Written by Каринна Москаленко
Суббота, 26 Октябрь 2013 |
ONCE AGAIN ON 'NORD-OST' AND THE MANDATES OF THE EUROPEAN COURT'S DECISIONS Due to health reasons, this year it was not possible for all of us to gather at that tragically famous spot on Dubrovka, the place where we lost brothers and sisters, children and parents, during the course of an operation more aimed at destroying terrorists than rescuing hostages. Certainly, history will answer the questions in full, but right now former hostages and relatives of deceased victims have already been fighting for the truth for 11 years. They are fighting for the truth about the case and the truth about the deaths of their loved ones. Last year on this day dozens of hostages and their families gathered for a sad anniversary of the event — 10 years since the tragedy of 'Nord-Ost'. On that day, October 26th, 2012, our principal applicants in this case — old and new — signed an appeal to those obligated to assure the appropriate work of investigative bodies in our country so that they finally organize a thorough and independent investigation, pursuant to the decision of the European Court in the 'Nord-Ost' case ("Finogenov & Others v. Russia "), and to determine all those circumstances that the authorities so carefully conceal from its own citizens. Be first to comment this article | Views: 5963 | E-mail |
Written by Вера Челищева
Четверг, 24 Октябрь 2013 |
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23 октября исполнилось 11 лет захвату заложников на Дубровке — трагедия, о которой как-то постепенно забывается. Но только не родными погибших и бывшими заложниками, которые все эти 11 лет не перестают биться за правду. А именно — выясняют, кто издал приказ пустить по залу смертоносный газ и понесут ли спецслужбы ответственность за такую спасательную операцию, а власти — за бездарную помощь пострадавшим. Для «нордостовцев» этот, 2013 год стал своеобразным водоразделом. Российские власти окончательно показали им большую фигу: расследовать гибель 130 заложников как не собирались, так и не будем. Даже при наличии постановления Европейского суда, который в декабре 2011 года обязал российские власти провести эффективное расследование и представить «удовлетворительное и убедительное объяснение причин смерти заложников и установить степень ответственности должностных лиц за их смерть». Be first to comment this article | Views: 4212 | E-mail |
Written by Р.О. Иванов
Понедельник, 21 Октябрь 2013 |
Today is a sad anniversary. Eleven years ago, on October 23rd, 2002, Chechen militants stormed and took hostage the theater on Dubrovka in Moscow. The up-to-date, newly remodeled, and beautifully furnished building was hosting the musical 'Nord-Ost'. Gathered here was not a poor crowd — the hall was full of nice suits and dresses, the scent of costly perfume, and the warble of pricey mobile phones. In short, located here at ground zero were not the marginal members of society, but mainly representatives of the middle class that could spend a few hundred — a lot more money back then than nowadays — to go see this cultural project. Perhaps arguably cultural, since not one of the songs from the musical was even at least a «seasonal» hit, even after the tragedy. The audience was probably about as happy as those not so poor people that bought tickets for the Titanic back in the day. 'Nord-Ost', meaning «a nor'easter» or northeast wind, turn out to be icy, and chilled all the way to the bone. The glamorous spectacle became a true hell on earth. Pale actors, in the remnants of their makeup, climbed down from windows and told reporters what was going on. What they said, of course, was confused, and confusing, which intensified the nightmarish atmosphere. Comments (3) | Views: 4459 | E-mail |
Written by Администрация города Волгодонска
Понедельник, 16 Сентябрь 2013 |
September 16th — Day of Remembrance for the victims of the terrorist act in Volgodonsk Today at 5:40 in the morning in the V-U quarter there began an event dedicated to the victims of the 1999 terrorist attack. Showing up first at the site of the tragedy, today as well as on that terrible day 14 years ago, were rescuers and firefighters, medical workers, law enforcement officers, representatives from the city, and relatives of the victims. On September 16th, 1999, at 5:57 AM a vehicle packed with explosives equivalent to two tons of TNT blew up. By its degree of damage, the attack at building number 35 on the Oktyabrskoe highway in the city of Volgodonsk is still considered the largest in Russia: damaged were 39 houses, a police station, two schools, a kindergarten, and a library. About 16,000 inhabitants (including a 1000 children) are officially recognized as victims. 19 Volgodonsk residents were killed, and 73 people became permanently disabled.
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Written by Илья Сульдин
Четверг, 05 Сентябрь 2013 |
On September 3rd, during the ninth anniversary of the tragic events in Beslan, an exhibition opened in the Arts Center on Michurin Street. This “upside down” exhibition was devised by a Samara artist named Frol Jolly, who became both curator of the project and one of its authors. Comments (1) | Views: 5834 | E-mail |
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