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Manifest of the Victims of Terrorism
Written by VII международный конгресс жертв терактов   
Четверг, 22 Сентябрь 2011

ImageTerrorism is a global phenomenon affecting all societies. It is never justified. Terrorist organizations will find their own way to commit crimes. They will use various methods of action. They will act against different objectives. But, whatever the chosen course of action, terrorism will always be an unjustified and unfair, cruel, abominable crime as it seeks to undermine the most elemental human rights of people and communities.

But whatever the course that terrorists choose to manifest themselves, its victims are the same. Regardless of the country, the socio-political situation, the motivation or criteria by which its victims are selected, they are all created equal: innocent human beings, by no fault of their own, and owing to what some may call fatal destiny, become victims of assassination, kidnapping, torture, extortion, blackmail and threats. They are violently altered by terrorist action. And victims are the whole society, a society that feels the never-ending threat and the risk of terrorist action, and are ultimately altered by the reality of their possibility any day, any hour.

Victims are those who suffer directly from the effects of this violence, those who lose their lives, their physical integrity, because of terrorist actions.

Victims are the families, friends, and partners of those who suffer the effect of a terrorist offense and share the pain and lose of dear ones. Victims are villages, cities; communities whose sense of sharing has been abruptly and violently altered by terrorist action. And Victims are the whole society that feels the never ending threat and the risk of terrorist action, and are ultimately altered by the reality of their possibility any day, any hour.

These are the reasons we who have suffered terrorism directly and intimately consider it necessary and legitimate to let our voices be heard: To claim peace, liberty, tolerance, and pluralism as personal values for each and every victim of world terrorism; to demand that terrorist organizations stop violent crimes which will ultimately prevent them from reaching their objectives; to ask for solidarity, assistance, aid, and the collective recall from Governments and societies with the objective of keeping the long list of names of those who have been victims of the terrorism madness at an ebb.
That is why today, we are all, as victims of different origin, united; to make our voices heard louder than the sounds of bullets and bombs, with the unbeatable strength of word and reason.

That is why:

 — First: We request of all Governments an active and constant commitment in the fight against terrorism, regardless of ideology, and an equally active and constant commitment to favoring victims of terrorism by promoting laws that are necessary to give victims an aid regimen, protection, and assistance, and also the social recognition of their status as victims of terrorism.

 — Second: We ask the international community establish, and consequently commit to, measures that promote harmony with internal legislations specifically regarding indemnification of terrorism victims. We request cooperation and harmony of prevention and repression policies to deplete terrorism finances. It is necessary to end the extradition procedures on terrorism and the immediate surrender of terrorists to their state where they have committed their crimes.

 — Third: We request from international organizations, especially United Nations and the European Union; the creation of specific committees made-up of terrorism victims where they can make themselves heard, have a permanent voice and offer their own criteria on proposals to fight terrorism; and also that international organizations create and maintain monetary budgets destined to assist terrorism victims on their state.

 — Fourth: We ask all international agreements about terrorism to be signed and ratified by the International Community. We request that Government leaders who have been declared authors, inductors, financiers, or accomplices to terrorism acts be immediately deprived of any semblance of immunity.

 — Fifth: We ask terrorist crimes to be considered as human rights violations by the International Community and included in the jurisdiction of the International Penal Court. In this sense, we ask to all Governments to promote and support the inclusion of terrorism into the crimes of the jurisdiction of the International Penal Court.

 — Sixth: We ask NGO’s and any other civil organizations defenders of human rights to commit themselves to terrorist victims’ defense and identify terrorism, regardless of the cause, without establishing equidistance or any confusion between victims and actors.

 — Seventh: We request from the media a permanent commitment in the fight against terrorism; we ask that they avoid statements of false neutrality and that they respect their obligation of being objective at all costs, showing the reality of crimes that can never be justified, ignored, misrepresented or distorted, hiding cruelty through word games.

 — Eighth: We ask civil society to maintain and strengthen its compromise and solidarity with terrorism victims and make their voice be heard on the streets before any terrorist actions with decision and courage showing criminals the rejection and showing all victims affection and comprehension.

We terrorism victims do not want revenge. We terrorism victims only want to prevent future generations to live through what we sadly experienced directly or indirectly — so many converted suddenly, violently and unexpectedly into victims by the cruelty of criminals.

We are convinced that by joining our efforts, Government leaders and anonymous citizens, we can work with our effort to avoid perpetuating pain and give life to hope for a better world.

Madrid, Spain, 2004
Bogotá, Colombia, 2005
Valencia, Spain, 2006
Madrid, Spain, 2008
Medellín, Colombia, 2009
Salamanca, Spain, 2010
Paris, France, 2011

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