home arrow report arrow APPENDIX 23. Resolutions on forensic medical examination institution

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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
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Kurbatova, Christina
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Grishin, Alexey
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APPENDIX 23. Resolutions on forensic medical examination institution
Written by Administrator   
Ïÿòíèöà, 29 Äåêàáðü 2006

23.1. Letyago, Alexandra Nikolaevna


On assigning a forensic medical examination

City of Moscow                                                                                          12 November 2002

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.

Materials of criminal case 229133 were examined.


On October 23rd, 2002, at approximately 2100 hours, an organized group of the armed persons took not less than 800 persons hostage on the premises of the DK (Palace of Culture) of Moscow Bearings, Inc. located at ¹ 7 Melnikov St., Moscow, and held them until October 26th, 2002, when they were freed as a result of a special operation carried out by law-enforcement agencies.

However, Alexandra Nikolaevna Letyago, year of birth 1989, who was among the hostages, was killed during the course of the special operation.

A forensic medical examination was performed on the victim. This examination, however, was not sufficiently complete for obtaining answers to questions requiring clarification.

Taking into account the need for resolving the emergent questions, a further forensic medical examination taking into account the complexities of the case must bear the nature of a commission of inquiry.

Set forth in accordance with Article 195 (196) and 199 of the UK RF (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


1.  To assign a forensic medical examination, which is to be performed by the bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee.

2.  In the next resolution, to supply the primary examiner with questions taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case that are appropriate to preparing the primary examiner’s conclusion:

What were the injuries on the corpse?  What were their quantity, location, length of time, and causes?  What was their mechanism of formation and their degree of seriousness?

What could be the causes of the stated injuries, the characteristics of the traumatizing objects, and directions of the wound channels?

What was the possible location of the victim at the moment of receiving the injuries?

Could the victim have injured himself by falling from her own height?

Could a victim with such injures have moved without assistance, performed any actions, spoke or shouted?  If yes, then precisely which actions could the victim have performed, and when?

Were the injuries received while alive or posthumously?

At what length of time after receiving the injuries did death occur?

How long did death take?  What were the causes of death?

Did the victim ingest food, alcohol, or narcotic substances shortly before death? If yes, then what substances, in what quantities, and how long before death did she ingest these?

In what condition were the internal organs at the time of autopsy?  Did the victim's body contain any traces of chemical substances, decomposition or disintegration, not typically found in the human body?

Did the given chemical substances have any influence or effect on the victim's body?  Did they cause any harm to her health, and could they have a causal relationship in death of the victim?

Are there any signs of asphyxia on the corpse? If yes, then what were the reasons for asphyxia as such? Could asphyxia have been caused by the action of chemical substances, including gaseous substances, and do they have a causal relationship in the death of the victim?

Does the corpse have any signs of previously present, chronic illnesses? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these illnesses have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

Does the corpse have any other signs of previous present negative factors, such as stresses, physical exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, or long-term immobilization? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these negative factors have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

3.  Place at the disposal of the experts the following materials:

            The body of Alexandra Nikolaevna Letyago       

            A copy of the present resolution

4.  Assign the chief of the BME, Moscow KZ (bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee):

To explain to the primary examiner his rights and duties stipulated in Art. 57, UK RF, and warn him of his criminal liability for the issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Article 307, UK RF.

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.


The rights and duties stipulated in Article 57, UK RF were explained to me on “__” _______ 2002.  Simultaneously I was warned about my criminal liability for issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Art. 307, UK RF.

Primary examiner__________________

                        CERTIFIED COPY

Investigator for the Directorate of investigating organized crime and murder for the Moscow city prosecutor’s office,  (signed) V. I. Kalchuk

23.2. Karpov, Alexander Sergeevich


On assigning a forensic medical examination

City of Moscow                                                                                          «12» November 2002

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.

Materials of criminal case 229133 were examined.


On October 23rd, 2002, at approximately 2100 hours, an organized group of the armed persons took not less than 800 persons hostage on the premises of the DK (Palace of Culture) of Moscow Bearings, Inc. located at ¹ 7 Melnikov St., Moscow, and held them until October 26th, 2002, when they were freed as a result of a special operation carried out by law-enforcement agencies.

However, Alexander Sergeevich Karpov, year of birth 1971, who was among the hostages, was killed during the course of the special operation.

A forensic medical examination was performed on the victim. This examination, however, was not sufficiently complete for obtaining answers to questions requiring clarification.

Taking into account the need for resolving the emergent questions, a further forensic medical examination taking into account the complexities of the case must bear the nature of a commission of inquiry.

Set forth in accordance with Article 195 (196) and 199 of the UK RF (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


1.  To assign a forensic medical examination, which is to be performed by the bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee.

2.  In the next resolution, to supply the primary examiner with questions taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case that are appropriate to preparing the primary examiner’s conclusion:

What were the injuries on the corpse?  What were their quantity, location, length of time, and causes?  What was their mechanism of formation and their degree of seriousness?

What could be the causes of the stated injuries, the characteristics of the traumatizing objects, and directions of the wound channels?

What was the possible location of the victim at the moment of receiving the injuries?

Could the victim have injured himself by falling from his own height?

Could a victim with such injures have moved without assistance, performed any actions, spoke or shouted?  If yes, then precisely which actions could the victim have performed, and when?

Were the injuries received while alive or posthumously?

At what length of time after receiving the injuries did death occur?

How long did death take?  What were the causes of death?

Did the victim ingest food, alcohol, or narcotic substances shortly before death? If yes, then what substances, in what quantities, and how long before death did he ingest these?

In what condition were the internal organs at the time of autopsy?  Did the victim's body contain any traces of chemical substances, decomposition or disintegration, not typically found in the human body?

Did the given chemical substances have any influence or effect on the victim's body?  Did they cause any harm to his health, and could they have a causal relationship in death of the victim?

Are there any signs of asphyxia on the corpse? If yes, then what were the reasons for asphyxia as such? Could asphyxia have been caused by the action of chemical substances, including gaseous substances, and do they have a causal relationship in the death of the victim?

Does the corpse have any signs of previously present, chronic illnesses? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these illnesses have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

Does the corpse have any other signs of previous present negative factors, such as stresses, physical exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, or long-term immobilization? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these negative factors have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

3.  Place at the disposal of the experts the following materials:

            The body of Alexander Sergeevich Karpov

            A copy of the present resolution

4.  Assign the chief of the BME, Moscow KZ (bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee):

To explain to the primary examiner his rights and duties stipulated in Art. 57, UK RF, and warn him of his criminal liability for the issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Article 307, UK RF.

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.


The rights and duties stipulated in Article 57, UK RF were explained to me on “__” _______ 2002.  Simultaneously I was warned about my criminal liability for issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Art. 307, UK RF.

Primary examiner__________________


23.3. Booker, Sandy Alan


On assigning a forensic medical examination

City of Moscow                                                                                          «12» November 2002

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.

Materials of criminal case 229133 were examined.


On October 23rd, 2002, at approximately 21:00 hours, an organized group of the armed persons took not less than 800 persons hostage on the premises of the DK (Palace of Culture) of Moscow Bearings, Inc. located at ¹ 7 Melnikov St., Moscow, and held them until October 26th, 2002, when they were freed as a result of a special operation carried out by law-enforcement agencies.

However, Sandy Alan Booker, year of birth 1952, who was among the hostages, was killed during the course of the special operation.

A forensic medical examination was performed on the victim. This examination, however, was not sufficiently complete for obtaining answers to questions requiring clarification.

Taking into account the need for resolving the emergent questions, a further forensic medical examination taking into account the complexities of the case must bear the nature of a commission of inquiry.

Set forth in accordance with Article 195 (196) and 199 of the UK RF (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


1.  To assign a forensic medical examination, which is to be performed by the bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee.

2.  In the next resolution, to supply the primary examiner with questions taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case that are appropriate to preparing the primary examiner’s conclusion:

What were the injuries on the corpse?  What were their quantity, location, length of time, and causes?  What was their mechanism of formation and their degree of seriousness?

What could be the causes of the stated injuries, the characteristics of the traumatizing objects, and directions of the wound channels?

What was the possible location of the victim at the moment of receiving the injuries?

Could the victim have injured himself by falling from his own height?

Could a victim with such injures have moved without assistance, performed any actions, spoke or shouted?  If yes, then precisely which actions could the victim have performed, and when?

Were the injuries received while alive or posthumously?

At what length of time after receiving the injuries did death occur?

How long did death take?  What were the causes of death?

Did the victim ingest food, alcohol, or narcotic substances shortly before death? If yes, then what substances, in what quantities, and how long before death did he ingest these?

In what condition were the internal organs at the time of autopsy?  Did the victim's body contain any traces of chemical substances, decomposition or disintegration, not typically found in the human body?

Did the given chemical substances have any influence or effect on the victim's body?  Did they cause any harm to his health, and could they have a causal relationship in death of the victim?

Are there any signs of asphyxia on the corpse? If yes, then what were the reasons for asphyxia as such? Could asphyxia have been caused by the action of chemical substances, including gaseous substances, and do they have a causal relationship in the death of the victim?

Does the corpse have any signs of previously present, chronic illnesses? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these illnesses have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

Does the corpse have any other signs of previous present negative factors, such as stresses, physical exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, or long-term immobilization? If yes, then exactly which signs are evident?  Did these negative factors have a causal relationship in the victim's death?

3.  Place at the disposal of the experts the following materials:

            The body of Sandy Alan Booker

            A copy of the present resolution

4.  Assign the chief of the BME, Moscow KZ (bureau of forensic medical examiners, Moscow city health committee):

To explain to the primary examiner his rights and duties stipulated in Art. 57, UK RF, and warn him of his criminal liability for the issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Article 307, UK RF.

Investigator of extremely important cases, bureau of investigating organized crime and murders, Moscow city prosecutor’s office, Attorney 2nd class A. E. Bebchuk.


The rights and duties stipulated in Article 57, UK RF were explained to me on “__” _______ 2002.  Simultaneously I was warned about my criminal liability for issuing a false conclusion, in accordance with Art. 307, UK RF.

Primary examiner__________________

                        CERTIFIED COPY

Investigator for the Directorate of investigating organized crime and murder for the Moscow city prosecutor’s office,  (signed) V. I. Kalchuk

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