Village church refused to funeral ceremony for a 'Nord-Ost' hostage On December 31st (sic: October 31st, 2002), in the city of Zhukovsky, a funeral ceremony for resident Dmitry Lavrov took place. Lavrov was a hostage in the theatrical center who was slain during the crisis. On ZhukCity.Ru, the city information resource network, friends of the victim recounted how the family had gathered to conduct the funeral for the deceased in the Church of the Icon of the Holy Mother in the village of Bykovo, where Dmitry once had been married. Father Vitaly of the church refused to do the funeral ritual for the family, asserting that the man had been killed while visiting a “demonic activity.” At the Church of Saint Panteleimon, however, Abbot Nikolai Strukov raised no objection to the circumstances of the man’s death, and the body of the deceased was committed to rest according to church canons. This information was first published on the Regions.Ru website with a link to ZhukCity.Ru. By the evening of November 1st, Izvestiya.Ru was clarifying the circumstances of the incident. “At this time the church has identified several parishioners who were witnesses to the conversation,” according to church treasurer Yekaterina Strunina. “Father Vitaly Kustov is a young priest, and has only been vested for a year.” When the priest learned that the deceased was at a concert that was seized by terrorists, he said such visits were not holy activities, and because of this Dmitry’s death could not be considered an Orthodox death. “How am I supposed to conduct a ceremony for such a man?” Father Vitaly asked the relatives, putting it very bluntly. The relatives silently turned and left. “The whole problem is out of my hands,” Father Kustov told ‘Izvestiya’. “I can’t perform a funeral for someone who is not Orthodox. It would be meaningless. I asked the relatives if the deceased believed in God, and they had to think about it. It’s a very simply question, and doesn’t require any thought. So I concluded that the deceased was not a believer. As far as how I communicated with these people, the Bible says that to bring people into church, some you must love, while others you must make fear.” According to the reports in the newspaper ‘Kommersant’, burials of the slain hostages in Moscow have also not been without challenges. The body of Maxim Mitin, a student at Moscow Military University, was finally interred at the Miussky cemetery two days ago. For four days following the assault on the theater building on Melnikov Street, his body had been missing, and was found at the Lefortovo morgue, where it had been mistakenly put among the bodies of the terrorists. According to RIA ‘Novosti’, the funeral of Tula resident Dmitry Chernykh, who also died in the terrorist attack, took place today. Besides his relatives, complete strangers came to his funeral: for Tula residents Chernykh has come to symbolize the victims of the Moscow terrorist attack. Dmitry Chernykh was technical director for the Tula firm MP Gran, and on that day he was on a business trip in Moscow. He had gone to the theatrical center, where the company rented space. When the terrorists seized hostages, he was still inside the theater, and his relatives knew nothing of his for 5 days. His wife found out only when she viewed slides that were made during the hostage rescue operation, and it became clear that he was no longer alive. Address: November 27th, 2002
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1. Written by йуегщ, on 13-05-2007 18:43 почемуже досих пор этот человек продолжает работать священиком?Ведь ранее он привлекался по делу об убийстве.
2. В сельской церкви отказались отпевать за Written by Victor, on 02-01-2010 09:34 Давно считаю, что РПЦ это – организация, не имеющая ничего общего ни с верой в Бога, ни тем более с Христианством. Это тоталитарная секта, которой управляют такие же мусора, как евсюков, пронин, лилипутин, лямин, жиров и т. д. У них погоны фсб-эшные из-под рясы торчат. Законченные подонки! Виктор, Москва
3. Written by Екатерина, on 29-10-2010 21:10 Таких «отцов» надо лишать сана! «Божий человек»! «Слуга Господа»! В Библии есть слова «Не суди да не судим будешь» и кому как не «отцу» это знать! Извините ради Бога. Эмоции.
4. отпевание Written by Алена Михайлова, on 01-11-2010 15:36 У нас в калининграде мне на похоронах друзья мужа сказали. что его « заочно отпевали». Я спросила, как это возможно, если Максим не был крещенным. На что мне батюшка сказал, что в случае «невинно убиенный, да еще и мученической смертью», то можно. Помню, что тогда это известие мне было как бальзам на душу, потому что в те страшные дни и много лет позже ходила с вопросами: «за что это с нами, как воспринимать-наказание или благо?» Мне сказали, что судьба, что жизнь возможна и после смерти …" Чуть- чуть стало легче…Свечи и службу заказываю постоянно. Накануне последней годовщины мне в храме женщина подарила икону, узнав. что службу заказала по всем погибшим в «норд- осте». Просто есть Люди, а есть "чиновники "от Бога
5. Written by Евгений, on 15-03-2012 00:26 Слава Богу, что остались настоящие священосужители, готовые всегда отстаивать Веру Православную, а не человеческое мнение. Дай Бог Отцу Виталию многая лета!
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