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author Ирина

Justice Ministry streamlines compensation
Written by Лента.ру   
Четверг, 28 Май 2009

Justice Ministry streamlines compensation of terrorist victims

1Medvedev's group working under the Ministry of Justice has prepared a draft law on compensation for victims of hostilities. This was reported on May 28th in the newspaper 'Gazeta' (GZT.RU).

Under the bill, Russian citizens who suffer during officially declared anti-terrorist operations throughout Russia would be entitled to compensation under a single law. Under this document, Chechens and Russians who are affected by a terrorist attack, such as what occurred at Dubrovka, may count on payments for the death of a relative or loss of health.
Thus far compensating victims of anti-terrorist operations has been carried out by separate orders from various governments, or court decisions.

For example, victims affected by the seizure of Dubrovka received compensation from the Moscow city government. Families of slain victims were paid 100 thousand rubles, and survivors received 50,000 rubles in primary compensation and 10,000 rubles for loss of property. Some of the victims afterwards went to courts, demanding increased compensation. These lawsuits were thrown out, because under the current law the government in such cases is generally not required to reimburse non-pecuniary ('moral') damages. In accordance with the law on combating terrorism, compensation for moral damage can only be demanded from the terrorists. In 2003, victims of 'Nord-Ost' appealed this decision to the European Court of Human Rights. Their claim was accepted for consideration, but at this time it still has not been reviewed.

Victims of special operations in Chechnya are compensated for moral damages by a decree on additional compensation payments, which was modified by Vladimir Putin in 2001. According to this document, Chechen victims of combat operations can rely on two thousand rubles, while bereaved families up to 20 thousand rubles.

According to the newspaper 'Vedomosti', in late 2008, President Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Justice Ministry to draft a uniform federal law on compensating victims of combat operations. The timeframe for the project to reach the president was set for June 1st, 2009. According to media reports, the commissioner for human rights in Chechnya, Nurdi Nukhazhiev, had asked that the situation with payments be resolved. The ombudsman had earlier appealed the issue to Health Minister Tatyana Golikova, but the minister could only recommend that the Chechens defend their rights in court.

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  Comments (1)
1. просьба о компенсационной выплате
Written by куан галина вячеславовна, on 15-09-2009 19:08
Мой муж, Куан Игорь Николаевич, погиб как мирный житель в
г. Грозный 02.01.1995 во время проведения боевых действий
от огнестрельного ранения, не совместимого с жизнью (св-во о смерти 1-ож № 445860 г. Грозный).
Согласно Указу Президента РФ от 05.09.1995г. за № 898 « О дополнительных компенсационных выплатах лицам, пострадавшим в результате разрешения кризиса в Чеченской республике» п.2, я должна была получить единовременную материальную помощь в 200-ти кратном размере минимальной оплаты труда, как вдова с двумя детьми за погибшего мужа, но до сих пор никаких выплат я не получила.
По поводу материальной помощи, я неоднократно обращалась в:
— Правительство РФ
-Президенту РФ
-Миграционную службу РФ
-Министерство соцобеспечения РФ

Прошу оказать содействие в получении единовременной материальной помощи или дать исчерпывающую информацию, где, когда и каким ведомством будет производиться выплата.

С уважением, Куан Галина Вячеславовна.


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