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Shomakhova, Elena
Written by Родители   
Суббота, 04 Апрель 2009

Age — 35, from Moscow, Russia.


1Our dear daughter, Elena Vladimirovna Shomakhova, was born in Moscow on November 10th, 1966, while my husband and I were still students at the Moscow food industry technical institute.  The doctors were thrilled at the nice, peaceful, smiling, curly-haired girl our daughter was born and grew into.  Little Alyonka was always chirping like a bird, sunny and dancing, and always singing or rhyming something.  While we were in Kazakhstan staying with her grandmother, my mother Valya, friends said that Alyonka should be an Akyn, a Kazakh poet.  After graduating from Moscow, we took our little daughter to the faraway Siberian city of Seversk, in the Tomsk district.

In school, as well as in kindergarten, Alyonka made a lot of friends.  She always had long hair, and her friends loved to comb and braid her long, magnificent tresses. 

Alyonka was active in sports.  She also attended music school and played the guitar.  At home our door seemed never to close, because her schoolmates would gather to do homework or celebrate holidays, prepare news placards for the school bulletin board, or get ready for workouts.

Lenochka attended the Tomsk polytechnic university and decided, like her parents, to become an automated production engineer and after graduation she worked here in Seversk.

She went to school with her husband Artur and in their fourth year at the institute they had a daughter.  Five years later our and son-in-law decided to move to his hometown of Nizhnevartovsk, where his mother still lived.

Things went well for our dear children in this new place.  They were accepted into the institute's correspondence school in economics, and received degrees in banking and began to work in their new field.  Soon they acquired new friends and life in Nizhnevartovsk turned out to be much more dynamic than Seversk.

But still, our nation's capital, Moscow, had always beckoned to our daughter, and while still a student she had traveled there all on her own.  Our son-in-law often traveled to Moscow on business, and so he bought an apartment there and after the birth of a son our daughter moved the family there.

In Moscow Elena began to work at the central bank, and her experience in accounts in Nizhnevartovsk proved useful.  It was hard for them to leave Nizhnevartovsk, since our daughter's career was just beginning to take off and she had such a good relationship with her coworkers there.

As before, Elena and her family did well in Moscow.  They traveled around the world, as well as making weekly trips to the Ryazan district to the city of Spassk-Ryazansk where her mother-in-law was now living. Elena developed a new hobby in Moscow — cultivating flowers and garden plants.

Lenochka was skilled at cheering a person.  She would lovingly make a present of her time and attention to friends and acquaintances.  When she came on a visit with her kids, everything started to move, interesting things would start to occur, and right away one wished to change life for the better.

The tragic events of October 2002 destroyed us like a nightmare.  They changed everything into that irreparable misfortune, into that intolerable pain, with which we and the relatives and loved ones of Lenochka live even today.

How we worried during those terrible days when our daughter and granddaughter were inside the theater at Dubrovka, and the funeral for our daughter Elena is difficult to describe.

Elena was buried in the town she loved, in Spassk-Ryazhansk, south of Ryazan in the place were nature and the nearby river look similar to Seversk.

Written by her parents.


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  Comments (3)
1. Из статьи А. Яковлева «Норд»
Written by Лана, on 16-03-2007 16:30
Прошел еще один год, второй по счету, с тех пор, как Елена Шомахова, уроженка Северска, погибла в Москве в ДК на Дубровке, где давали мюзикл «Норд-Ост», а потом спецслужбы вели борьбу с мировым терроризмом.
После этой трагедии мы рассказывали о том, как ее, работника Центробанка, хоронили в Спасске-Рязанском — в маленьком провинциальном городишке, расположенном в четырех часах езды от столицы. Куда в огромный родительский дом муж Артур любил привозить ее с детьми, Аленкой и маленьким Алешкой, почти каждые выходные.
На годовщину «Норд-Оста» мы рассказывали, как изменилась жизнь Шомаховых в Москве и родителей Елены, Юлии Николаевны и Владимира Васильевича Кувиковых, в Северске. О дочери погибшей Елены Владимировны, Аленке. Она тогда вместе с матерью находилась в театральном центре. Но сумела выжить.
Помянем же Елену Владимировну Шомахову, погибшую в 35 лет в светящейся огнями, афишами, рекламными щитами Москве, в ДК на Дубровке. Чтобы помнили…
…В московской квартире до сих пор действует табу — о маме не говорить. Но было и нечто новое. На столе появилась фотография Елены. Остальные ее фото Артур как спрятал в дальний ящик, так и держит их там до сих пор.
Побывала Юлия Николаевна [мама Елены] на кладбище. Кое-что подкрасили с мамой Артура, Еленой Музакировной. Она совсем недавно посадила на могилке свежие анютины глазки. Но кто-то пришел и выкопал их. Садили новые цветы. Рядом мужчина лет пятидесяти ревностно ухаживает за могилой. Подошел: «Я знаю вашу историю (в местной газете писали) и все здесь видел. Зять ваш с девочкой сюда часто приходит». А потом, немного помолчав, произнес: «Хорошо, что она с собой ни кого не увела. Добрая у нее душа».
Черный мраморный памятник Артур поставил год тому назад. Долго подбирал по компьютеру фотографию Елены. Выбрал такую, что, с какой точки ни посмотришь, видишь взгляд Елены. Юлия Николаевна в тот раз — а была дождливая погода с изморозью — увидела на портрете дочери застывшую слезинку на щеке. Дата рождения. Дата смерти. И подпись «любим, помним, скорбим…»
Помнят ли остальные, кого не коснулась эта трагедия и подобные ей?

Полностью статью можно причитать здесь: http://www.seversknet.ru/dialog/nord.html
2. Written by Вика, on 06-04-2009 17:14
она такая красивая,трудно поверить что её больше нет ((((((((
3. Written by Альфия, on 29-07-2010 20:22
Да, очень трагично, надо же как она похожа на свою свекровь

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