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В День памяти
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Simakov, Aleksandr
Written by Илья Гинзбург   
Суббота, 10 Февраль 2007
Article Index
Simakov, Aleksandr
Page 2

Age 29; Russia, Moscow.

Shura.  Sashok.  Aleksandr Vladimirovich.

He was born on November 12th, 1972. He would have been 30 two weeks after ‘Nord-Ost’…

Shura (Alex) was my friend. And this is not just a word. Because all that is the kindest, brightest, most trustworthy, most beautiful, all that there is in the word FRIEND – all this is what I mean when I write about Shura.

Shura had a great handshake, and nowadays this is rare. People greet each other in different ways: some will plop a flabby flipper into your hand, while others do the opposite and contrive to splinter all your bones. But a real handshake, a strong and amicable one: this is a rarity. For some reason this seems important to me.

Shura was an unusual person. Since one can write this about any person, you will just have to take me at my word, but I am nonetheless speaking the purest truth. There were a lot of ordinary young guys and gals in the company that we kept, but Shura was different from everyone else. He never drank at all. He was rather secretive. He had a tendency towards contemplation. He had not lived at home for a long time – he hid out from the draft… And there was something in him, some kind of a friendly grandeur and self-sufficiency. I felt a little out of my league next to him. I had to look up to him from down below, which is not surprising, considering his height of two meters.

In the later half of the 1990s he got tired of hiding from the draft board and living with friends and counting kopecks. Shura occupied himself with the mountaineering industry, later starting his own business and gradually started to earn some decent money. In the spring of this ill-fated year he bought a car, an old Passat. We used to drive out to my village in it.

He lived, especially in his later years, how should I put this: hungrily, readily, openly, he was always trying something new, particularly when he got his financial freedom.

Shura was no angel. He had his, as they like to say nowadays, cockroaches. In general I do not believe that one has to “either speak well of the dead, or not at all”, because the most valuable is the living memory of living people with all of their peculiarities. Sometimes Shura irritated me terribly. And it was not just a matter of my irritability – he irritated on purpose, and later, with the interest of a young naturalist, he would observe how I boiled over like a teapot. I remember even now the moments of my irritation, of my anger towards Shura, with such warmth and love, as any other, perhaps happier, moments of our life. I would like to be honest, especially relative to one who can no longer object.

Shura was also in love with my daughter, and this is also the truth. My oldest daughter (she just turned 3 that year) was a normal child – sometimes happy, sometimes capricious. Shura spent hours with her. My wife and I were amazed: how many hours can one spend with someone else’s kid? A half-hour, an hour? But Shura could sit all day with Mashka, never leaving the room. After all, they had such a genuine interest in each other! We could easily leave Mashka with him like a nanny, and sometimes we even did this. They like being together.

We did not tell her what had happened right away, but after a few days she suddenly understood that Shura was no more. She figured it out from conversations at home, or from the television and radio. We only searched for him by phone. Only God knows the pain she felt.

That summer before he died, we had signed Mashka up for kindergarten and I was obligated to do some labor for the school, to dig out the supports for a huge, welded swing set. For half a day Shura and I clawed at the ground, set up the swings, straightened them out, and poured cement. The swings stood as a monument to Shura for almost four years, and kids played on them, but last summer they took them down and put something else up.

PS: I do not know if it is worth telling how Shura took a long time in getting around to going to ‘Nord-Ost’, how we planned to go together but it turned out that my wife and I went earlier. How he decided to order tickets for a Tuesday or a Wednesday. He ordered on a Tuesday but for some reason they turned out to be for Wednesday. Was the hand of fate here? I do not think so. It just turned out that way: someone went on Tuesday, and someone got Wednesday.

But it is impossible to forget, impossible not to tell you the feeling of that awful revelation, which turns out to be so simple! There once was a person – and then he is no more. Three days ago you two had been chatting, greeting each other and saying good-bye, gossiping about someone, making plans for the weekend, and then you are standing there and looking dully at his legs sticking out from under a sheet on a gurney. God, how defenseless they are!

Whose fault is it? Who brought the Chechen pot to a boil and overdid it so bad that THESE events started? Who turned the theater into a gas chamber? Who repeated the whole thing a couple years later to even greater effect in Beslan?

In my opinion, the answer is so obvious that it is not worth talking about. THEY do not know how to do anything else. THEY do not know that ANY life is priceless: not only the lives of THEIR children, but OURS as well.

And no one thought to get on their knees
And tell these kids that in a worthless country
Even the brightest achievements – they are but steps
Into eternal precipices of an inaccessible Spring…

Aquarium, ‘That, which I should say’, Album: Library of Babylon (1993)

God knows, how many years ago that was written, but nothing has changed. Yes, and why should it?

Written by Ilya Ginzburg.

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  Comments (14)
1. Written by Александр, on 11-02-2007 10:03
За каждой из фамилий в списке погибших судьба не только этих людей, но и десятков их родных, сотен, тысяч людей, в круг знакомых которых они входили. И десятков тысяч тех, кто может сочувствовать. Моё сердце дрогнуло, когда я читал это. Мне жаль, что я не почувствовал крепкого рукопожатия моего тезки. Жаль.
2. И это все о нем
Written by Миловидов (отец двух заложниц), on 05-03-2007 13:57
Мне казалось, что я знаю о 130 погибших немало. И о проблемах семьи Саши Симакова тоже.
Теперь я знаю, что я ничего не знаю…
Уважаемый Илья! Спасибо за СЛОВО О ДРУГЕ!
3. Written by Илья Гинзбург website, on 12-02-2007 13:22
Спасибо за добрые слова… А главное — за сопереживание.
4. Спасибо
Written by Антон, on 06-05-2009 16:34
Так случилось, что я проучился с Сашей около года в Бауманке в начале 90-х Занесло его туда скорее случайно, чем намерено, просто не понравился мехмат МГУ или вытурили.
Помню его рукопожатие. Широченная твёрдая ладонь альпиниста, а ещё помню его тягу к высшей математике. Она давалась ему настолько легко.
До недавнего времени я не знал, всё рассчитывал на встречу, где-нибудь на Шаболовке откуда он родом. Выходит зря.
5. Written by ольга, on 26-10-2010 22:00
Сегодня -день памяти! А телевидение молчит-скупые 2–3 минуты в новостях…Родина-уродина,но ее не выбирают…Читаю книгу памяти…Моему сыну 22 года-он не был там…Я буду дорожить каждой минутой в общение с родными…Спасибо за память о Вашем друге!
6. Written by Алена Михайлова, on 27-10-2010 11:32
Потрясающе живая история про человека, которго ты не знал, но который был с тобой в том зале … и остался там навсегда. Я думаю, что именно для таких рассказов о погибших и был организован этот сайт.Чтобы мир говорил о 130,не как о цифре,а как о живых, интресных, талантливых людях: мужчинах, женщинах и детях. Которых потряла страна, история. Которые влюблялись, ошибались, творили- просто жили.А теперь их нет, а нам, оставшимся жить ЗА НИХ, остается хранить только память, бороться с забывчивость власти и общества.Спасибо за ваши истории!
7. Written by Илья Гинзбург website, on 01-08-2011 16:34
Я давно не заглядывал на эту страничку. Радостно было обнаружить, что Книгу Памяти читают. Это очень важно.
А теперь вот, пишут, что Книга выйдет на бумаге. Я обязательно ее приобрету.
Хочется сказать большое человеческое спасибо всем, кто делал эту Книгу, этот сайт, всем, кто не бросает нас.
8. Written by Андрей, on 09-07-2012 15:47
Я учился в школе с Сашей Симаковым. Старшие классы, школа 600. Длинный и долговязый, что еще я про него помню, просто помню … как давно это было… вот мне почти 40 и я на 10 лет старшего одноклассника: (печально.
9. прошло 10 лет
Written by Валентина, on 24-10-2012 22:50
Я училась с Сашей в Бауманке. Пару раз собирались курсом, а его найти не могли, позже узнала о том что он погиб в трагедии НОРД-ОСТа. Он был очень добрым, веселым с удивительным чувством юмора, мы, по сравнению с ним, были дети. Он много знал, и с ним было очень легко. Он любил жизнь и очень жаль, что ему так мало было отмерено…… Помню, скорблю…
10. Written by Елена, on 26-10-2012 15:56
Санька, господи тебя нет с нами уже десять лет.Мы были одноклассниками.я узнала об этом недавно. Помню.. они с Вадькой сидели какое-то время на первой парте несмотря на свой рост и сутулились… Спасибо Вам, Илья за добрые слова, спасибо всем кто помнит. Светлая память Саня тебе и всем кто погиб тогда. И дай Бог сил всем вашим близким выдержать боль расставания с вами.

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