Written by радиостанция "Эхо Москвы"
Четверг, 19 Апрель 2007 |
From http://echo.msk.ru/news/370577.html The Russian government must answer questions about the ‘Nord-Ost’ case at the European Court in Strasbourg Proofs or objections must be presented to complaints of violations of “the right to life”, “the right to a fair legal hearing”, and “effective means of defense”. Be first to comment this article | Views: 6836 | E-mail |
Written by "Новости России"
Четверг, 19 Апрель 2007 |
From http://www.newsru.com/russia/19apr2007/nordost.html Victims of the act of terror at Dubrovka intend to demand a criminal case be opened, since, in their opinion, a whole host of victims were not provided with the necessary first aid. Comments (1) | Views: 6225 | E-mail |
Written by Елена Милашина
Четверг, 19 Апрель 2007 |
By Elena Milashina in «Novaya gazeta» Was the assault on ‘Nord-Ost’ avoidable? It is hard to imagine how our government will answer the questions from Strasbourg In the beginning of April, the Strasbourg court began working on a complaint by 57 victims of the ‘Nord-Ost’ case, under the collective name “Chernetsova and others against Russia” (see Novaya Gazeta #27 from April 16th, 2007).
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Written by РИА Новости
Пятница, 13 Апрель 2007 |
From RIA Novosti The European Court of Human Rights accepted for study a complaint from 58 victims of the act of terror in the theatrical center at Dubrovka, according to a report made to RIA ‘News’ by Igor Trunov, the plaintiffs’ lawyer. “We sent in the complaint four years ago, and finally the court has decided to examine it,” stated the defender. Be first to comment this article | Views: 6224 | E-mail |
Written by Светлана Губарева
Пятница, 06 Апрель 2007 |
When people in Russia wish to describe a false report that demonstrates the ignorance of the one who is speaking, they use the expression: «a spreading cranberry». D. N. Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language states that this expression “came from a description of Russia by a superficial French author, in which he wrote that he sat under the shadow of majestic cranberry”. Here are several examples. I will not speak about the confusion during these events, or about mistakes made in names, surnames, or addresses of the victims. Today I wish to talk about something else: about unscrupulous journalists. Extraordinary events give rise to a mass of rumors. One of such event was the seizure of hostages in the theatrical center on Dubrovka in October of 2002. Comments (5) | Views: 7958 | E-mail |
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