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Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina |
 Äåíü ïàìÿòè Óæå 22 ãîäà ïîäðÿä â ýòîò äåíü ÿ âêëþ÷àþ ïåñíþ rammstein Nebel, îíà àññîöèèðóåòñÿ ñ òîáîé. À 10 ëåò íàçàä ÿ ïðî÷èòàë ïåð... |
12/12/24 23:18 more... |
author Àíîíèì |
Ustinovskaya, Yekaterina |
Óæå 22 ãîäà... |
24/10/24 13:38 more... |
author Àíîíèì |
Kurbatova, Christina |
Äåòêè Ìèëûå, õîðîøèå íàøè äåòêè!!! Òàê ïðîñòî íå äîëæíî áûòü, ýòî áîëüíî, ýòî íå÷åñòíî, ýòî óæàñíî. |
30/06/24 01:30 more... |
author Îëüãà |
Grishin, Alexey |
Ïàìÿòè Àëåêñåÿ Äìèòðèåâè÷à Ãðèøèíà Ñâåòëàÿ ïàìÿòü ïðåêðàñíîìó ÷åëîâåêó! Ìû ðàáîòàëè â ÃÌÏÑ, òîãäà îí áûë ìîëîäûì íà÷àëüíèêîì îòäåëà ìåòàëëîâ, ïîäàþùèì áîëü... |
14/11/23 18:27 more... |
author Áîíäàðåâà Þëèÿ |
Panteleev, Denis |
Âîò óæå è 21 ãîä , à áóäòî êàê â÷åðà !!!! |
26/10/23 12:11 more... |
author Èðèíà |
MHG Report on Human Rights in Russia, 2002 |
Written by Ìîñêîâñêàÿ Õåëüñèíêñêàÿ ãðóïïà | ||||||||
Ïÿòíèöà, 24 ßíâàðü 2003 | ||||||||
The Actions of the Authorities On October 23rd, 2002, several dozen terrorists seized the Dubrovka theatrical center in A number of public and political figures attempted to negotiate with the terrorists, and 98 hostages — mainly women, children, and foreigners — were released. On the morning of October 26th, special units of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) carried out an assault on the building, using a special chemical substance (gas). According to official data, 129 hostages perished (five at the hands of the terrorists), and all hostages were accounted for1. All 41 terrorists were killed. Two hundred special operations soldiers from the FSB anti-terrorism group took part in the assault, and none of these were seriously injured. In spite of the loss of a significant number of hostages, the Russian authorities characterized the operation as a success, calling the losses inevitable, and brushing off all doubts about the effectiveness of the special operations group and other government agencies. The Russian interior minister, Boris Gryzlov, stated that the operation was «coordinated and effective.» Soon after the assault, Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Vasilev declared the following: «There was information that many died from the effects of the special substance used in the operation. This is not so.» As proof of this, Mr. Vasilev reported that of the 104 victims who had been admitted to War Veteran's Hospital #1, not one had been diagnosed as being «poisoned». FSB director Nikolai Patrushev spoke at length about the «coordinated and Against the background of these statements, the Russian media has also circulated information that makes it difficult to doubt that the operation was anything but well planned and coordinated, as well as beyond reproach. The assertion that the gas had in no way caused the deaths of a large number of hostages, however, now appears to be completely false. By October 27th, the chief physician of It is interesting that, even before the operation was carried out, on October 24th (2 days before the assault), the former head of the KGB's 3rd Directorate (military counter-intelligence), Vice Admiral Aleksandr Zhardetskiy, in an interview with Interfax stated that if gas were used on children, as well as those with chronic diseases of the respiratory or cardiac and circulatory systems, then it would practically be a death sentence. It would seem that if a retired employee of the security services had this information, then members of the operational headquarters had no reason to be surprised by the condition of the hostages. In this situation, the numerous errors made in evacuating and providing first aid to the rescued hostages is inexplicable. After studying interviews with a number of soldiers from the special operations group, and physicians from the Emergency and Disaster Relief Ministry, we have established the following: Special operations soldiers received no first aid training, especially with regards to positioning people under the influence of the «special gas». A number of hostages died after being carried from the building and placed flat on their backs, instead of on their sides. This led to suffocation. Following the completion of the military operation, rescue workers were not allowed to participate in the evacuation of the hostages and, as a result, the operation was carried out much more slowly and less competently than it could have been performed. Rescue workers, in turn, were not warned about the use of the gas, and did not have on hand the equipment and medications needed to provide first aid. The same can be stated about the emergency physicians on duty at the theatrical center during the hostage rescue operation, especially with regards to the Even the participants in the assault did not receive important information and equipment. Some soldiers from SOBR MVD (interior ministry special operations group) found themselves overcome by the gas (though to much less an extent than the hostages), when they entered the theater hall. Some physicians assert that a significant number of hostages were lost due to an insufficient number of medical vehicles, and that the transport of most hostages took place in everyday city buses, which did not allow for rendering aid to patients en route. Others stated that there were enough ambulances, but that «the traffic was difficult — many various and sundry vehicles got in they way, and blocked one another.» There were errors as well in the organization and sorting of victims by the gravity of their condition (triage). Some of the living were transported with corpses, and Nevertheless, at the official level there is neither criticism nor a call to find out the reasons for the errors and lack of coordination between the various agencies. Moreover, the authorities do not find it necessary to conduct an open investigation of the events with public participation. For its part, the Russian parliament voted against a motion by the SPS party to conduct an official investigation. The SPS, after receiving the consent of the Russian president, conducted its own investigation anyway. Since the inquiry did not carry an official status, the SPS was unable to subpoena all necessary officials. Nevertheless, the commission's findings concerning the medical rescue operation as a whole agree with the situation described above. With respect to the special operations soldiers, the commission was extremely complementary. From the commission's point of view, fault lay with the ministries and departments responsible for «social and medical aid to citizens5.» We cannot but agree that government agencies must be ready to deal with the effects of terrorist attacks, but in this specific case it is obvious that one of the basic reasons for the loss of life was due to a lack of coordination between the military and civilian agencies, specifically because the military did not share information necessary for organizing adequate first aid to the victims. In any event, despite the disconcerting findings of the commission, the authorities have continued to overestimate the success of the hostage rescue operation. It cannot be because they were unaware of the commission's findings: on November 14th, 2002, Vladimir Putin met with SPS leader Boris Nemtsov and received a summation of the investigation. In reply, the president stated: «What you have said is very close that what I already know6.» The above leads us to believe that the operation had but one goal — the destruction of the terrorists and prevention of an explosion. Therefore, in spite of the government's statements about the priority of rescuing the hostages, in reality their safety was a secondary consideration7. Without attempting to make recommendations as to how to effectively combat terrorism, we are still forced to state that during the course of the terrorist attack in Knowing that many operational errors have come to light thanks to the work of the media, which continuously reported on the events, and through statements by many official and Being incapable of preventing a large terrorist attack in the center of the capital, the law enforcement agencies in One of the most scandalous cases was the arrest of Yaha Neserhaeva, a It is also necessary to mention the arbitrary detention of Alihan Gelagoev, which took place on October 25th, a day before the assault on the theatrical center. According to his testimony, while in the police car after his arrest, Alihan had a bag thrown over his head and he was beaten savagely. During this time they shouted at him: «You hate us, and we hate you! We'll destroy you!» At the central police station in According to data from the Russian polling agency VTsIOM, 30% of Russians believe that «the expulsion of Chechens from 1 There is information that there is an alternative official list that shows that more than 70 victims disappeared without a trace. In this case the authorities have not ventured to clear up the situation, and have limited their replies to the official data. Views: 9395 |
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