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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina |
Óæå 22 ãîäà... |
24/10/24 13:38 more... |
author Àíîíèì |
Kurbatova, Christina |
Äåòêè Ìèëûå, õîðîøèå íàøè äåòêè!!! Òàê ïðîñòî íå äîëæíî áûòü, ýòî áîëüíî, ýòî íå÷åñòíî, ýòî óæàñíî. |
30/06/24 01:30 more... |
author Îëüãà |
Grishin, Alexey |
Ïàìÿòè Àëåêñåÿ Äìèòðèåâè÷à Ãðèøèíà Ñâåòëàÿ ïàìÿòü ïðåêðàñíîìó ÷åëîâåêó! Ìû ðàáîòàëè â ÃÌÏÑ, òîãäà îí áûë ìîëîäûì íà÷àëüíèêîì îòäåëà ìåòàëëîâ, ïîäàþùèì áîëü... |
14/11/23 18:27 more... |
author Áîíäàðåâà Þëèÿ |
Panteleev, Denis |
Âîò óæå è 21 ãîä , à áóäòî êàê â÷åðà !!!! |
26/10/23 12:11 more... |
author Èðèíà |
Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina |
Ïîìíèì. |
24/10/23 17:44 more... |
author Àíîíèì |
Justice does not triumph |
Written by Àëåêñàíäð Ñèäîðîâ | ||||||||
×åòâåðã, 26 Àâãóñò 2010 | ||||||||
The North Ossetian president made this statement, while addressing reporters during a visit to the «The parliament of He emphasized that the main purpose of the law is to guarantee social support to victims of terrorist acts. «Only on occasion do those for whom this issue isn't very important remember it. We considered it from the very first moment the idea came. It appeared not just after Beslan, but Terrible «leadership» The direct rebuke to the Ossetian head by those who remember victims of terrorism only «in passing» is not accidental. There have long been passions raging about this issue in the country. Many Ossetians are revolted by factual omissions by federal lawmakers and, as they see it, indifference of the central government. Meanwhile, no official even knows the approximate number of Russian citizens suffering as a result of the actions of terrorists. The head of But the worst part is that the vast majority of the individuals are in fact deprived of normal social guarantees and aid from the state. Above all, since they do not have the status of victims of terrorist attacks, as confirmed by the law. Since no state responsibilities have been spelled out with respect to these victims, bureaucrats at all levels feel free to rid themselves of the afflicted through a «Released» and forgotten? The situation has gradually changed in recent years, but again, it boils down mainly to As for the victims of previous terrorist attacks, they have been forgotten. In 1999 relatives of those killed in the explosion of an apartment building on Compensation for victims in the explosion on the Nevsky Express in November of last year was an order of magnitude higher, due to the fact that, in addition to an allocation from the federal budget, payments also came from the Russian Railways Corporation. Suffice it to say that the railways paid bereaved families 500 thousand rubles (about $20 thousand) and the federal budget paid an additional 700 thousand (about $28 thousand). A sum of 500 thousand rubles was paid to citizens whose health suffered moderate to serious injury. Those injured in explosions in the But victims of terrorist acts believe that even these types of payments are handouts, rather than measures of social protection. In the opinion of many, if the state is unable to fulfill its responsibility to safeguard its citizens, it should be bear even more severe liability and compensate them for losses not of their own volition and discretion, based on a special law, and in full. In the meantime, victims and families of victims rely on allowances paid according to various individual regulations of the Russian government and local authorities. They are practically left alone in their grief. Meanwhile, many of them have As a result, most citizens in this category are simply abandoned to their fate. 'Russian Newsweek' printed stories about the family of stewardess Oksana Bobrovskaya. Oksana died in August of 2004 on a flight from And that is not a single occurrence. A resident of Volgodonsk, Natalya Mordasova, who lived in the house that the terrorists blew up on September 16th, 1999, lost her husband and an apartment, as well as other property. She moved into a hovel with rotten floors, and for the loss of her breadwinner she receives 1,780 rubles (about $70) a month. Ten Endless attempts It should be recalled that the original version of the law on the status of victims of terrorist attacks, according to several sources, was drafted and passed by Russian jurists back in 2003. It was, however, mysteriously lost in the bureaucratic maze. After the hostage crisis in Beslan and the subsequent release that caused numerous casualties among children and adults, representatives of Ossetian society joined in. In 2007, the state Duma received a petition proposing that they draft a federal law on social support to victims of terrorist attacks. Larisa Habitsovaya, chairman of the North Ossetian parliament, signed the document. In the text of the appeal it was noted that North Ossetian authorities had received «numerous appeals from citizens affected by terrorist acts requesting assistance in treatments, the repair of domiciles, as well as the legal definition of their status and social support.» Meanwhile, the existing legal framework doe not address these issues. The law does not even define the status or a concept such as «victim of a terrorist act,» and there is no clear delineation of federal and local authority to assist victims of terrorism, nor is any compensation defined. The initiator of the appeal is Azamat Hadikov, deputy chairman of the North Ossetian parliament, and a native of Beslan. Hadikov said that the laws are flawed, and mainly defend the interests of the government: the military, intelligence and emergency services — those who are supposed to prevent attacks. In Article 21 of the law on combating terrorism, it clearly spells out compensation and procedures for payments to persons involved in the fight against terrorism, as well as to their relatives. With regard to ordinary citizens, however, it is a muddle. Following this appeal, Ossetian parliamentarians submitted a bill that, unfortunately, has yet to be considered by the Russian parliament. In September of She stated that «for victims of the Beslan tragedy, like all victims of terrorist acts on Russian territory, there is no such status as victim of terrorist attack, there is no right to impartial investigations of the attacks, no access to case materials, and no right to social assistance.» «We need a law on the status of victims of terrorist attacks,» continued Ella Kesayeva in her speech. «The law must be international. The State must comply and legally, morally and financially, provide for the victims. The law must be drafted and adopted by representatives of different countries with a requirement to comply with it and bear responsibility. The law must act from the moment one becomes a hostage.» The Ossetian spokeswoman read the statistics: «The state rid itself of the Beslan victims by providing 100,000 rubles to the families of the slain, 70 thousand for those seriously injured, 50 thousand for moderately injured, and 25 thousand for those who were lightly injured. People provided financial assistance to the Beslan victims, but this did not come from the state. There are 810 persons with wounds of varying severity. Seventeen children became orphans. More than 140 people, including 73 children, became disabled. Behind these figures lies the guilt of the state that fails to provide security and then, after an attack, steadfastly avoids providing social assistance to victims.» In September of 2009, Ossetian parliamentarians, headed by the representative from «We believe that protection of victims of terrorist acts must not be a In November of In December of that year, at a reporting and election assembly of human rights activists in According to Kesaeva, there are such laws are in almost all countries whose citizens have suffered at the hands of terrorists. Only the The assembly unanimously adopted the Ossetian mother’s proposal. The highest federal authority heard the voice of the Beslan mothers at last. In late 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Justice to develop a bill on compensation for victims of terrorist attacks. At the end of May of 2010, at a meeting with regional journalists, Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov said that, following the Beslan tragedy, senators together with North Ossetian legislators initiated the development of a draft law on assistance to victims of terrorist attacks. However, he said, «Right now the idea has not found support among several agencies.» Mironov explained that, in this case, «they do not reject the idea of creating the law, but simply refer to a variety of legal and ethical points, which complicates the resolution,» and that for now, «a comprehensive resolution has yet to be made.» Views: 4577 |
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