A play about the terrorist capture of the Moscow theater goes onstage in Omsk [Video of the rehearsal] There is a minimum of decoration: just three red chairs, their backs resembling the contour of a man-shaped target. There are three women in black, three widows whose lives fate entwined on October 23rd, 2002: Zura, the terrorist; Olga, the accountant; and Tamara, the physician. “I’ve been to this show eight times. Before this, I had never been to the theater, and I even cried while watching this show.” One gets goose bumps from the recollections of ‘black widow’ Zura, who was at Dubrovka with the captors during a performance of ‘Nord-Ost’ in 2002. Each of the women has her pain, her grief, and her confession — a confession that leaves none of us indifferent. Their stories force us to relive over and over the days when almost the entire country sat frozen by their televisions and radios in anticipation of the ending of the Dubrovka drama. ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ correspondents visited Omsk’s ‘Fifth Theater’ during the rehearsal of the premiere of ‘Nord-Ost: Fragments of memory’, based on the play by German dramatist Torsten Buchsteiner. “I found the play interesting, because of the heroines’ characters,” said actor and director Yevgeny Fomintsev. ‘KP’: Are you not afraid that there will be people who will accuse you of fomenting ethnic hatred? Or those who will say: “Why dig up events from almost a decade ago?” “I’m not afraid. We’re not going to answer the question of who’s to blame in the play. We’re just telling about people’s lives.” ‘KP’: Are the heroines of the play real, or composite? “As far as I know, each of the characters has a real prototype, but the most important thing is, perhaps, not even that — there is such powerful energy in the dialogue. It is so piercing that it erases the years and causes us to relive the events of those days all over again.” WHERE TO SEE THE PLAY: Fifth Theatre January 21 at 18.30 January 22 at 18.00 Krasniy Put #153 (Bus stop: Starozagorodnaya Grove or Palace of Art) Ticket price: 150 rubles Telephone: (3812) 24-25-80 Cast: Mary Dolganeva, Larissa Antipova, and Alexandra Urdukhanova. Running time: 1 hour 15 minutes (without intermission) Info: In October 2010, ‘Nord-Ost’ was submitted as a sketch show to the Laboratory of Modern Drama and Directing. Directorial work was by ‘Fifth Theater’ actor Yevgeny Fomintsev caused so much interest in visiting theater critics that they proposed including it in the theater repertoire. “The director has managed to achieve a rare combination: the setting appeals to the public, while at the same time demonstrating an interest in the fate of specific people.” — Moscow drama critic Olga Galakhova. In ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’ Views: 5752 | E-mail
1. «Норд-Ост» сняли с репертуара? Written by Елена Завьялова , on 08-03-2011 07:25 Jan. 26th, 2011 at 4:11 PM Прочитала сегодня в «Коммерческих вестях», что спектакль «Норд-Ост» в «Пятом театре» («скорее всего») будет снят с репертуара. Было всего два показа – 21 и 22 января (если не считать эскизный Лаборатории современной драматургии и режиссуры). На одном из них был местный министр культуры и, как написали в недоСМИ «Омск-Информ», остался в шоке. Заметка про шокированного министра: http://www.omskinform.ru/main.php?id=1&nid=35625 В февральской афише на сайте театра спектакля нет: http://www.omsknet.ru/5ththeatre/ В напечатанной афише, которую я взяла перед спектаклем 22 января, «Норд-Ост» стоял на 17 февраля, 18:00. В репертуаре на сайте не значится.
Народ, мы можем лишиться полезного и годного спектакля!
Что нашлось на сайте: Т. Бухштайнер НОРД-ОСТ: ОСКОЛКИ ПАМЯТИ Премьера намечена на 21 января 2010 г. Трагедия
Режиссёр-постановщик — Евгений Фоминцев Cценография и костюмы — Лариса Бараускене Музыкальное оформление — Евгений Фоминцев Спектакль ведет — Игорь Волков
«В основе пьесы лежат реальные события. Даже если действие и диалоги невозможно детально проверить, все максимально приближено к результатам журналистского расследования и могло бы происходить именно так. В среду 23 октября 2002 года в 21:05 сорок два чеченца захватывают здание Театра на Дубровке в Москве. Они прерывают действие мюзикла „Норд-Ост“ и берут в заложники восемьсот пятьдесят человек. Их требования: полный вывод русских войск из Чечни. Захват длится пятьдесят семь часов, погибают сто семьдесят человек». Торстен Бухштайнер, «Норд-Ост»
Действующие лица Зура Заслуженный деятель культуры Омской области Мария Долганева
Тамара Лариса Антипова
Ольга Александра Урдуханова
СМИ о спектакле: Немец написал о трагических событиях в России…" Татьяна Попова, «Вечерний Омск» «Норд-Ост: осколки памяти». Светлана Кычанова, «Комсомольская правда»
Did they remove 'Nord-Ost' from the repertoire?
By Elena Zavialova in ‘Live Journal’ January 26th, 2011 at 4:11 PM
I read today in Kommerchesky Vesti that the play Nord-Ost will (most likely) be removed from the Fifth Theater repertoire. There were only two shows: on January 21st and 22nd (not counting the sketch by the Laboratory for Modern Drama and Directing). At one of the shows was a local cultural minister and, as they reported at Omsk-Inform, he was shocked. A note about the shocked minister is here:
The February schedule of performances on the theater’s website no longer shows Nord-Ost listed: http://www.omsknet.ru/5ththeatre/
A printed poster that I took just before the January 22nd show shows Nord-Ost was scheduled for February 17th at 6 pm.
But it does not appear in the repertoire on the website.
Folks, we could lose this valuable and appropriate show!
What I found on the website:
T. Buchsteiner NORD-OST: FRAGMENTS OF MEMORY Premiere scheduled for January 21st, 2010 A tragedy Director-producer: Yevgeny Fomintsev Scenery and costume: Larissa Barauskene Musical arrangement: Yevgeny Fomintsev Performance director: Igor Volkov “At the heart of the play are real events. Even if the action and dialogue are impossible to thoroughly verify, everything is as close possible to the findings of the journalistic investigation and could have happened like this. On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2002, at 9:05 pm, forty-two Chechens seized the theater building on Dubrovka in Moscow. They interrupted a performance of the musical ‘Nord-Ost’ and took 850 people hostage. Their demand was the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. The capture lasted fifty-seven hours, and 170 were killed.” Torsten Buchsteiner, ‘Nord-Ost’
Performers Zura: Honored cultural worker from the Omsk region, Maria Dolganeva Tamara: Larissa Antipova Olga: Alexander Urdukhanova
Articles in the media about the play: A German has written about the tragic events in Russia, Tatiana Popova in ‘Vecherniy Omsk’ ‘Nord-Ost’: fragments of memory. Svetlana Kichanova in ‘Komsomolskaya Pravda’
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