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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
В День памяти
Уже 22 года подряд в этот день я включаю песню rammstein Nebel, она ассоциируется с тобой. А 10 лет назад я прочитал пер...
12/12/24 23:18 more...
author Аноним

Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina
Уже 22 года...
24/10/24 13:38 more...
author Аноним

Kurbatova, Christina
Милые, хорошие наши детки!!! Так просто не должно быть, это больно, это нечестно, это ужасно.
30/06/24 01:30 more...
author Ольга

Grishin, Alexey
Памяти Алексея Дмитриевича Гришина
Светлая память прекрасному человеку! Мы работали в ГМПС, тогда он был молодым начальником отдела металлов, подающим боль...
14/11/23 18:27 more...
author Бондарева Юлия

Panteleev, Denis
Вот уже и 21 год , а будто как вчера !!!!
26/10/23 12:11 more...
author Ирина

Putin: Everything was done right at ‘Nord-Ost’ and Beslan
Written by Грани.ру   
Суббота, 31 Май 2008
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is certain the right decisions were made during the terrorist attacks in Beslan and at 'Nord-Ost'. In Chechnya the government has also made the right decisions. This was said during an interview with French newspaper ‘Monde’, as reported by ‘RIA Novosti’.

“I am confident that if we had tried to solve them differently, than they would still be going on,” Putin said. “One might have expected a more efficient operation on the part of our special forces,” he said. “But it is quite clear that we needed to prevent these attempts at destabilizing the nation. It is quite clear that, in every country in the world, as soon as they make concessions to terrorists, they ultimately suffer greater losses than would have arisen during the conduct of special operations.”

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An open Letter to President Medvedev
Written by Татьяна и Алена Морозовы   
Пятница, 30 Май 2008

Dear President Medvedev,

In three coordinated bombings of apartment buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, 292 people were murdered, including our mother Lyubov Morozova. We are writing this open letter to call on you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, to order an independent, open and full investigation of these attacks.

Although these crimes were blamed on Chechen terrorists and used to justify the resumption of a full-scale war against Chechnya later that month, there are numerous indications that Russian security services may have been involved. There is also clear evidence of a cover-up by the authorities. We do not consider this case solved.

Let us remind you of some of the facts:

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Закон о социальной защите граждан, пострадавших от террористических актов. (Проект)
Written by Светлана Губарева   
Вторник, 20 Май 2008
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На очередное обращение, направленное пострадавшими от теракта в Волгодонске на имя Председателя Государственной Думы Б. В. Грызлова, с просьбой принять федеральный закон о социальной защите лиц, пострадавших от террористических актов в Российской Федерации, получена очередная отписка со ссылкой на Федеральный закон «О противодействии терроризму».

Однако в этом законе нет ничего о людях, получивших инвалидность  в результате теракта (пенсия таким людям назначается по общему заболеванию без учета потери трудоспособности),  о статусе детей, родившихся у матерей, получивших тяжелые травмы. Возмещение ущерба возложено всецело на осужденных террористов, т. е. это заведомо невыполнимо. К тому же не существует строки расходов в Бюджете РФ  на социальную реабилитацию  пострадавших от теракта.

Спасение утопающих – дело рук самих утопающих, поэтому председатель Координационного Совета РОО СЗППТ «Волга-Дон» Ирина Халай  предложила внести на рассмотрение  составом ГД РФ  проект закона «О социальной защите прав пострадавших от терактов России»:

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A bucket of bolts
Written by Каспаров.ру   
Воскресенье, 11 Май 2008
Взрывное устройство. Фото СФН-РБК (с)The second explosive device of the day is found in Dagestan
An explosive device was discovered in Makhachkala on the corner of Gagarin and Gamidov streets, reported RIA Novosti with reference to a law enforcement representative. A representative of the Unified Control Service for the Emergency Ministry in Dagestan confirmed the information.
«The discovery of an explosive device is confirmed,» he told RIA Novosti. «Currently the place where the explosive device was found is surrounded by police, and they are taking steps to neutralize the bomb.»
Earlier on May 11th, it was reported that an explosive device had been found on the outskirts of the Dagestan village of Shamkhal-Termen in the Kizilyurt district. It was an aluminum bucket filled with ammonium nitrate, aluminum powder, and shrapnel.

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Written by Каспаров.ру   
Среда, 30 Апрель 2008
Jury renders guilty verdict in the Cherkizovsky marketplace blast
Взрыв на Черкизовском рынке. Фото с сайта www.newsru.co.il Explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. Photo from: www.newsru.co.il

On April 30th a Moscow jury rendered a guilty verdict in the case of the August 2006 blast at Moscow’s Cherkizovsky market, reported ITAR-TASS referring to Moscow city court spokesman Anna Usachev.

“The jurors in their verdict found the defendants guilty on all counts,” explained Usachev. “With regards to the explosion at the Cherkizovsky market, defendants Nikolai Korolyov, Sergey Klimuk, Oleg Kostyrev, and Valery Zhukavets were found guilty of committing a terrorist act, as well as killing 14 people and attempted to murder 61 people,” said the Moscow city court spokesman. The jury found no mitigating circumstances.

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