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The anniversary of the liberation of Dubrovka
Written by Ася Гойзман, Алевтина Полякова, Вячеслав Харитонов   
Понедельник, 26 Октябрь 2009
1Last evening there was the premiere of a new musical in the Dubrovka theatrical center. Under a poster with the optimistic message of «I Choose Life», relatives of the victims were preparing to mourn the tragic events. It was still an hour before the start, when the first participant in the events arrived: Leonid Roshal. Standing silently before a plaque with the names of the victims of the terrorist attack, the doctor laid flowers, and, without saying a word, he walked away. Of those who 7 years ago sat in the headquarters and made the decisions, not a one appeared.
Tatyana Karpova, co-chairman of the Nord-Ost public organization: «We just wanted somebody, sometime or another during these 7 years, to have just looked us in the eye and explained what happened back then. Why did we lose so many people so stupidly, so ignorantly, and so carelessly?»
Tatiana Karpova's son did not die during the assault, but 7 hours afterwards, on a bus, which never reached the hospital. Most of the hostages died from the fact that they were never given medical assistance. They told Alexei Mitin that his son was still alive, and that he just had to take a good look for him in the capital's hospitals.
Alexei Mitin, father of Maksim who perished (at Dubrovka): «It was only with the help of his friends, fellow students, that they found him. He was in the morgue at Lefortovo, in a pile of militants. I understand that somehow they counted him among the gunmen.»
After burying their loved ones, relatives initially demanded the punishment of those responsible, and then decent compensation. They did this in the Russian courts, and now at Strasbourg.
Today is a holiday for Olga Chernykh. The anniversary of the assault is the second birthday of the former hostage. She still carries with her the image of her savior.
Olga Chernykh, former hostage:
«This is an icon of Our Lady of the Novice. Of course, our main desire was to survive.»
But back then, in the auditorium, Olga was not just praying. She was the first to report the hostage situation, and she supplied our secret services with important intelligence.
Olga Chernykh, former hostage:
«My husband and I, honestly, we sat and counted grenades, who had weapons, how many people and all that. We passed this on during the first.»
Olga does not attend the memorial services. She admits that she does not want to think about what happened, but lives for today. For Svetlana Gubareva, however, the memory of Nord-Ost is the meaning of her life. She survived, though her daughter and fiancé did not. Today Svetlana collects material for a book about each of the one hundred and thirty who died there.
Svetlana Gubareva, former hostage and mother of the deceased Alexandra Letyago: «A person still lives while they still remember him — this is a classic truth, and yet another classic truth is that books outlive people. I will die, but afterwards this book will remain, and so Sasha and Sandy will forever be remembered as long as there are books in this country.»
The book is almost complete, and will soon be published. The Strasbourg Court is also being held, and this means that there will be compensation. But it seems that the questions, which for 7 years have tormented the victims' families, will forever remain unanswered.
From ‘Ren-TV’

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Written by Ольга БОБРОВА website, on 31-10-2009 16:03
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Колючие лапы Кремля

Еще в начале ноября Российская общественная организация «Норд-Ост» обратилась с просьбой к администрации президента. Просили всего-навсего билеты на Кремлевскую елку. Дети, потерявшие своих родителей при теракте, живут теперь с опекунами, в семьях «из разряда крайне нуждающихся». Эти дети не смогут пойти даже на самую простенькую елку в ДК.

Письмо и список детей передали лично сотруднице администрации президента Елене Леонтьевой. Больше месяца от чиновников не было никаких известий. Пока, наконец, на прошлой неделе не раздался звонок из администрации. Письмо от РОО «Норд-Ост» наконец достигло своего адресата.

Татьяне Карповой, сопредседателю РОО «Норд-Ост», позвонил Владимир Триус, тоже сотрудник администрации. Он с ходу ошарашил Карпову известием о том, что норд-остовцы не собрали еще и половины документов, позволяющих детям посетить кремлевскую елку. Оказывается, для этого нужно предоставить имена, фамилии и даты рождения не только самих детей, но также их опекунов, классных руководителей и директоров школ, где ребята учатся. И еще нужно получить заключение врача о том, что у ребенка нет противопоказаний для посещения елки.

Несколько дней норд-остовцы приходили в себя, а потом подошли к театральной кассе и спросили, какие нужны документы, чтобы купить билеты на кремлевскую елку. Оказалось, что никаких не нужно. Снова позвонили в администрацию и попросили Триуса. Но теперь выяснилось, что такой человек не работает в администрации президента. Елена Леонтьева, которая лично принимала документы еще в ноябре, обещала разобраться в вопросе. И посетовала на то, что слишком мало времени осталось до Нового года. Могут не успеть.

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