Age 54; Russia, Moscow. Yulia was born on August 17th, 1948, and I have known her since she was 14. Her father was a soldier, and she joined our class when he was stationed in Moscow. After high school, Yulia and I entered different institutes, but our friendship continued. We were married after college, and in 1972 ‘Yulenka’ presented me with our son, Sergey. After college Yulia worked for the Moscow engineering projects institute, later becoming a managing engineer. She was offered the position of group chief, but Yulenka refused, because it was not in her character. She was happy, sociable, and had a sincere heart. Yulia had many girlfriends, and we were often their guests, or they were ours. She loved the theater, and so she and her girlfriends attended shows with pleasure. Yulenka loved to cook, and it seemed to me that no food was ever as tasty as what she prepared. We loved to travel together, and crossed half the nation together. Another hobby of hers was gardening. Yulia for some reason could not get her tomatoes to grow, but her cucumbers always turned out to the very best. She knew my passion for raspberries, and so she would never trust me to pick anything but strawberries. We liked different movies. Yulia loved detective mysteries, while I liked action films. But we never argued about it – I always gave into to Yulenka. I loved her very much, so even when she was in the wrong, I gave in, and always agreed with her. I liked shepherd dogs, but Yulia was afraid of large-breed dogs, and so we raised poodles. Later we got a cat, because Yulia loved them. One day she went to buy a wardrobe, and ended up with a Persian kitten. Later Yulenka found another kitten in our commons, and soon we had 3 cats in the house. Yulia loved animals, and to the very last day of her life she was feeding strays. When our son grew up and moved away, we decided to remodel the apartment. It was Yulenka’s idea, but in real life I was the one to bring these ideas to fruition with my own hands. We never managed to live together in our new apartment, however. Written by her husband, Konstantin Taguzayev Views: 10404 | E-mail
1. юлечка Written by татьяна , on 25-08-2009 14:44 Юленька мы Тебя помним и любим!
2. юлия Written by мария, on 06-10-2009 16:27 Было время когда мы Юленькой работали вместе.Хочу сказать только одно Царство Небесное Тебе Юлечка.Ты была очень честной доброй и приятной женщиной.Твой светлый ум и красота останутся звездой на небе навсегда.
3. Юля Written by марина, on 23-10-2009 22:20 Юля была вместе с нами на дне рождения моей сестры и самой близкой Юлиной подруги. Это было 12 октября 2002г. Нам всем было очень весело. Так было всегда, когда подруги собирались вместе. Мы много и о разном болтали, в том числе и о новом спектакле «Норд-Ост». Они очень хотели его посмотреть. К сожалению, к горестному сожалению, они уехали туда вместе и вместе больше не вернулись. Пусть земля им будет пухом! А мы будем их помнить, пока живы.
4. Юля и Люда Written by егор и ольга, on 16-01-2010 19:41 Юленька Тагузаева и Людочка Шалбанова мы вас помним.
5. память Written by Юрий, on 21-08-2012 12:22 С 1963 по1966гг. я учился в одном классе с Юлией и Людмилой Гроза и с их будущими мужьями Константином и Александром в 664 школе. Это были хорошие, воспитанные, умненькие, культурные и добрые девочки. Пути наши разошлись, но в памяти они всегда были рядом. Скорблю. Да водворит Господь Бог их души во Царствии Своем, где нет ни печали, ни болезни, ни воздыхания, но жизнь безконечная. Вечная им память! Профессор, иерей Георгий. 21.08.2012 г. по Р.Х.
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