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Solodov, Gennady
Written by Ольга Солодова, жена   
Понедельник, 29 Декабрь 2008

Age — 34, from Moscow, Russia.

He lived on Zelenaya Street in the city of Lyubertsy, while I lived on nearby Kolhoznaya.  I was walking by a store called ‘Komfort’ when a young man hailed me.  This was how I met ‘Gena’.


We were friends for a long time and got married in 1996.  In 1998 our son Dmitriy was born.  Gena graduated from the radio technical trade school in Lyubertsy and worked for ten years as a TV repairman for Lyubertsy city television.


Starting in 2000, he began working as a lighting technician on the musical ‘Nord-Ost’.  He was responsible for all lighting for the show.  October 23rd, 2002, was his shift, and Gena, together with the spectators of the musical, was captured by the terrorists.  I had no contact with him because he left his cell phone in the cloakroom.


After the assault on October 26th, someone told me that Gena was alive.  We could not find him on the hospital lists.  It was not until October 28th, after I called the prosecutor’s office, that I found out that Gena had died.


In all these 6 years I still cannot get used to the fact that he is no longer with us, and the pain does not cease even for a minute…



Written by his wife, Olga Solodova.

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