Age — 38; Russia, Moscow. They say that when a person dies, then the whole world dies with them. I think that life for many who knew and loved Zhenka (Eugenia) was diminished by an entire universe. She had so much happiness, light, human kindness and wisdom that her absence is sharply felt, almost physically, even now, with the passing of years since she is no more.
There is a certain type of person, whom it seems is born to be a hero: brave, strong, handsome — the kind we dream of becoming in childhood. The kind we always try to befriend in youth, whose closeness we eternally hold dear in later years, with whom we easily and without regret dream of growing old. Such a person was Zhenka.
It is not possible to describe the universe in two words. Perhaps all who write about their lost ones are tormented by those things unsaid, the inability to pass along how much these people meant to them. What was she like? She was surprisingly beautiful — bright, sunny, and intoxicating to the eye, one who left no man or woman indifferent. She had a stunning sense of humor, a sharp mind, and a kind tongue. She knew how to win, and never feared losing. Any of us would give anything so that she lived.
Tatiana Perekatova, her sister, Moscow Zhenya (Eugenia) was a best friend who understood everything. She was kind, sympathetic, simple in dealings, and always attentive to the people around her.
In the last few years she was running herself ragged. She was very tired — there were always children to «get up». After all, Zhenya was raising them alone, but even so, she was always ready to come and help out someone — to console, to listen, and to lend a word or hand.
She was a city girl — a native Muscovite, but her soul could relax only in nature: in the forest, on the Volga, or at the dacha. It was as if she got her strength from the earth. I remember the last summer before the tragedy. Zhenya was working in Moscow, but every weekend she went to Dubna, and she and I would bicycle to the dacha. We would dig plant beds, irrigate and sweat, and later sit in the sun and talk, talk, talk about everything. Sometimes we would even draw out a song like old women do — with the fullest measure of the soul. Zhenya's favorite was (from Alexander Rosenbaum's 'Duck Hunt'): And I recall Long ago I was taught By my father and my mother: To heal in this way To love in this way To enjoy myself in this way…" There was so much strength, so many plans, and so much hope. I thank destiny for putting 'Jackie' and me together, but I am so bitter that they killed her! I miss her so!
Irina Yegorushkina, her friend, Dubna Jackie … she was a surprisingly cheerful person. When she would come visit us, or in general, anywhere she was at, she formed such a positive group around herself. It was not that something complicated or important was going on, it was just that everything went great with her: a stroll around Dubna on a chilly spring day, or laughing about some ridiculous or silly gesture one of us had done, or drinking wine out of little vodka glasses.
Together with the fact that Zhenka's inner being was distinctly visible, she lived at peace with herself. She loved her children, and it is as if they became a part of her soul. They say that her last words were: «Take care of Leona and Lucy».
Mikhail Krasnoselsky, a friend, Moscow For us she always was simply Zhenya, but to her friends on the team she was 'Jackie'. A smart and pretty girl, talented in nature, she was made for fencing. She had superior coordination, speed, and she was left-handed, which is always an additional problem for her rivals. She came to the Dynamo fencing school rather early, at 10 years of age. But where else could she go? Her aunt, Valentina Ksenofontovna Rastovorova, celebrated master of sport and Olympic champion, was starting a group of beginners. Zhenya quickly was able to enter the combined Moscow youth team, and later got on the combined USSR team. She was twice champion of the USSR Spartacade, several times winning first place in the nation and many other competitions at home and abroad. Those who saw her on the fencing runner were always surprised by her active, one could even say, aggressive manner of dueling, since in real life she was a gentle and smiling, and very charming girl. At assemblies and competitions friends from her team and other fencers would gather for her number. There was always something to talk about with her, and she always would listen to whomever she was talking to, and even give some advice. Nadezhda Alexandrovna Arskaya, director of the Dynamo fencing club, world champion and master of sport, Moscow
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1. Статья о Жене Скопцовой Written by Лана, on 10-03-2007 11:05 «… За плечами Евгении Скопцовой — 20 лет, отданных рапире. Из них — пять лет в сборной Союза. Дважды побеждала на первенстве СССР, завоевывала „серебро“ Кубка Европы… Появились дети — молочная кухня, коляски, пеленки-распашонки, ясли-садики, школа-уроки… С детьми об их маме Наташа просила меня не говорить. Еще слишком свежи те раны, которые хотелось бы скорее залечить. Единственное, о чем я спросил у Людмилы: какой она помнит маму?
— Разной — доброй и строгой, веселой и грустной. Но главное, что она была живая,— ответила девочка.»
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2. женечка Written by ирина, on 06-10-2009 16:13 Женечка мы тебя безумно все любим.При жизни ты была невероятно добрым человеком.Для нас ты всегда жива и горячо любима.
3. Written by Сергей , on 24-11-2019 05:20 16 и 17 ноября 2019 года в подмосковном городе Дубне, на базе спорткомплекса «Волна», состоялся турнир по фехтованию среди женщин, посвященный памяти мастера спорта международного класса Евгении Скопцовой.
Евгения Скопцова – воспитанница фехтовального клуба «Динамо Москва». Выступала за сборную СССР. Двукратная победительница Спартакиады народов СССР, серебряный призер Кубка Европы. Работала учителем физкультуры в дубненской школе № 5. Стала одним из основателей фехтовального клуба и детской фехтовальной секции в Дубне. Погибла 26 октября 2002 года во время теракта в театральном центре на Дубровке.
Соревнования прошли уже во второй раз. Первый турнир состоялся в октябре 2017 года. Его выиграла москвичка Лилия Хмелькова.
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