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Speech of the permanent representative of Russia to the OSCE permanent council
Written by А.Н. Бородавкин   
Четверг, 20 Сентябрь 2007

By A. N. Borodavkin

Mister chairman,

The inter-regional public organization “Russian-Chechen Friendship Organization” was dissolved on October 13th, 2006, after the court in Nizhny Novgorod found it guilty of activities openly encouraging terrorism. The Russian Supreme Court affirmed this decision in January of 2007.

In accordance with Point 16, Subpart IV of the 1992 Helsinki Document, organizations and persons who openly encourage terrorism cannot be permitted into OSCE events or take part in their activities. After 1992 this rule has been reflected many times in many OSCE documents. It was affirmed by last week’s Council Resolution #803, concerning modalities of conducting this high-level meeting on victims of terrorism.

It is on this same basis, as we understand it, that the Spanish representatives adopted our request to prevent the aforementioned NGO and its representatives from taking part in this important event, since they are persons who encourage terrorism.

We are in solidarity with the Spanish representatives in that this measure is not something new in OSCE practice. It has been used by Norway (1999), Austria (2000), Rumania (2001), The Netherlands (2003), and Bulgaria (2004) with regards to Kurdish, Chechen, and Uzbek extremists based in Vienna, Brussels, Warsaw, and Krakow.

Mister Chairman,

Russia is for the partnership of governments and public organizations. We support the participation of NGOs in the OSCE’s work and consider it to be useful.

Unfortunately, one must note that there have been a number of cases of NGOs using for political goals prejudiced criticism against a host of governments. We know how the human rights council selected certain NGOs to participate in this high-level meeting on victims of terrorism. I did not misspeak: it selected, paid for, and even gave them instructions for their speeches. Such participation by an NGO is not independent, but contracted. It summons serious concern and outrage.

For this reason, we are against an “open-door policy” with regards to allowing NGOs indiscriminately into OSCE events. NGOs must adhere to criteria specified in OSCE documents. Russia at this time is working on initiatives in this regard and intends to introduce them for study by government participants. The presence of clear criteria for the participation of NGOs is normal practice in many inter-governmental organizations, including the UN, and this practice should be adopted by the OSCE.

Mister chairman,

We were surprised by the speech of the US delegation regarding the so-called “Russian-Chechen Friendship Organization”. It is strange that this nation, whose citizens know all too well what terrorism is, has decided to support an NGO that encourages this evil. It is doubly strange that not a single non-governmental organization from this country took part in this high-level meeting on victims of terrorism.

Do American victims of terrorism really have nothing to say? I do not think so. More likely there was a behind the scenes agreement: which NGOs from which countries would be invited to the meeting, even paying for their participation, and which would not “cause alarm”.

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  Comments (2)
1. Всезнающий Бородавкин
Written by Светлана Губарева website, on 23-09-2007 21:21
«…Мы знаем, как БДИПЧ подобрал определенные НПО для участия во Встрече высокого уровня по жертвам терроризма. Я не оговорился: именно подобрал, оплатил и даже дал инструкции к выступлениям…»
Поскольку НПО «Общество российско-чеченской дружбы» к участию в конференции не допустили, то это «камень» в наш огород — нордостовцев, волгодонцев, бесланцев. Неужели власть держащие до сих пор не понимают, что именно их безразличие к судьбам тысяч людей вынуждает нас говорить об этом на международном уровне? И каждое наше слово подтверждается документом, российским документом, а вовсе не чьими-либо инструкциями.
Для сведения — участие в конференции было оплачено 12 неправительственным организациям из разных стран мира, а не только россиянам.
Written by Ирина Халай, on 23-09-2007 23:34
Интересно было бы спросить у г. Бородавкина, почему он не говорит, что были приглашены на эту конференцию пострадавшие от терактов России. К тому же до 24 августа 2007г. никто из ОБСЕ ничего не знал о существовании такой организации, как региональная общественная организация содействия защитеправ пострадавших от теракта «Волга -Дон» — так что «подобрать» ее никак не могли.
Г. Бородакин обеспокоен тем, что на этой встрече не было американских организаций. Лучше бы про своих пострадавших думали — в Америке в полном объеме все возместили жертвам терактов, а у нас делают вид, что нет никаких проблем. Интересно, что ответит г. Алешина когда мы ей с ее докладом пошлем обращение с просьбой сообщить, кому конкретно оказывалась реабилитация, о которой она рассказывала в своем докладе.

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