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Semin, Sergey
Written by Родственники   
Суббота, 22 Август 2009

Age — 40, from Moscow, Russia.


1One day, during the summer of 1984, my daughter Anna, a 4th-year student at the Moscow Institute of Construction Engineering, came to me and, awkwardly, reported that she was going to get married.  Her choice was a classmate named Sergey, and he was coming by on the morrow to ask me for her hand.

One cannot avoid what is destined to happen.  The next day, in the evening, there was ring at the door and there, before me, stood my future son-in-law.  He was not tall, but he was well built and handsome, well dressed, and, of course, carrying a large bouquet of flowers.  For the rest of their married life, large bouquets would always accompany Anna and Sergey.

At dinner I learned that Sergey was born in Cherepovets, that he was 23 years old, had finished his military service, and that his mother was a teacher and his father a builder in whose footsteps he intended to follow.

I liked Sergey right away, and it was with pleasure that I gave consented for them to wed.

Later, as is custom, there was the bridal shower, then a very crowded, and almost exclusively youthful and happy wedding.

And in February of 1986 Sergey and Anna had a daughter, Sashenka.

He was the man of the house, strong and responsible.  In order to feed his family, he changed classes to the evening and went to work at the construction site during the day.  After finishing the institute Sergey and Anna began working as construction engineers in the design institute.

But then Perestroika thundered across the land.  The first cooperatives appeared, and Sergey rushed into free enterprise.

From this moment on he and his family began a completely new life.

He chose a difficult activity — the construction of single-story wooden buildings.  His abilities and best qualities became fully developed in this field.

It was a difficult time.  People were losing their jobs, and former classmates, professionals or simply people whom he trusted, came to see Sergey at his firm.

From the very beginning of this new activity he became a leader and an indisputable authority for all his coworkers.  But he never behaved haughty or swaggering.  He listened to many other opinions, but he assumed an individual decision and was solid and goal-oriented in putting this decision into practice.  Due to the clever and well-pondered policies of Sergey, the firm grew and developed successfully, and changed from a cooperative into a private company, but always under the same name: ‘Anna'.

Why do I know so much about this firm's activities?  Because, in 1994, it was I, a construction engineer, who was invited by Sergey to join this company, to become its assistance director, and after me followed my brother and our wives, who sooner or later also became construction engineers.

Quite often family relationships among coworkers ruin a company, but that was not the case with ‘Anna', where the indisputable authority was Sergey, where his word was the law for all the workers, including his relatives.

It was not enough that Sergey and I were shoulder-to-shoulder five days a week, but we spent our days off together as well — our weekend cottages were right next door to each other.

At the dacha he turned into a completely different person.  Happy, direct, and, as they say, unwound.  There were happy banquets at the dacha, with Sergey playing on the guitar and singing beautifully.  We held celebrations for any family occasion.  It was with such pleasure that he gave expensive, yet tasteful, presents.

Somehow Sergey started to perform philanthropy.  The company regularly donated (and continues to donate) to the children's shelter, and in return received tasty pastries and coffee cakes.  One of the Red Army veteran's councils also received aid from the firm.

Sergey and Anna decided to strengthen their family ties not simply with stamps in their passports, but in a more serious manner — they had a church wedding at a chapel in Archangel alley.  Later, following those tragic days, Sergey's funeral mass was held in this same church.

Life, it seemed, was going to be happy and last a long time. In 1988 Sergey and Anna had Ivan.

Only now, in hindsight, do I realize what an ideal family they were.  In 17 years of married life Sergey made a fisherman out of Anna, and she made Sergey into an inveterate theatergoer.

And then, on October 23rd, they left the office a little earlier than usual, so that they would not be late to ‘Nord-Ost'…

About 9 in the evening came the call, from Anna, which turned our lives upside down.  Three days passed as if in a nightmare, and on the 26th we learned that Sergey was no longer with us.

Hundreds of people came by the office to bid Sergey farewell: friends, relatives, or simply acquaintances from Moscow, Petersburg, Cherepovets, and Surgut.

Sergey is no longer with us, but he is there in their beautiful children, there in the company that Anna now heads, and in the memories of everyone who knew Sergey.

And this memory will be with us until the end.


Written by E. A. Kissin, Anna's father


In my recollections, Sergey as a child was ‘lively', a boy in motion.  He was always the center of attention and the leader of any group.

The liveliness of his character and his creativity attracted all who knew him like a magnet.  His hobbies, and in childhood Sergey had a lot of them, were hockey, football, music, and that, which more than anything worried his parents, pyrotechnics.  But for us kids, his younger brothers, it was so interesting to set off homemade rockets and firecrackers.  We did not get by without a couple of trips to the doctor's, but, fortunately, nothing serious.  Sergey never gave up this hobby as an adult, and learned fireworks almost to a professional degree.  He loved to give people pleasure.

Sergey often served as an example to my younger brother Yevgeny and I: be careful in everything, from your school journal to cleaning your room, be attentive to our parents, as well as justice and honor.

Seryozha did well in school and helped me.  I remember in 8th grade I got a lot of 3's (C's) in organic chemistry and could not figure out the material at all, but inside of two days he explained it all to me.  By the end of the year I had a good, solid 5 (A).

Yevgeny and me associated holidays with Seryozha.  Sometimes our parents let us stay at his house, and on those nights we got to sleep very late, always thinking up various reasons to continue talking.  We hungrily waited for the next weekend so that we could see Sergey and once again think of something especially new and interesting.

Many funny things happen in childhood.  You recall them all, but this happy character, his kindness and his caring for us, the little ones, and the joy that he gave to one and all — this remains in our hearts for our entire life.

The wild 1990s changed many people as they bowed to the sometimes-unjust laws of the marketplace.  But Sergey was able to preserve his kindness towards others, always helping another in distress, and his justice and generosity.  These marked him even in early childhood and stayed with him through time.  The happy little fire in his eyes still looks at us from childhood and adult photographs, and makes us smile through the tears, remembering the past and dreaming about the future, always comparing our behavior to his.

Written by his brother V. G. Volynkin.

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  Comments (10)
1. папе…
Written by Сёмина Саша, on 23-09-2007 03:27
Я помню тебя…
2. Written by Марина Волынкина, on 05-10-2007 13:12
…Мы все помним и любим…он с нами…был есть и будет…
3. папе…
Written by Сёмина Саша, on 08-10-2007 23:34
…я с тобой…всё меняется, но память о тебе навсегда…во мне…я тебя люблю! думаю, ты где-то рядом…
4. о папе
Written by Сёмина Саша, on 02-10-2008 20:43
Папа был чудесным человеком.
Когда говорю о нем, всегда кажется, что он где-то рядом.
Прошло 6 лет, а все еще неверится, что так может быть.
Я горжусь, что я его дочь и что он был со мной 16 лет.
Папа- это светлая и счастливая память.
5. о папе
Written by Сёмина Саша, on 02-10-2008 20:54
Папа- это человек солнце, человек праздник.
Говоря о нем, человек, кто бы он ни был, улыбается.
До сих пор не верится, что его нет…
…Зато есть память о нем у всех в сердцах и она самая светлая…
…Слезы стоят в глазах, но всегда понимаешь, что это не выход, а выход есть: любить и помнить.
Я люблю и помню!
6. Written by Сёмина Ольга, on 23-10-2012 16:17
Прошло 10 лет, а боль потери такая же нетерпимая… Безгранично любим, помним и скорбим… Вечная светлая память!
7. папа
Written by Ваня Сёмин, on 27-10-2013 17:43
Папа- один из людей, о котором я очень часто слышу воспоминания других людей, при том, только хорошие и только добрые воспоминания… К моему величайшему сожалению, мне не довелось быть с ним знакомым, общаться с ним, говорить на разные интересные темы, не довелось и видеть фейерверки, запущенные им в воздух… Правильней будет сказать, что я видел это, но не помню, а от этой мысли еще хуже… Глядя в старые фотоальбомы, видишь многое, что происходило в нашей жизни, видишь папу-веселым, радостным,мудрым, порой задумчивым… У меня не разу не было просмотра фотографий без невольно скатившейся из глаз слезы. Но надо продолжать жить и наслаждаться той жизнью, которую даровали родители. Но надо так же и хранить воспоминания о тех, кого сегодня с нами нет. Еще ни одного застолья в моей семье не было, без того, чтобы не помянуть папу. Он с нами. Он все видит. Он помогает нам. Мне пятнадцать лет и я горжусь, что ношу фамилию такого великого человека. Я очень сильно люблю папу… Таких людей очень мало. Вечная ему память..
8. Written by Сёмина Ольга, on 18-11-2015 14:43
В этом году 13 лет как тебя с нами нет… Нет, к сожалению, физически, но в памяти, в мыслях и сердцах ты с нами! Идет время и теперь уже я с своей дочкой прихожу к тебе… И она всегда с интересом слушает мои рассказы о тебе… Любим, помним и никогда не забудем! Вечная светлая память…
9. Written by Терентьев Анатолий Филиппови, on 09-12-2015 11:29
Я служил с Сергеем вместе на Ладоге. Были вместе в одном взводе, дружили. Вечная память Сергею.
10. Written by Иван Сёмин, on 11-06-2022 03:25
Мне уже 23, но я продолжаю слышать истории о нем. Не важен повод для их рассказа, важна лишь суть и любовь, которую рассказчики вкладывают в слова о нем. Многое поменялось в жизни с момента моей крайней записи, но неизменна и тверда память каждого человека, знавшего папу.
Чту эту память и я, невольно радуюсь пускай и мелким сравнениям меня с ним, исходящих от близких и родственников.
Все те качества, о которых писал выше мой дед, весь тот запал папы, упомянутый моим дядей, я стараюсь разглядеть в себе, а в чем-то развить. Двух одинаковых людей не бывает и я это понимаю, но если говорить об идеальном примере, то он один из тех людей, кто точно входит в эту категорию.

Вечная Память, спасибо за жизнь, которую Ты мне дал.

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