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He who cannot be named
Written by Андрей Солдатов/Andrei Soldatov   
Пятница, 21 Май 2004


There was an unexpected, big break in declassifications last week. Apparently, after the events at Beslan, the Zamoskvorech'ye court decided to open access to some important documents concerning the investigation of tragedy at Dubrovka ('Nordost'). This is a positive step.

From that which was declassified, it is clear that no one was guilty in the deaths of the hostages. This, in principle, is not news, since that has been the official position since immediately after tragedy.

In turn, human rights activists learned from the declassified procurator's decisions that ambulances arrived at the theatrical center only two hours after the gas attack, and also that the gas used was simply called 'unknown'; therefore (the activists) have decided to sue members of the secret services, and some physicians.

It turns out to be a strange. From the official point of view, that no one is guilty of the (129) deaths. Yet in this case, everyone remembers how it was hinted that it was the fault of the physicians who arrived immediately after the assault. From the human rights activists’ point of view, there are definitely guilty parties, and these are the special forces, in addition to the physicians.

In this case the thought has not occurred to anyone, that the special forces are not the ones making the decision as to when to carry out an assault, and that physicians do not decide when they have to show up at the scene.

The next steps are not difficult to predict. It will be proven in court, what is already now known, that the medics' work was selfless and dedicated, that they did as much as they could in attempting to save the victims. It will then be proven (even though this is already known as well) that the special services soldiers sent to carry out the assault, also did everything correctly, since their basic task at the time of the assault was to prevent the building from getting blown up. And they did.

And so it will once again turn out, as it was recently at Beslan, that all component parts acted heroically — the medics were saving and the special forces soldiers were shooting. But these component parts, correctly functioning, did not solve the puzzle, but brought about a tragedy.

Every time there is any misfortune (especially if its a terror act), for some reason we act as if we were in a Harry Potter book. If you remember, the main villain there was named Voldemort, but everyone feared to pronounce it; therefore the custom was to call him 'He who cannot be named'.

And here we are: everyone pretty much understands everything, but the guilty parties are either no one at all, or they are made out at first to be the medics, then the special forces soldiers.

For example, on the day the police lucklessly attacked an apartment full of terrorists at Makhachkala, the terrorists escaped, but the deputy minister of the Daghestan interior ministry was wounded. Once again, no one was to blame. The police were doing their best to storm the apartment, and it simply just happened.

The fact of the matter is that the one whose name cannot be pronounced every time has a surname, and a job title. These are the people who plan the operation. When it is a terror act, these are members of the operational staff.

Specifically, they make the decision whether to enter into negotiations, or make an assault. It is they, not the special forces, who decide when to perform the assault, and how to explain it later to the people. It is they who decide when to allow medics on the scene.

When Bob Woodward, the great American journalist way back to the days of Watergate (sic), was writing the book 'Bush at War', the main thing that interested him was not of the action of the US Special Forces, but how the decision was made about the beginning of the war in Afghanistan. Who were the people making this decision, how they made it, the chronology of their conferences, who said what, and who raised objections. These are the things that interest Americans; therefore Woodward's books become best sellers.

I am also interested in knowing if there any records remaining of the operation staff conferences at Dubrovka, Beslan, Budenovsk, and Pervomaisk. And I would like to know when access will be opened to these materials, is there some kind of order to their declassification, and how many years do we have to wait. At the very least, I wish that someone would even start to ask these questions.

 Andrei Soldatov

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  Comments (2)
1. Бездействие= Соучастие
Written by андрей панов, on 04-08-2007 20:15
К сожалению, нереально прокоментировоть в двух словах огромное количество ситуаций, но у всех ситуаций один стиль. Есть мы — граждане и они -власти, и между нами не пропасть, просто все происходит на разных этажах. Это сравнимо с кастами. Что характерно, стиль безответствености пронизывает все происходящее повсеместно. У меня судебная тяжба по жилью против властей с 2001. всем все понятно — но решать вопрос по существу власти не могут из за круговой поруки, ведь там все \"свои\", а наказывать придется в случае признания моих прав. Выход для властей — признать, что у меня нет прав! Приведу пример с другим судебным разбирательством. Власти отказали в прописке матери к дочке. Мать подала иск, и иск удовлетворили. На суде судья задает вопрос представителю префектуры:"Зачем вы доводите такие элементарные вопросы до суда?" Ответ представителя префектуры:"А вдруг прокатит!" Это характерно, это стиль, это «норма» управления страной. Эта «норма» — некомпетентность и безответственность. Наши права для чиновников абсолютная абстракция! Тем более, когда происходят вопиющие прецеденты, которые должны повлечь ряд отставок чиновников и возбуждений уголовных дел по факту бездействия т. е. СОУЧАСТИЯ
2. Гибель подлодки КУРСК
Written by андрей панов, on 04-08-2007 20:10
Из фильма " Курск -последний причал " следует, что Курск перед гибелью участвовал в походе в Средиземное море и «держал под прицелом целый флот США», проводивший учения. По восторженным заявлениям участников фильма, когда американцы все-таки обнаружили Курск, то у них был откровенный шок. Через некоторое время на глазах у всего Северного флота, проводившего широкомасштабные учения, на глубине 100 метров две подлодки США расстреляли Курск. Вопрос: Кто планировал поход Курска в район проводимых учений таким образом, что Курск был обнаружен?

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