President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly arrived in Volgograd to hold a meeting on the fight against terrorism, reports Interfax. Putin declared: «Whatever could have motivated these criminals' actions, there is no justification for crimes against civilians, especially women and children.» He drew attention to the fact that «Russian security forces in carrying out operations do everything to ensure the safety of civilians, especially that of women and children… While here — it is the opposite,» said the president. *** Vladimir Putin tried to somehow mitigate the awkwardness of the situation with the terrorist attacks in Volgograd. He was expected to make an announcement of mourning, if not about that, then a clear appeal to people with words of encouragement and some plan of action. As a result, for the new year he went to visit flooded Khabarovsk with a sudden stop in Volgograd on New Year's Eve to show that our officials are not just sitting under their Christmas trees, but fighting with the enemy even on the most important holiday. But first with the two New Year's addresses, the President in Volgograd came up with something quite difficult! It is not good to start the New Year with lies, and Putin began his with such a cynical deception that words cannot describe. Because as soon as Putin said during that during operations the troops primarily think about saving civilians, women and children, millions of people immediately thought of Beslan and 'Nord-Ost', when people were gassed and when children died not only from the militants' bombs, but also from shelling by the army. Back then, the authorities' own pride was more important than the lives of hundreds of people. Instead of an examination of all the circumstances of the events, there was a fake investigation. Instead of punishing the perpetrators, they were rewarded. For our government, human life has never held any value. Human life has never been placed above the abstract prestige of a state that believes that trying to rescue hostages shows weakness, while killing them all together with the militants demonstrates strength. And what is no less remarkable is that Putin even tries to contrast the bandits with the guardians of law and order. He proudly says that, unlike the rebels, our troops do everything to save people's lives. But, after all, it must be so! It is natural! Because bandits are bandits; they should be vicious, ruthless, and vile. While the police, the army and the security agencies have to protect the people by all means and with minimal losses of civilians. Putin puts it like this, as if here there were possible options, which, as life has shown, were really possible. The Beslan and 'Nord-Ost' people will not allow the lie. On Radio 'Echo of Moscow', January 1st, 2014 Views: 5779 | E-mail
1. ИТОГИ ГОДА. СПЕЦСЛУЖБЫ Written by Андрей Солдатов, Ирина Бороган , on 08-01-2014 19:27 ФСБ продолжает для президента оставаться спецслужбой, которую нельзя подвергать критике. За теракты в Волгограде накануне Нового года, унесшие десятки жизней, никто из высшего руководства ФСБ не был наказан, точно так же, как не было ни одной серьезной отставки после захвата заложников в театральном центре на Дубровке и трагедии в Беслане. Хотя видео Павла Печенкина, подорвавшегося на вокзале, где он ясно заявляет о своем намерении совершить нечто подобное, с марта 2012 года находилось с открытом доступе в Сети, это не помогло предотвратить теракт. Спецслужбы знали, что он влился в ряды дагестанского «подполья» и собирается совершить теракт, но ничего не смогли сделать. Накануне Олимпийских игр в Сочи это выглядит особенно тревожно.
[URL=http://]"Ежедневный журнал"[/URL] от 08.01.14 г.
2. Интервью Путина Written by Борис Вишневский , on 08-06-2015 22:18 В интервью итальянской газете «Коррьере делла Сера» Владимир Путин заявил, что Господь так выстроил его жизнь, что ему не о чем сожалеть, и в его прошлом нет таких ошибок, которые он хотел бы исправить.
Вот кто, оказывается, отвечает за вторую чеченскую войну с десятками тысяч жертв, за гибель заложников в «Норд-Осте» и за штурм школы в Беслане, за войну с Грузией и интервенцию на востоке Украины, за политику, вызвавшую экономический кризис, падение рубля и снижение уровня жизни российских граждан – высшие силы! Все вопросы и претензии, если что – к ним…
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