of loved ones, friends, and colleagues.  The more of these that there are, than the more he or she yet lives.  EMMA had an enormous collection of these throughout many countries of the world.

From the very beginning of our acquaintanceship, she was the personification and embodiment of an inextinguishable love of life and of all those around her.  She had a vital fervor, and enormous faith in a bright future and everything good in life.

My heart is broken and my subconscious still refuses to acknowledge or believe that EMMA is no longer among us.  This volcano of life, this bright, sunny, ever smiling person, who was full of energy, fire and fervor, who was ready to come to your assistance at a moment’s notice and put her shoulder into it, who gave her love and kindness to her friends and loved ones, she was a truly a radiant Personality with a capital letter.

She will always remain for us a symbol of hope and the enormous, endless love of all those around her, a symbol of true faith in life.

I say this with a clean conscience.  All my colleagues, who knew and had the honor to get to know EMMA, share these words and feelings.  About the one and only EMILIA…

She will forever remain in our memories as a smiling, sincerely fervent, sparkling, unbreakable woman, and as a person who never surrenders no matter what the trouble, and always believes in her eventual success and victory.



Written by Viktor Kanibolotsky.

I never thought that such a day would ever come. I never imagined that Emi's life would be so cruelly cut short. I still can not accept the truth of her loss.

Emi was an important person in my life. I became a better person for knowing her.

Our lives were strangely interwoven.

Emi was a magnificent person. She was above the petty trivia of everyday life. I will remember her with a broad smile on her face, proud of her children, proud of her husband, proud of her friends. She was full of energy, enthusiasm and strength. She had heart full of love for everyone around her.

The most important things to her were
 her husband
 her children,
 her home,
 her professional integrity
 her friends and her relatives.
She loved to be surrounded by love.

I will always remember when she told me that it is us, «people who make things happen. We don't need to wait for someone else to do things for us. Just go and do it!», she said. This was her attitude. "If you feel lonely because you are abroad, away from family and friends, organize a party! Don't just sit there and moan! And so she did.

She loved things to be beautiful: the inside of her home, her appearance, her children, her attitude to life and people. Emi was a live wire, whoever came into contact with her was shaken out of their apathy or indifference.

Friendships are strange things. Circumstances bring together people unexpectedly. Emi, the two Dimiters and I were classmates in Secondary school in Sofia. But we only became really close friends when life threw us both into the big concrete blocks of flats in Mladost 4 (a remote suburb of Sofia).

Emi and I bumped into each other by accident, pushing our prams with our babies, in the small park in front of our block of flats. We didn't know we were neighbours.

Emi and I discovered we had many things in common: apart from the obvious size similarities, we both married a boy from our class, with the same first name — Dimiter. Both worked in international trade. We both had children nearly the same age and had very similar interests in books, travel, and languages. We enjoyed each other's company. I admired her energy and
insatiable curiosity, her excitement in discovering new things that stayed with her all her life.

When Dimiter and I moved to London, and soon after Emi and Dimiter moved to Vienna. But we kept in touch. Dimiter and Emi often came on trips to London and always made time to see us. We shared our experiences of living away in a foreign country and making a go of life there, building our careers, businesses, making a home and putting all our efforts into bringing up our children.

Dimiter and I shared Emi's love for travelling and discovering new places and cultures. We used to spend evenings reminiscing of far away places and people. It was incredible how hungry Emi was for new knowledge and how unassuming her way of sharing it with others was. That was Emi. Always having something interesting to say, something positive, something funny!

I will never forget the memorable week we spent skiing, or rather they went skiing, I broke my leg and just enjoyed being looked after. It was the happiest holiday of my life! We never stopped laughing.

Emi, Bojidar, Veneta, the 2 Dimiters and I were inevitably the last people at closing time. We never got bored. I was tired, I wanted to hit the pillow but Emi was full of energy. She used to say; «You have not come on holiday to go to bed early, have you?» Her idea of a holiday was not sleeping on a beech, but very different: going dancing, going for a walk, playing cards or going to the sauna, which was a great joke in itself. Non-stop!

That was Emi. This was how I will remember her: living life to the full, rushing to try as many things as she possibly could. There was never enough time for all her endeavours! Yet, there was always time for a friend, always a good word for everyone.

Our last meeting was in London in early summer, when she came for an exhibition. She stayed with us. It was a difficult time for her. She was about to make the next important change in her life: to commit all her intellectual energy, experience and knowledge to their family business. She was leaving her job to work with Dimiter. She told me how excited she was and how nervous at the same time.

Emi was a modern woman. She built her career with hard work perseverance and dogged determination for success! She was an incredible linguist. She loved the Russian language and culture. She loved English and the English language. She learned one of the most challenging languages (at least for me) — German. She was amazing!

I will remember her incredible partnership with her husband Dimiter. They were a model family, a marriage of minds, hearts and bodies. Her love for Dimiter and her children was boundless.

Emi was love, loyalty and care that knew no limits. She was a strong woman. She was a fighter. She was brave, too. Whenever things were difficult for her, she would not complain, she would try and deal with problems herself. Whenever someone else had a problem, she would be there for them, not sparing time, energy or affection. I benefited by her friendship and her example. My life has been enriched and inspired by her love and thirst for life.

There won't be another one like Emi. But we are grateful that we knew her, that she touched our lives with her big smile and big heart. Today we must celebrate Emi's life and her achievements, as well as say goodbye.

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.


Written by Lili Mirtcheva


Emmy was such an energetic, positive, helpful, resourceful, funny and lovely woman that it's difficult to believe she's not around any more. And difficult to think of anyone who deserved less to go in such a tragic and senseless episode, or so young.


I've been going over and over memories of her in these last few days of fear, hope and then desolation, and I haven't remembered anything that wasn't happy and delightful. From that first dinner in the Sheraton when she was making jokes about all that typing, right through to the last time I visited you in what was then your new flat in Vienna, for which you'd both worked so hard. She was pure gold. And now she's gone.


A lot of us--really a lot of us, I suspect--have lost a much-loved friend. But her husband  and the girls have lost most of all.  From what I've seen, they are fine girls. If they grow into women even half as wonderful as Emmy, her husband will have cause to be very proud indeed.


Written by Rob Whitford

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  Comments (1)
1. Written by любовь, on 01-07-2009 08:52
Реквием норд-ост 23. 10. 02
Посвящается Эмилии Узуновой.
Как глупо, как нелепо все….
Кто Вы???
Имеющие право на смерть людей,
что жить хотят..
И матеря Вас не простят!
Подонки — вы вершили теми, кто не в чем не виноват!
Когда-же кончится все Это???!
Когда ж дебилы, перестанут УБИВАТЬ.?!
И дети будут в доме мать всегда встречать…
Ты для меня была всего знакомой.
Хорошей и веселой знала я тебя.
Ты иногда советом помогала,
Ты мудрой женщиной и матерью была.
Как больно осознать, что больше нет Тебя,
и только фото мне напомнят…
Твои девчонки – прекрасные цветы.
Как это им сейчас понять……
Что ты была и больше нет……
Погас твой лучезарный свет….
Прости – кричит душа, прости за всех…..
Я буду помнить о тебе всегда.
Вена, горы, Киев – не сотрут из памяти тебя.
Как дружно за руки взявшись,
мы с Альп безудержно неслись.
Девчонки, весело смеясь, нам, что-то в след кричали.
Не так давно еще все были вместе мы.
И ты с своей семьей и мы в вдвоем беспечны….
Ну кануло все в пропасть и я стою одна…
И я молиться буду за тебя.
За жизнь детей твоих, за мужа, за тебя.
Покойся с миром, пусть пухом будет для тебя земля.
И может быть когда-нибудь свой путь пройдя — увижу я тебя.

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