Written by Ольга Есаулкова
Среда, 13 Март 2013 |
On February 21st, 2013, a heart stopped beating, the heart of OLGA BUTENKO — the heart of a sweet, tender, golden, and precocious girl. She was a student at the Stary Oskol Medical College (SOMC) and participant in the 2011 and 2012 ‘Nord-Ost’ requiem concerts. “A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil…” (V. O. Klyuchevsky) They say that Olga was a little girl with a GREAT BIG HEART. She only spent three semesters at SOMC, but you can write an endless chronicle about her life during this short period. Not a single college event went on without her. She had many talents, but her most important talent was LOVE. She loved her mother, friends, people, and her own life. While participating in the ‘Student Portfolio’ contest, Olga shared her dreams and spoke with admiration and deep respect about her idol Leo Bokeriya, stating with firmness that her dream was to become a heart surgeon like him. Olga was also quite able to empathize and sympathize. Comments (1) | Views: 6370 | E-mail |
Written by Karinna Moskalenko
Пятница, 08 Февраль 2013 |
Committee of Ministers Memorandum on implementation of judgment of the case "Finogenov and others v. Russia» (№ 18299/03 and № 27311/03) 1. Introduction We turn to you with a request to take measures to urge the Russian Federation to follow its obligations under the European Convention of Human Rights. The Convention, ratified by the Russian Federation, creates an obligation for the state to fully implement ECtHR judgments (Art. 1 and Art.46). On December 20, 2011 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) passed the judgment in the case "Finogenov and others v. Russia” (№ 18299/03 and № 27311/03). On June 4, 2012, the judgment became final. In the judgment, the Court stated a violation of the right to life of the hostages and their familiesby the State by way of inadequate planning and conduct of the operation to rescue the hostages, as well as by failing to conduct an effective investigation of the incident: “Holds that there has been a violation of Article 2 of the Convention on account of the inadequate planning and conduct of the rescue operation, Holds that there has been a violation of Article 2 of the Convention on account of the authorities’ failure to conduct an effective investigation into the rescue operation”. The applicants submit that full implementation of the Court's judgment would require the initiation of criminal proceedings, which according to the judgment (§§ 273-282) were not conducted in accordance with the principles of an effective investigation. Be first to comment this article | Views: 5885 | E-mail |
Written by Большой Кавказ
Пятница, 11 Январь 2013 |
The latest actions of female suicide bombers show that the face of Wahhabi terrorism is that of the Russian girl. In 2011, it was the face of Mary Khorosheva, who blow up a police station in the Dagestani village of Gubden. In late August 2012 it was the face of Alla Saprykina, who killed Sheikh Saeed Effendi Chirkey. The beginning of 2013 was marked by the name Alena Bykova. 19-year-old Alena, who lived in the city of Volzhsky, never managed to blow anyone up, but she was involved in matters that were far from harmless: she recruited through social media Russian girls for ‘pure Islam’ and its subsequent war against the infidels ‘on the path of Allah’. Even if only judged by these facts, the conclusion suggests itself: Wahhabi thugs have their own special plans for Russian suicide bombers. Be first to comment this article | Views: 16126 | E-mail |
Written by Анна Шубина
Среда, 12 Декабрь 2012 |
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Ключевым вопросом заседания стало досудебное соглашение о сотрудничестве со следствием, заключенное экс-милиционером Павлюченковым вскоре после ареста. Насколько сделка с правосудием сократит возможный срок заключения станет известно 14 декабря. МОСКВА, 12 дек — РАПСИ. Прокурор в Мосгорсуде потребовал 12-летнего заключения для бывшего сотрудника столичного ГУВД Дмитрия Павлюченкова, который полностью признал вину в убийстве обозревателя «Новой газеты» Анны Политковской и дал показания против соучастников. Насколько сделка с правосудием сократит возможный срок заключения, который без сотрудничества со следствием мог бы превысить 20 лет, станет известно 14 декабря, когда суд огласит приговор. В ходе прений сторон участники процесса просили суд о совершенно разном наказании для Павлюченкова — от максимально возможного и строгого до условного. Comments (2) | Views: 5036 | E-mail |
Written by Редакция ФОМ
Понедельник, 19 Ноябрь 2012 |
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24 октября ФОМ опубликовал результаты социологического опроса, с результатами которого предлагаем Вам ознакомиться ниже. Сейчас большинство россиян считают, что во время спецоперации по освобождению заложников следовало любой ценой спасти людей, пойти на уступки террористам. 10 лет назад почти половина опрошенных придерживались мнения, что террористов нужно было уничтожить — даже ценой жизни заложников. Десять лет назад, в октябре 2002 года, в Москве произошел террористический акт – захват заложников в здании, где шел мюзикл «Норд-Ост». Вы знаете, что-то слышали или слышите сейчас впервые об этом? Be first to comment this article | Views: 5557 | E-mail |
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