Written by Нателла Болтянская
Среда, 24 Октябрь 2007 |
Radio station ‘Echo of Moscow’ Presenter: Natella Boltyanskaya Guests: Gennady Gudkov, Anna Andrianova, and Oksana Barkovskaya N. BOLTYANSKAYA: It's 8:11 pm and are you listening to ‘Echo of Moscow’. A couple times a week, ‘Echo of Moscow’ looks for a way out, but I must say that it’s on Wednesday night that ‘Echo of Moscow’ tells the truth on the air with its program, ‘No Way Out’, and tonight’s broadcast is dedicated to ‘Nord-Ost’ — five years after the tragedy. Visiting with us today are former hostage Anna Andrianova, Oksana Barkovskaya, the author of the film ‘Nord-Ost row 11, or a diary from the other world’, and Gennady Gudkov, a member of the parliament security council as well as a reserve colonel in the FSB. Five years have passed. Some conclusions have probably been reached, both positive and negative. What, in your opinion, is the most important thing to say today? G. GUDKOV: Like a gentleman, I will let the ladies go first. Let them begin. O. BARKOVSKAYA: It depends on what conclusions were reached. Are we less afraid, after ‘Nord-Ost’, to go to the theater, or the cinema, or to public places? No, we aren’t less fearful. Did the authorities respond to the questions that the hostages tried to ask? No, they didn’t get any answers, or at least, not truthful ones. Nothing has changed in those five years. The pain has not left. Trust me, I associate with those who lost their loved ones, and the pain is not gone. In fact, it has increased. Be first to comment this article | Views: 6206 | E-mail |
Written by Татьяна КУЗНЕЦОВА
Вторник, 23 Октябрь 2007 |
Five years ago, on October 23rd, 2002, terrorists took hostage more than 900 people who had come to the musical VIDEO: On October 26th, 2007, on Dubrovka in Moscow there will be memorial service dedicated to those slain in the terrorist-seized theatrical center. Joining the former hostages will be victims of terror attacks in Beslan, New York, and London. http://www.aif.ru/articles/article_prmid_dta99052.htmlComments (1) | Views: 6040 | E-mail |
Written by newtimes.ru
Вторник, 23 Октябрь 2007 |
Exactly 5 years ago, on October 23rd, 2002, 'Nord-Ost' took place Terrorists seized the theatrical center on Dubrovka Street, located eight kilometers from the Kremlin, right in the middle of a show. On stage was the super-popular Moscow musical 'Nord-Ost', based on the novel 'Two Captains' by Benjamin Kaverin. Several dozen terrorists burst into the auditorium and took 912 spectators and performers hostage. The gunmen shot five. The tragedy lasted for 57 hours, while the terrorists demanded that President Putin withdrew his troops from Chechnya and stop the war. At dawn on October 26th, the federal headquarters gave the order to start a gas attack. Poison gas was used. The terrorists were eliminated: they were shot both during and after the gas attack. During the assault 67 hostages were killed, and 58 more died in buses and hospitals. One of the reasons for this was the gas was kept secret, and the doctors were not prepared to provide effective medical care.
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Written by Ольга Бычкова, Лев Гулько
Вторник, 23 Октябрь 2007 |
Complaint of the victims of the ‘Nord-Ost’ tragedy in the European Court of Human Rights Radio station ‘Echo of Moscow’ October 23rd, 2007 O. BYCHKOVA: On what might a now take place in the ‘Nord-Ost’ hostage case, we are talking with attorney Karina Moskalenko, who should be on a direct phone line with us. Karina, good afternoon. K. MOSKALENKO: Good afternoon. L. GULKO: Hello. O. BYCHKOVA: Thanks for finding a few minutes for us, please tell us what is this complaint that they have made with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg? K. MOSKALENKO: Thank you for finding me in Strasbourg, because I consider it my duty and honor today to talk about what is happening in the ‘Nord-Ost’ case. This case has been going on for several years, starting all the way back when these tragic events took place. We ended up having to go to the European Court of Human Rights, and here there are two complaints, from two groups of applicants. They are basically similar, but there is still some difference, and one complaint has already been communicated. Our complaint, which was filed April 26th, 2003, exactly six months after the events, was filed first, in order not to miss the deadline.
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Written by Анатолий Стародубец/ газета "Труд" № 193
Вторник, 23 Октябрь 2007 |
WHY HAS THERE NEVER BEEN A FEATURE FILM ABOUT THE TERRORIST ATTACK ON DUBROVKA? Exactly five years ago in Moscow, Chechen terrorists seized the theatrical center on Dubrovka. They took hostage 900 spectators, who had come to see the musical ‘Nord-Ost’. After three days, the first act of a terrible tragedy played out, claiming the lives of 130 innocent hostages, as well as the 40 bandits. We remember those dramatic days together with writer Eduard Topol, author of the documentary book ‘A Novel about Love and Terror, or Two at Nord-Ost’. Be first to comment this article | Views: 5991 | E-mail |
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