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Beslan. It cannot be forgotten
Written by Светлана Губарева   
Четверг, 30 Август 2012

ImagePlanned events to mark the eighth anniversary of the Beslan tragedy were approved at a meeting of the government commission, held under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Tabolov, according to a report from the press service of regional head Taimuraz Mamsurov.

“September 1st is approaching, and we need to observe the days of remembrance for this universal tragedy as best we can. We must do everything possible so that all government agencies act in a coherent and organized manner during the memorial days,” stated Sergei Tabolov stated at the commission meeting, as quoted by the press service.

The deputy prime minister concentrated special attention on questions concerning security during the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the terrorist attack, which occurred September 1–3, 2004 in secondary school № 1 in Beslan.

“The plan for the Days of Remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attack, as approved at the meeting, range from already traditional activities that have not lost their significance, by which we time and again express our common sorrow for the dead. We will also pay tribute to the heroic achievements of the Alpha and Vympel soldiers who gave their lives to save dozens of hostages,” said the press office.

The above, and a memorial ceremony on the grounds of the ruined school will begin on September 1st and will continue over the following two days, during which candles will once again be lit, flowers will be placed, and a memorial service will be held for the dead. At 1:05 pm on September 3rd there will be a minute of silence followed by activities at the Memorial Cemetery, where the names of the victims will again be read, accompanied by funeral music. Flowers will be laid by the Tree of Sorrow and at the graves of children and adults, while balloons will be launched into the sky.

15th region

Memorial services for the victims of the Beslan tragedy will be observed in France and Italy

On September 1st the Paris parish of St. Sergius will hold a ceremony observing the 8th anniversary of the terrorist attack in Beslan. The action was initiated by the ‘France-Europe-Beslan’ charitable organization. A correspondent of REGNUM received the report on August 29th from the Beslan city administration. The memorial service will be conducted in French and Old Church Slavonic.

That same evening in the city of Rovereto (Trento), as well as in the main churches of the Moscow Patriarchate in Europe, there will be services for the dead. The organizer of the memorial service in Italy is the ‘Help Save the Children ONLUS (non-profit social assistance organization)’.

“During these days the Beslan city administration receives letters of condolence for the victims of the 2004 tragedy from people in many regions of Russia, as well as from other countries.”


ImageMemorial ceremony in Moscow to mark the 8th anniversary of the tragic evens in Beslan to be held at 12:30 pm on September 3rd, 2012.

The ceremony will be held at the monument to the victims of Beslan, located on the square in front of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kulishki (Alania farmstead). Flowers will be laid by members of the Permanent Mission of North Ossetia-Alania to the President of the Russian Federation, members of the Moscow Ossetian community, Ossetian students attending universities and schools in the capitol, city residents and visitors, as well as all interested persons who wish to honor and remember the victims.

The monument to victims of the Beslan tragedy was opened on June 1st, 2010, during International Children's Day. The leadership of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania came up with the initiative for placing a plaque honoring the Beslan victims in the capital, which the Moscow city government readily supported.

Competition to design the memorial was held by the Moscow Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning, together with the Moscow Department of Culture, the Russian Academy of Arts, the Moscow Artist Union, and the Union of Moscow Architects, with the direct participation of the Permanent Mission of North Ossetia-Alania to the Russian President. The project of Zurab Tsereteli was voted the best

The base of the monument is inscribed with the words: “In memory of the victims of the tragedy in Beslan, North Ossetia, Beslan school number 1, 1–3 September 2004. 1127 hostages, 334 dead, including 186 children.”

Ceremonies at the base of the monument will take place on September 3rd, 2012, at 12:30 PM.

The address of Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on Kulishki: Solyanka Street 5/2 (near the China Town metro station).

Media can send their contact information to the spokesperson for the Permanent Mission of North Ossetia-Alania, Eduard Kabulov.
Telephone: (495) 916-19-64, (495) 916-21-47, (926) 266-42-10
E-mail: kabulov@noar.ru
Fax: (495) 916-25-22


Remember the past…

Remember the past. Think about the future… These words will be the leit-motif of events dedicated to the Beslan tragedy, which is traditionally held on September 3rd by the Permanent Mission of North Ossetia-Alania to the President of the Russian Federation, together with the Moscow Ossetian community.

That morning there will be a placing of wreaths on the graves of Special Forces officers from Alpha, Vympel, and the emergencies ministry. This will take place at the St. Nicholas Archangel Cemetery, in the town of Zhukovsky, and in the village Yurovo in the Ramensky district. These soldiers and officers were killed during the rescue of hostages from School № 1 in Beslan.

In the center of Moscow at the monument to the victims of the Beslan tragedy there will be a memorial service from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. The monument is located on Solyanka Street 5/2, on the square in front of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kulishki (Alania farmstead).

In September 2004 the name of the small Ossetian town spread around the world. Beslan is not only a symbol of a terrible tragedy and immense suffering; it is a symbol of remarkable heroism by those who stood up to the terrorists. It is a symbol of the rebirth of life.

A collection of wreaths for the graves of the Special Forces soldiers and Emergencies Ministry officers will occur at 8:30 am in front of the cultural center of the Moscow Ossetian community (Novoslobodskaya Street 34/2).

Further information can be obtained from the Permanent Mission of staff at:
+7-495-916-20-46 — Ruslan Tsokov,
+7-926-667-63-68 — George Batsoev.

Permanent Delegation of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania to the President of Russia

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  Comments (1)
1. Written by Дети Беслана…, on 01-09-2012 18:11
[B]Господи, упокой души усопших рабов Твоих:[/B]

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